sortRoomsBy property

RoomSorter get sortRoomsBy

The compare function how the rooms should be sorted internally. By default rooms are sorted by timestamp of the last event or the last event if there is no known message.


RoomSorter get sortRoomsBy => (a, b) {
      if (pinInvitedRooms &&
          a.membership != b.membership &&
          [a.membership, b.membership].any((m) => m == Membership.invite)) {
        return a.membership == Membership.invite ? -1 : 1;
      } else if (a.isFavourite != b.isFavourite) {
        return a.isFavourite ? -1 : 1;
      } else if (pinUnreadRooms &&
          a.notificationCount != b.notificationCount) {
        return b.notificationCount.compareTo(a.notificationCount);
      } else {
        return b.latestEventReceivedTime.millisecondsSinceEpoch