ElementAnnotation class abstract

A single annotation associated with an element.

Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.




constantEvaluationErrors List<AnalysisError>?
The errors that were produced while computing a value for this annotation, or null if no value has been computed.
no setter
context → AnalysisContext
Return the AnalysisContext which should be used to evaluate this constant.
no setterinherited
element Element?
Returns the element referenced by this annotation.
no setter
element2 Element2?
Returns the element referenced by this annotation.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isAlwaysThrows bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated function as always throwing.
no setter
isConstantEvaluated bool
Return whether this constant is evaluated.
no setterinherited
isDeprecated bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated element as being deprecated.
no setter
isDoNotStore bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated element as not to be stored.
no setter
isDoNotSubmit bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated member as not to be used.
no setter
isFactory bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated member as a factory.
no setter
isImmutable bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated class and its subclasses as being immutable.
no setter
isInternal bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated element as being internal to its package.
no setter
isIsTest bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated member as running a single test.
no setter
isIsTestGroup bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated member as running a test group.
no setter
isJS bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated element with the JS annotation.
no setter
isLiteral bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated constructor as being literal.
no setter
isMustBeConst bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated returned element as requiring a constant argument.
no setter
isMustBeOverridden bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated member as requiring subclasses to override this member.
no setter
isMustCallSuper bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated member as requiring overriding methods to call super.
no setter
isNonVirtual bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated member as being non-virtual.
no setter
isOptionalTypeArgs bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated type as having "optional" type arguments.
no setter
isOverride bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated method as being expected to override an inherited method.
no setter
isProtected bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated member as being protected.
no setter
isProxy bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated class as implementing a proxy object.
no setter
isRedeclare bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated member as redeclaring.
no setter
isReopen bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated member as being reopened.
no setter
isRequired bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated member as being required.
no setter
isSealed bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated class as being sealed.
no setter
isTarget bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated class as being intended to be used as an annotation.
no setter
isUseResult bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated returned element as requiring use.
no setter
isVisibleForOverriding bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated member as being visible for overriding only.
no setter
isVisibleForTemplate bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated member as being visible for template files.
no setter
isVisibleForTesting bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated member as being visible for testing.
no setter
isVisibleOutsideTemplate bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated member as being visible outside of template files.
no setter
isWidgetFactory bool
Whether the annotation marks the associated member as being a widget factory.
no setter
library LibraryElement?
The library with this constant.
no setterinherited
library2 LibraryElement2?
The library with this constant.
no setterinherited
librarySource Source?
If this target is associated with a library, return the source of the library's defining compilation unit; otherwise return null.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
source Source?
Return the source associated with this target, or null if this target is not associated with a source.
no setterinherited


computeConstantValue() DartObject?
Returns a representation of the value of this annotation, forcing the value to be computed if it had not previously been computed, or null if the value of this annotation could not be computed because of errors.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toSource() String
Returns a textual description of this annotation in a form approximating valid source.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.