GetUtils class
→ int
The hash code for this object.
no setter inherited
→ Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setter inherited
noSuchMethod (Invocation invocation )
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString ()
→ String
A string representation of this object.
Static Methods
camelCase (String value )
→ String ?
Camelcase string
Example: your name => yourName
capitalize (String value )
→ String ?
Capitalize each word inside string
Example: your name => Your Name, your name => Your name
capitalizeFirst (String s )
→ String ?
Uppercase first letter inside string and let the others lowercase
Example: your name => Your name
createPath (String path , [Iterable ? segments ])
→ String
hasCapitalletter (String s )
→ bool
Checks if string contains at least one Capital Letter
hasMatch (String ? value , String pattern )
→ bool
isAlphabetOnly (String s )
→ bool
Checks if string consist only Alphabet. (No Whitespace)
isAPK (String filePath )
→ bool
Checks if string is an apk file.
isAudio (String filePath )
→ bool
Checks if string is an audio file.
isBinary (String s )
→ bool
Checks if string is binary.
isBlank (dynamic value )
→ bool ?
Checks if data is null or blank (empty or only contains whitespace).
isBool (String value )
→ bool
Checks if string is boolean.
isCaseInsensitiveContains (String a , String b )
→ bool
Checks if a contains b (Treating or interpreting upper- and lowercase
letters as being the same).
isCaseInsensitiveContainsAny (String a , String b )
→ bool
Checks if a contains b or b contains a (Treating or
interpreting upper- and lowercase letters as being the same).
isChm (String filePath )
→ bool
Checks if string is an chm file.
isCnpj (String cnpj )
→ bool
isCpf (String cpf )
→ bool
Checks if the cpf is valid.
isCurrency (String s )
→ bool
Checks if string is Currency.
isDateTime (String s )
→ bool
Checks if string is DateTime (UTC or Iso8601).
isEmail (String s )
→ bool
Checks if string is email.
isEqual (num a , num b )
→ bool
Checks if num a EQUAL than num b.
isExcel (String filePath )
→ bool
Checks if string is an excel file.
isGreaterThan (num a , num b )
→ bool
Checks if num a GREATER than num b.
isHexadecimal (String s )
→ bool
Checks if string is hexadecimal.
Example: HexColor => #12F
isHTML (String filePath )
→ bool
Checks if string is an html file.
isImage (String filePath )
→ bool
Checks if string is an image file.
isIPv4 (String s )
→ bool
Checks if string is IPv4.
isIPv6 (String s )
→ bool
Checks if string is IPv6.
isLengthBetween (dynamic value , int minLength , int maxLength )
→ bool
Checks if length of data is BETWEEN minLength to maxLength.
isLengthEqualTo (dynamic value , int otherLength )
→ bool
Checks if length of data is EQUAL to maxLength.
isLengthGreaterOrEqual (dynamic value , int maxLength )
→ bool
Checks if length of data is GREATER OR EQUAL to maxLength.
isLengthGreaterThan (dynamic value , int maxLength )
→ bool
Checks if length of data is GREATER than maxLength.
isLengthLessOrEqual (dynamic value , int maxLength )
→ bool
Checks if length of data is LESS OR EQUAL to maxLength.
isLengthLessThan (dynamic value , int maxLength )
→ bool
Checks if length of data is LESS than maxLength.
isLengthLowerOrEqual (dynamic value , int maxLength )
→ bool
Checks if length of data is LOWER OR EQUAL to maxLength.
isLengthLowerThan (dynamic value , int maxLength )
→ bool
Checks if length of data is LOWER than maxLength.
isLowerThan (num a , num b )
→ bool
Checks if num a LOWER than num b.
isMD5 (String s )
→ bool
Checks if string is MD5 hash.
isNull (dynamic value )
→ bool
Checks if data is null.
isNullOrBlank (dynamic value )
→ bool ?
Checks if data is null or blank (empty or only contains whitespace).
isNum (String value )
→ bool
Checks if string is int or double.
isNumericOnly (String s )
→ bool
Checks if string consist only numeric.
Numeric only doesn't accepting "." which double data type have
isOneAKind (dynamic value )
→ bool
Checks if all data have same value.
Example: 111111 -> true, wwwww -> true, 1,1,1,1 -> true
isPalindrom (String string )
→ bool
Checks if string is Palindrom.
isPassport (String s )
→ bool
Checks if string is Passport No.
isPDF (String filePath )
→ bool
Checks if string is an pdf file.
isPhoneNumber (String s )
→ bool
Checks if string is phone number.
isPPT (String filePath )
→ bool
Checks if string is an powerpoint file.
isSHA1 (String s )
→ bool
Checks if string is SHA1 hash.
isSHA256 (String s )
→ bool
Checks if string is SHA256 hash.
isSSN (String s )
→ bool
Checks if string is SSN (Social Security Number).
isTxt (String filePath )
→ bool
Checks if string is an txt file.
isURL (String s )
→ bool
Checks if string is URL.
isUsername (String s )
→ bool
Checks if string is a valid username.
isVector (String filePath )
→ bool
Checks if string is a vector file.
isVideo (String filePath )
→ bool
Checks if string is an video file.
isWord (String filePath )
→ bool
Checks if string is an word file.
nil (dynamic s )
→ dynamic
In dart2js (in flutter v1.17) a var by default is undefined.
Use this only if you are in version <- 1.17 .
So we assure the null type in json convertions to avoid the
"value":value==null?null:value; someVar.nil will force the null type
if the var is null or undefined.
taken from ObjC just to have a shorter sintax.
numericOnly (String s , {bool firstWordOnly = false })
→ String
Extract numeric value of string
Example: OTP 12312 27/04/2020 => 1231227042020ß
If firstword only is true, then the example return is "12312"
(first found numeric word)
paramCase (String ? text )
→ String ?
printFunction (String prefix , dynamic value , String info , {bool isError = false })
→ void
removeAllWhitespace (String value )
→ String
Remove all whitespace inside string
Example: your name => yourname
snakeCase (String ? text , {String separator = '_' })
→ String ?