ForegroundNotificationConfig constructor

const ForegroundNotificationConfig({
  1. required String notificationTitle,
  2. required String notificationText,
  3. String notificationChannelName = 'Background Location',
  4. AndroidResource notificationIcon = const AndroidResource(name: 'ic_launcher', defType: 'mipmap'),
  5. bool enableWifiLock = false,
  6. bool enableWakeLock = false,
  7. bool setOngoing = false,
  8. Color? color,

Creates an Android specific configuration for the FlutterBackground plugin.

notificationTitle is the title used for the foreground service notification. notificationText is the body used for the foreground service notification. notificationChannelName is the name of the notification channel as it is displayed in the system settings. notificationIcon must be a drawable resource. E. g. if the icon with name "background_icon" is in the "drawable" resource folder, it should be of value `AndroidResource(name: 'background_icon', defType: 'drawable'). enableWifiLock indicates wether or not a WifiLock is acquired, when the background execution is started. This allows the application to keep the Wi-Fi radio awake, even when the user has not used the device in a while. enableWakeLock indicates wether or not a Wakelock is acquired, when the background execution is started. If this is false then the system can still sleep and all location events will be received at once when the system wakes up again. setOngoing indicates wether or not the displayed notification is persistent and the user cannot dismiss it. color is the accent color that is applied to the notificationIcon.


const ForegroundNotificationConfig({
  required this.notificationTitle,
  required this.notificationText,
  this.notificationChannelName = 'Background Location',
  this.notificationIcon =
      const AndroidResource(name: 'ic_launcher', defType: 'mipmap'),
  this.enableWifiLock = false,
  this.enableWakeLock = false,
  this.setOngoing = false,