FxBoxIcons class
Example to use:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_boxicons/flutter_boxicons.dart';
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return IconButton(
// Use Boxicons class
icon: Icon(Boxicons.bx_message),
onPressed: () {
See also:
- https://boxicons.com/
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
- bx_abacus → const IconData
- bx_accessibility → const IconData
- bx_add_to_queue → const IconData
- bx_adjust → const IconData
- bx_alarm → const IconData
- bx_alarm_add → const IconData
- bx_alarm_exclamation → const IconData
- bx_alarm_off → const IconData
- bx_alarm_snooze → const IconData
- bx_album → const IconData
- bx_align_justify → const IconData
- bx_align_left → const IconData
- bx_align_middle → const IconData
- bx_align_right → const IconData
- bx_analyse → const IconData
- bx_anchor → const IconData
- bx_angry → const IconData
- bx_aperture → const IconData
- bx_arch → const IconData
- bx_archive → const IconData
- bx_archive_in → const IconData
- bx_archive_out → const IconData
- bx_area → const IconData
- bx_arrow_back → const IconData
- bx_arrow_from_bottom → const IconData
- bx_arrow_from_left → const IconData
- bx_arrow_from_right → const IconData
- bx_arrow_from_top → const IconData
- bx_arrow_to_bottom → const IconData
- bx_arrow_to_left → const IconData
- bx_arrow_to_right → const IconData
- bx_arrow_to_top → const IconData
- bx_at → const IconData
- bx_atom → const IconData
- bx_award → const IconData
- bx_badge → const IconData
- bx_badge_check → const IconData
- bx_ball → const IconData
- bx_band_aid → const IconData
- bx_bar_chart → const IconData
- bx_bar_chart_alt → const IconData
- bx_bar_chart_alt_2 → const IconData
- bx_bar_chart_square → const IconData
- bx_barcode → const IconData
- bx_barcode_reader → const IconData
- bx_baseball_ → const IconData
- bx_basket → const IconData
- bx_basketball → const IconData
- bx_bath → const IconData
- bx_battery → const IconData
- bx_bed → const IconData
- bx_been_here → const IconData
- bx_beer → const IconData
- bx_bell → const IconData
- bx_bell_minus → const IconData
- bx_bell_off → const IconData
- bx_bell_plus → const IconData
- bx_bible → const IconData
- bx_bitcoin → const IconData
- bx_blanket → const IconData
- bx_block → const IconData
- bx_bluetooth → const IconData
- bx_body → const IconData
- bx_bold → const IconData
- bx_bolt_circle → const IconData
- bx_bomb → const IconData
- bx_bone → const IconData
- bx_bong → const IconData
- bx_book → const IconData
- bx_book_add → const IconData
- bx_book_alt → const IconData
- bx_book_bookmark → const IconData
- bx_book_content → const IconData
- bx_book_heart → const IconData
- bx_book_open → const IconData
- bx_book_reader → const IconData
- bx_bookmark → const IconData
- bx_bookmark_alt → const IconData
- bx_bookmark_alt_minus → const IconData
- bx_bookmark_alt_plus → const IconData
- bx_bookmark_heart → const IconData
- bx_bookmark_minus → const IconData
- bx_bookmark_plus → const IconData
- bx_bookmarks → const IconData
- bx_border_all → const IconData
- bx_border_bottom → const IconData
- bx_border_inner → const IconData
- bx_border_left → const IconData
- bx_border_none → const IconData
- bx_border_outer → const IconData
- bx_border_radius → const IconData
- bx_border_right → const IconData
- bx_border_top → const IconData
- bx_bot → const IconData
- bx_bowling_ball → const IconData
- bx_box → const IconData
- bx_bracket → const IconData
- bx_braille → const IconData
- bx_brain → const IconData
- bx_briefcase → const IconData
- bx_briefcase_alt → const IconData
- bx_briefcase_alt_2 → const IconData
- bx_brightness → const IconData
- bx_brightness_half → const IconData
- bx_broadcast → const IconData
- bx_brush → const IconData
- bx_brush_alt → const IconData
- bx_bug → const IconData
- bx_bug_alt → const IconData
- bx_building → const IconData
- bx_building_house → const IconData
- bx_buildings → const IconData
- bx_bulb → const IconData
- bx_bullseye → const IconData
- bx_buoy → const IconData
- bx_bus → const IconData
- bx_bus_school → const IconData
- bx_cabinet → const IconData
- bx_cake → const IconData
- bx_calculator → const IconData
- bx_calendar → const IconData
- bx_calendar_alt → const IconData
- bx_calendar_check → const IconData
- bx_calendar_edit → const IconData
- bx_calendar_event → const IconData
- bx_calendar_exclamation → const IconData
- bx_calendar_heart → const IconData
- bx_calendar_minus → const IconData
- bx_calendar_plus → const IconData
- bx_calendar_star → const IconData
- bx_calendar_week → const IconData
- bx_calendar_x → const IconData
- bx_camera → const IconData
- bx_camera_home → const IconData
- bx_camera_movie → const IconData
- bx_camera_off → const IconData
- bx_capsule → const IconData
- bx_captions → const IconData
- bx_car → const IconData
- bx_card → const IconData
- bx_caret_down → const IconData
- bx_caret_down_circle → const IconData
- bx_caret_down_square → const IconData
- bx_caret_left → const IconData
- bx_caret_left_circle → const IconData
- bx_caret_left_square → const IconData
- bx_caret_right → const IconData
- bx_caret_right_circle → const IconData
- bx_caret_right_square → const IconData
- bx_caret_up → const IconData
- bx_caret_up_circle → const IconData
- bx_caret_up_square → const IconData
- bx_carousel → const IconData
- bx_cart → const IconData
- bx_cart_alt → const IconData
- bx_cast → const IconData
- bx_category → const IconData
- bx_category_alt → const IconData
- bx_cctv → const IconData
- bx_certification → const IconData
- bx_chair → const IconData
- bx_chalkboard → const IconData
- bx_chart → const IconData
- bx_chat → const IconData
- bx_check → const IconData
- bx_check_circle → const IconData
- bx_check_double → const IconData
- bx_check_shield → const IconData
- bx_check_square → const IconData
- bx_checkbox → const IconData
- bx_checkbox_checked → const IconData
- bx_checkbox_square → const IconData
- bx_chevron_down → const IconData
- bx_chevron_down_circle → const IconData
- bx_chevron_down_square → const IconData
- bx_chevron_left → const IconData
- bx_chevron_left_circle → const IconData
- bx_chevron_left_square → const IconData
- bx_chevron_right → const IconData
- bx_chevron_right_circle → const IconData
- bx_chevron_right_square → const IconData
- bx_chevron_up → const IconData
- bx_chevron_up_circle → const IconData
- bx_chevron_up_square → const IconData
- bx_chevrons_down → const IconData
- bx_chevrons_left → const IconData
- bx_chevrons_right → const IconData
- bx_chevrons_up → const IconData
- bx_chip → const IconData
- bx_church → const IconData
- bx_circle → const IconData
- bx_clinic → const IconData
- bx_clipboard → const IconData
- bx_closet → const IconData
- bx_cloud → const IconData
- bx_cloud_download → const IconData
- bx_cloud_drizzle → const IconData
- bx_cloud_light_rain → const IconData
- bx_cloud_lightning → const IconData
- bx_cloud_rain → const IconData
- bx_cloud_snow → const IconData
- bx_cloud_upload → const IconData
- bx_code → const IconData
- bx_code_alt → const IconData
- bx_code_block → const IconData
- bx_code_curly → const IconData
- bx_coffee → const IconData
- bx_coffee_togo → const IconData
- bx_cog → const IconData
- bx_coin → const IconData
- bx_coin_stack → const IconData
- bx_collapse → const IconData
- bx_collection → const IconData
- bx_color_fill → const IconData
- bx_columns → const IconData
- bx_command → const IconData
- bx_comment → const IconData
- bx_comment_add → const IconData
- bx_comment_check → const IconData
- bx_comment_detail → const IconData
- bx_comment_dots → const IconData
- bx_comment_edit → const IconData
- bx_comment_error → const IconData
- bx_comment_minus → const IconData
- bx_comment_x → const IconData
- bx_compass → const IconData
- bx_confused → const IconData
- bx_conversation → const IconData
- bx_cool → const IconData
- bx_copy → const IconData
- bx_copy_alt → const IconData
- bx_copyright → const IconData
- bx_credit_card → const IconData
- bx_credit_card_alt → const IconData
- bx_credit_card_front → const IconData
- bx_crop → const IconData
- bx_crosshair → const IconData
- bx_crown → const IconData
- bx_cube → const IconData
- bx_cube_alt → const IconData
- bx_cuboid → const IconData
- bx_current_location → const IconData
- bx_customize → const IconData
- bx_cut → const IconData
- bx_cycling → const IconData
- bx_cylinder → const IconData
- bx_data → const IconData
- bx_desktop → const IconData
- bx_detail → const IconData
- bx_devices → const IconData
- bx_dialpad → const IconData
- bx_dialpad_alt → const IconData
- bx_diamond → const IconData
- bx_dice_1 → const IconData
- bx_dice_2 → const IconData
- bx_dice_3 → const IconData
- bx_dice_4 → const IconData
- bx_dice_5 → const IconData
- bx_dice_6 → const IconData
- bx_directions → const IconData
- bx_disc → const IconData
- bx_dish → const IconData
- bx_dislike → const IconData
- bx_dizzy → const IconData
- bx_dna → const IconData
- bx_dock_bottom → const IconData
- bx_dock_left → const IconData
- bx_dock_right → const IconData
- bx_dock_top → const IconData
- bx_dollar → const IconData
- bx_dollar_circle → const IconData
- bx_donate_blood → const IconData
- bx_donate_heart → const IconData
- bx_door_open → const IconData
- bx_dots_horizontal → const IconData
- bx_dots_horizontal_rounded → const IconData
- bx_dots_vertical → const IconData
- bx_dots_vertical_rounded → const IconData
- bx_doughnut_chart → const IconData
- bx_down_arrow → const IconData
- bx_down_arrow_alt → const IconData
- bx_down_arrow_circle → const IconData
- bx_download → const IconData
- bx_downvote → const IconData
- bx_drink → const IconData
- bx_droplet → const IconData
- bx_dumbbell → const IconData
- bx_duplicate → const IconData
- bx_edit → const IconData
- bx_edit_alt → const IconData
- bx_envelope → const IconData
- bx_envelope_open → const IconData
- bx_equalizer → const IconData
- bx_eraser → const IconData
- bx_error → const IconData
- bx_error_alt → const IconData
- bx_error_circle → const IconData
- bx_euro → const IconData
- bx_exclude → const IconData
- bx_exit → const IconData
- bx_exit_fullscreen → const IconData
- bx_expand → const IconData
- bx_expand_alt → const IconData
- bx_export → const IconData
- bx_extension → const IconData
- bx_face → const IconData
- bx_fast_forward → const IconData
- bx_fast_forward_circle → const IconData
- bx_female → const IconData
- bx_female_sign → const IconData
- bx_file → const IconData
- bx_file_blank → const IconData
- bx_file_find → const IconData
- bx_film → const IconData
- bx_filter → const IconData
- bx_filter_alt → const IconData
- bx_fingerprint → const IconData
- bx_first_aid → const IconData
- bx_first_page → const IconData
- bx_flag → const IconData
- bx_folder → const IconData
- bx_folder_minus → const IconData
- bx_folder_open → const IconData
- bx_folder_plus → const IconData
- bx_font → const IconData
- bx_font_color → const IconData
- bx_font_family → const IconData
- bx_font_size → const IconData
- bx_food_tag → const IconData
- bx_football → const IconData
- bx_fridge → const IconData
- bx_fullscreen → const IconData
- bx_game → const IconData
- bx_gas_pump → const IconData
- bx_ghost → const IconData
- bx_gift → const IconData
- bx_git_branch → const IconData
- bx_git_commit → const IconData
- bx_git_compare → const IconData
- bx_git_merge → const IconData
- bx_git_pull_request → const IconData
- bx_git_repo_forked → const IconData
- bx_glasses → const IconData
- bx_glasses_alt → const IconData
- bx_globe → const IconData
- bx_globe_alt → const IconData
- bx_grid → const IconData
- bx_grid_alt → const IconData
- bx_grid_horizontal → const IconData
- bx_grid_small → const IconData
- bx_grid_vertical → const IconData
- bx_group → const IconData
- bx_handicap → const IconData
- bx_happy → const IconData
- bx_happy_alt → const IconData
- bx_happy_beaming → const IconData
- bx_happy_heart_eyes → const IconData
- bx_hash → const IconData
- bx_hdd → const IconData
- bx_heading → const IconData
- bx_headphone → const IconData
- bx_health → const IconData
- bx_heart → const IconData
- bx_heart_circle → const IconData
- bx_heart_square → const IconData
- bx_help_circle → const IconData
- bx_hide → const IconData
- bx_highlight → const IconData
- bx_history → const IconData
- bx_hive → const IconData
- bx_home → const IconData
- bx_home_alt → const IconData
- bx_home_circle → const IconData
- bx_home_heart → const IconData
- bx_home_smile → const IconData
- bx_horizontal_center → const IconData
- bx_hotel → const IconData
- bx_hourglass → const IconData
- bx_id_card → const IconData
- bx_image → const IconData
- bx_image_add → const IconData
- bx_image_alt → const IconData
- bx_images → const IconData
- bx_import → const IconData
- bx_infinite → const IconData
- bx_info_circle → const IconData
- bx_info_square → const IconData
- bx_intersect → const IconData
- bx_italic → const IconData
- bx_joystick → const IconData
- bx_joystick_alt → const IconData
- bx_key → const IconData
- bx_label → const IconData
- bx_landscape → const IconData
- bx_laptop → const IconData
- bx_last_page → const IconData
- bx_laugh → const IconData
- bx_layer → const IconData
- bx_layer_minus → const IconData
- bx_layer_plus → const IconData
- bx_layout → const IconData
- bx_left_arrow → const IconData
- bx_left_arrow_alt → const IconData
- bx_left_arrow_circle → const IconData
- bx_left_down_arrow_circle → const IconData
- bx_left_indent → const IconData
- bx_left_top_arrow_circle → const IconData
- bx_library → const IconData
- bx_like → const IconData
- bx_line_chart → const IconData
- bx_line_chart_down → const IconData
- bx_link → const IconData
- bx_link_alt → const IconData
- bx_link_external → const IconData
- bx_lira → const IconData
- bx_list_check → const IconData
- bx_list_minus → const IconData
- bx_list_ol → const IconData
- bx_list_plus → const IconData
- bx_list_ul → const IconData
- bx_loader → const IconData
- bx_loader_alt → const IconData
- bx_loader_circle → const IconData
- bx_location_plus → const IconData
- bx_lock → const IconData
- bx_lock_alt → const IconData
- bx_lock_open → const IconData
- bx_lock_open_alt → const IconData
- bx_log_in → const IconData
- bx_log_in_circle → const IconData
- bx_log_out → const IconData
- bx_log_out_circle → const IconData
- bx_low_vision → const IconData
- bx_magnet → const IconData
- bx_mail_send → const IconData
- bx_male → const IconData
- bx_male_sign → const IconData
- bx_map → const IconData
- bx_map_alt → const IconData
- bx_map_pin → const IconData
- bx_mask → const IconData
- bx_medal → const IconData
- bx_meh → const IconData
- bx_meh_alt → const IconData
- bx_meh_blank → const IconData
- bx_memory_card → const IconData
- bx_merge → const IconData
- bx_message → const IconData
- bx_message_add → const IconData
- bx_message_alt → const IconData
- bx_message_alt_add → const IconData
- bx_message_alt_check → const IconData
- bx_message_alt_detail → const IconData
- bx_message_alt_dots → const IconData
- bx_message_alt_edit → const IconData
- bx_message_alt_error → const IconData
- bx_message_alt_minus → const IconData
- bx_message_alt_x → const IconData
- bx_message_check → const IconData
- bx_message_detail → const IconData
- bx_message_dots → const IconData
- bx_message_edit → const IconData
- bx_message_error → const IconData
- bx_message_minus → const IconData
- bx_message_rounded → const IconData
- bx_message_rounded_add → const IconData
- bx_message_rounded_check → const IconData
- bx_message_rounded_detail → const IconData
- bx_message_rounded_dots → const IconData
- bx_message_rounded_edit → const IconData
- bx_message_rounded_error → const IconData
- bx_message_rounded_minus → const IconData
- bx_message_rounded_x → const IconData
- bx_message_square → const IconData
- bx_message_square_add → const IconData
- bx_message_square_check → const IconData
- bx_message_square_detail → const IconData
- bx_message_square_dots → const IconData
- bx_message_square_edit → const IconData
- bx_message_square_error → const IconData
- bx_message_square_minus → const IconData
- bx_message_square_x → const IconData
- bx_message_x → const IconData
- bx_meteor → const IconData
- bx_microchip → const IconData
- bx_microphone → const IconData
- bx_microphone_off → const IconData
- bx_minus → const IconData
- bx_minus_back → const IconData
- bx_minus_circle → const IconData
- bx_minus_front → const IconData
- bx_mobile → const IconData
- bx_mobile_alt → const IconData
- bx_mobile_landscape → const IconData
- bx_mobile_vibration → const IconData
- bx_money → const IconData
- bx_moon → const IconData
- bx_mouse → const IconData
- bx_mouse_alt → const IconData
- bx_move → const IconData
- bx_move_horizontal → const IconData
- bx_move_vertical → const IconData
- bx_movie → const IconData
- bx_movie_play → const IconData
- bx_music → const IconData
- bx_network_chart → const IconData
- bx_news → const IconData
- bx_no_entry → const IconData
- bx_note → const IconData
- bx_notepad → const IconData
- bx_notification → const IconData
- bx_notification_off → const IconData
- bx_outline → const IconData
- bx_package → const IconData
- bx_paint → const IconData
- bx_paint_roll → const IconData
- bx_palette → const IconData
- bx_paper_plane → const IconData
- bx_paperclip → const IconData
- bx_paragraph → const IconData
- bx_paste → const IconData
- bx_pause → const IconData
- bx_pause_circle → const IconData
- bx_pen → const IconData
- bx_pencil → const IconData
- bx_phone → const IconData
- bx_phone_call → const IconData
- bx_phone_incoming → const IconData
- bx_phone_outgoing → const IconData
- bx_photo_album → const IconData
- bx_pie_chart → const IconData
- bx_pie_chart_alt → const IconData
- bx_pie_chart_alt_2 → const IconData
- bx_pin → const IconData
- bx_planet → const IconData
- bx_play → const IconData
- bx_play_circle → const IconData
- bx_plug → const IconData
- bx_plus → const IconData
- bx_plus_circle → const IconData
- bx_plus_medical → const IconData
- bx_pointer → const IconData
- bx_poll → const IconData
- bx_polygon → const IconData
- bx_pound → const IconData
- bx_power_off → const IconData
- bx_printer → const IconData
- bx_pulse → const IconData
- bx_purchase_tag → const IconData
- bx_purchase_tag_alt → const IconData
- bx_pyramid → const IconData
- bx_question_mark → const IconData
- bx_radar → const IconData
- bx_radio → const IconData
- bx_radio_circle → const IconData
- bx_radio_circle_marked → const IconData
- bx_receipt → const IconData
- bx_rectangle → const IconData
- bx_recycle → const IconData
- bx_redo → const IconData
- bx_refresh → const IconData
- bx_rename → const IconData
- bx_repeat → const IconData
- bx_reply → const IconData
- bx_reply_all → const IconData
- bx_repost → const IconData
- bx_reset → const IconData
- bx_restaurant → const IconData
- bx_revision → const IconData
- bx_rewind → const IconData
- bx_rewind_circle → const IconData
- bx_right_arrow → const IconData
- bx_right_arrow_alt → const IconData
- bx_right_arrow_circle → const IconData
- bx_right_down_arrow_circle → const IconData
- bx_right_indent → const IconData
- bx_right_top_arrow_circle → const IconData
- bx_rocket → const IconData
- bx_rotate_left → const IconData
- bx_rotate_right → const IconData
- bx_rss → const IconData
- bx_ruble → const IconData
- bx_ruler → const IconData
- bx_run → const IconData
- bx_rupee → const IconData
- bx_sad → const IconData
- bx_save → const IconData
- bx_scan → const IconData
- bx_screenshot → const IconData
- bx_search → const IconData
- bx_search_alt → const IconData
- bx_search_alt_2 → const IconData
- bx_select_multiple → const IconData
- bx_selection → const IconData
- bx_send → const IconData
- bx_server → const IconData
- bx_shape_circle → const IconData
- bx_shape_polygon → const IconData
- bx_shape_square → const IconData
- bx_shape_triangle → const IconData
- bx_shekel → const IconData
- bx_shield → const IconData
- bx_shield_alt → const IconData
- bx_shield_alt_2 → const IconData
- bx_shield_quarter → const IconData
- bx_shield_x → const IconData
- bx_shocked → const IconData
- bx_shopping_bag → const IconData
- bx_show → const IconData
- bx_show_alt → const IconData
- bx_shuffle → const IconData
- bx_sitemap → const IconData
- bx_skip_next → const IconData
- bx_skip_next_circle → const IconData
- bx_skip_previous → const IconData
- bx_skip_previous_circle → const IconData
- bx_sleepy → const IconData
- bx_slider → const IconData
- bx_slider_alt → const IconData
- bx_slideshow → const IconData
- bx_smile → const IconData
- bx_sort → const IconData
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