firebase_messaging 0.0.1 copy "firebase_messaging: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
firebase_messaging: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

Firebase Cloud Messaging plugin for Flutter applications.

Firebase Cloud Messaging for Flutter #

Build Status

WARNING: This is incomplete and experimental.

This plugin allows Flutter apps to interact with the Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) API from Dart code.

With this plugin, your Flutter app can receive and process push notifications as well as data messages on Android and iOS. Read Firebase's About FCM Messages to learn more about the differences between notification messages and data messages.

Not all features of the API are implemented in the plugin yet. If something is missing feel free to send a pull request or file an issue.

Getting Started #

Check out the example directory for a sample app that uses this plugin. To learn more about Flutter plugins in general, view our online documentation.

TODO(goderbauer): Add Step-by-step instructions for integrating the plugin into an app.

Receiving Messages #

Messages are sent to your Flutter app via the onMessage, onLaunch, and onResume callbacks that you configured with the plugin during setup. Here is how different message types are delivered on the supported platforms:

App in Foreground App in Background App Terminated
Notification on Android onMessage Notification is delivered to system tray. When the user clicks on it to open app onResume fires if click_action: FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK is set (see below). Notification is delivered to system tray. When the user clicks on it to open app onLaunch fires if click_action: FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK is set (see below).
Notification on iOS onMessage Notification is delivered to system tray. When the user clicks on it to open app onResume fires. Notification is delivered to system tray. When the user clicks on it to open app onLaunch fires.
Data Message on Android onMessage onMessage while app stays in the background. not supported by plugin, message is lost
Data Message on iOS onMessage Message is stored by FCM and delivered to app via onMessage when the app is brought back to foreground. Message is stored by FCM and delivered to app via onMessage when the app is brought back to foreground.

Additional reading: Firebase's About FCM Messages.

Sending Messages #

Refer to the Firebase documentation about FCM for all the details about sending messages to your app. When sending a notification message to an Android device, you need to make sure to set the click_action property of the message to FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK. Otherwise the plugin will be unable to deliver the notification to your app when the users clicks on it in the system tray.

For testing purposes, the simplest way to send a notification is via the Firebase Console. Make sure to include click_action: FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK as a "Custom data" key-value-pair (under "Advanced options") when targeting an Android device. The Firebase Console does not support sending data messages.

Alternatively, a notification or data message can be sent from a terminal:

DATA='{"notification": {"click_action": "FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK", "body": "this is a body","title": "this is a title"}, "priority": "high", "data": {"id": "1", "status": "done"}, "to": "<FCM TOKEN>"}'
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST -d "$DATA" -H "Authorization: key=<FCM SERVER KEY>"

Remove the notification property in DATA to send a data message.

pub points



Firebase Cloud Messaging plugin for Flutter applications.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, meta, platform


Packages that depend on firebase_messaging