- @Deprecated('This kind of syntactic equality is rarely useful')
getter/setter pair
@Deprecated('This kind of syntactic equality is rarely useful')
static Comparator<ImportDirective> COMPARATOR =
(ImportDirective import1, ImportDirective import2) {
// uri
StringLiteral uri1 = import1.uri;
StringLiteral uri2 = import2.uri;
String? uriStr1 = uri1.stringValue;
String? uriStr2 = uri2.stringValue;
if (uriStr1 != null || uriStr2 != null) {
if (uriStr1 == null) {
return -1;
} else if (uriStr2 == null) {
return 1;
} else {
int compare = uriStr1.compareTo(uriStr2);
if (compare != 0) {
return compare;
// as
SimpleIdentifier? prefix1 = import1.prefix;
SimpleIdentifier? prefix2 = import2.prefix;
String? prefixStr1 = prefix1?.name;
String? prefixStr2 = prefix2?.name;
if (prefixStr1 != null || prefixStr2 != null) {
if (prefixStr1 == null) {
return -1;
} else if (prefixStr2 == null) {
return 1;
} else {
int compare = prefixStr1.compareTo(prefixStr2);
if (compare != 0) {
return compare;
// hides and shows
NodeList<Combinator> combinators1 = import1.combinators;
List<String> allHides1 = <String>[];
List<String> allShows1 = <String>[];
int length1 = combinators1.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length1; i++) {
Combinator combinator = combinators1[i];
if (combinator is HideCombinator) {
NodeList<SimpleIdentifier> hides = combinator.hiddenNames;
int hideLength = hides.length;
for (int j = 0; j < hideLength; j++) {
SimpleIdentifier simpleIdentifier = hides[j];
} else {
NodeList<SimpleIdentifier> shows =
(combinator as ShowCombinator).shownNames;
int showLength = shows.length;
for (int j = 0; j < showLength; j++) {
SimpleIdentifier simpleIdentifier = shows[j];
NodeList<Combinator> combinators2 = import2.combinators;
List<String> allHides2 = <String>[];
List<String> allShows2 = <String>[];
int length2 = combinators2.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length2; i++) {
Combinator combinator = combinators2[i];
if (combinator is HideCombinator) {
NodeList<SimpleIdentifier> hides = combinator.hiddenNames;
int hideLength = hides.length;
for (int j = 0; j < hideLength; j++) {
SimpleIdentifier simpleIdentifier = hides[j];
} else {
NodeList<SimpleIdentifier> shows =
(combinator as ShowCombinator).shownNames;
int showLength = shows.length;
for (int j = 0; j < showLength; j++) {
SimpleIdentifier simpleIdentifier = shows[j];
// test lengths of combinator lists first
if (allHides1.length != allHides2.length) {
return allHides1.length - allHides2.length;
if (allShows1.length != allShows2.length) {
return allShows1.length - allShows2.length;
// next ensure that the lists are equivalent
if (!allHides1.toSet().containsAll(allHides2)) {
return -1;
if (!allShows1.toSet().containsAll(allShows2)) {
return -1;
return 0;