SingleMapping.fromJson constructor
SingleMapping.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> map, {Object? mapUrl})
: targetUrl = map['file'] as String?,
urls = List<String>.from(map['sources'] as List),
names = List<String>.from((map['names'] as List?) ?? []),
files = List.filled((map['sources'] as List).length, null),
sourceRoot = map['sourceRoot'] as String?,
lines = <TargetLineEntry>[],
_mapUrl = mapUrl is String ? Uri.parse(mapUrl) : (mapUrl as Uri?),
extensions = {} {
var sourcesContent = map['sourcesContent'] == null
? const <String?>[]
: List<String?>.from(map['sourcesContent'] as List);
for (var i = 0; i < urls.length && i < sourcesContent.length; i++) {
var source = sourcesContent[i];
if (source == null) continue;
files[i] = SourceFile.fromString(source, url: urls[i]);
var line = 0;
var column = 0;
var srcUrlId = 0;
var srcLine = 0;
var srcColumn = 0;
var srcNameId = 0;
var tokenizer = _MappingTokenizer(map['mappings'] as String);
var entries = <TargetEntry>[];
while (tokenizer.hasTokens) {
if (tokenizer.nextKind.isNewLine) {
if (entries.isNotEmpty) {
lines.add(TargetLineEntry(line, entries));
entries = <TargetEntry>[];
column = 0;
// Decode the next entry, using the previous encountered values to
// decode the relative values.
// We expect 1, 4, or 5 values. If present, values are expected in the
// following order:
// 0: the starting column in the current line of the generated file
// 1: the id of the original source file
// 2: the starting line in the original source
// 3: the starting column in the original source
// 4: the id of the original symbol name
// The values are relative to the previous encountered values.
if (tokenizer.nextKind.isNewSegment) throw _segmentError(0, line);
column += tokenizer._consumeValue();
if (!tokenizer.nextKind.isValue) {
} else {
srcUrlId += tokenizer._consumeValue();
if (srcUrlId >= urls.length) {
throw StateError(
'Invalid source url id. $targetUrl, $line, $srcUrlId');
if (!tokenizer.nextKind.isValue) throw _segmentError(2, line);
srcLine += tokenizer._consumeValue();
if (!tokenizer.nextKind.isValue) throw _segmentError(3, line);
srcColumn += tokenizer._consumeValue();
if (!tokenizer.nextKind.isValue) {
entries.add(TargetEntry(column, srcUrlId, srcLine, srcColumn));
} else {
srcNameId += tokenizer._consumeValue();
if (srcNameId >= names.length) {
throw StateError('Invalid name id: $targetUrl, $line, $srcNameId');
TargetEntry(column, srcUrlId, srcLine, srcColumn, srcNameId));
if (tokenizer.nextKind.isNewSegment) tokenizer._consumeNewSegment();
if (entries.isNotEmpty) {
lines.add(TargetLineEntry(line, entries));
map.forEach((name, value) {
if (name.startsWith('x_')) extensions[name] = value;