writeFormalParameter abstract method

  1. @experimental
void writeFormalParameter(
  1. String name, {
  2. bool isCovariant,
  3. bool isRequiredNamed,
  4. ExecutableElement2? methodBeingCopied,
  5. String? nameGroupName,
  6. DartType? type,
  7. String? typeGroupName,
  8. bool isRequiredType,

Writes the code for a single parameter with the given name.

If a methodBeingCopied is provided, then type parameters defined by that method are assumed to be part of what is being written and hence valid types.

If a type is provided, then it will be used as the type of the parameter.

If a nameGroupName is provided, then the name of the parameter will be included in a linked edit.

If a type and typeGroupName are both provided, then the type of the parameter will be included in a linked edit.

If isCovariant is true then the keyword covariant will be included in the parameter declaration.

If isRequiredNamed is true then the keyword required will be included in the parameter declaration.

If isRequiredType is true then the type is always written.


void writeFormalParameter(String name,
    {bool isCovariant,
    bool isRequiredNamed,
    ExecutableElement2? methodBeingCopied,
    String? nameGroupName,
    DartType? type,
    String? typeGroupName,
    bool isRequiredType});