supabase_flutter library
Supabase Client Library for Flutter.
See to learn more
- AdminUserAttributes
- AMREntry
- An authentication method reference (AMR) entry.
- ApiVersions
- AuthClientOptions
- AuthMFAAdminDeleteFactorResponse
- AuthMFAAdminListFactorsResponse
- AuthMFAChallengeResponse
- AuthMFAEnrollResponse
- AuthMFAGetAuthenticatorAssuranceLevelResponse
- AuthMFAListFactorsResponse
- AuthMFAUnenrollResponse
- AuthMFAVerifyResponse
- AuthResponse
- Response which might or might not contain session and/or user
- AuthSessionUrlResponse
- AuthState
- AuthUser
- Binding
- Bucket
- BucketOptions
- public The visibility of the bucket. Public buckets don't require an authorization token to download objects, but still require a valid token for all other operations. By default, buckets are private.
- ByteStream
- A stream of chunks of bytes representing a single piece of data.
- EmptyLocalStorage
- A LocalStorage implementation that does nothing. Use this to disable persistence.
- Factor
- FileObject
- FileOptions
- FlutterAuthClientOptions
- FunctionException
- FunctionResponse
- FunctionsClient
- GenerateLinkProperties
- GenerateLinkResponse
- GoTrueAdminApi
- GotrueAsyncStorage
- Interface to provide async storage to store pkce tokens.
- GoTrueClient
- API client to interact with gotrue server.
- GoTrueMFAApi
- LocalStorage
- LocalStorage is used to persist the user session in the device.
- MultipartFile
A file to be uploaded as part of a
. - OAuthResponse
- Response of OAuth signin
- PostgresChangeFilter
- Creates a filter for realtime postgres change listener.
- PostgresChangePayload
- Data class that contains the Postgres change event payload.
- PostgresColumn
T, S, R> - The base builder class.
- PostgrestClient
- A PostgREST api client written in Dartlang. The goal of this library is to make an "ORM-like" restful interface.
- PostgrestClientOptions
T> -
T> - The query builder class provides a convenient interface to creating request queries.
T> - A Postgrest response
- PostgrestRpcBuilder
T> - Presence
- A single shared state between users with Realtime Presence.
- PresenceEvents
- PresenceOpts
T, S, R> - Needed as a wrapper around PostgrestBuilder to allow for the different return type of withConverter than in ResponsePostgrestBuilder.withConverter.
- RealtimeChannel
- RealtimeChannelConfig
- RealtimeClient
- RealtimeClientOptions
- Options to pass to the RealtimeClient.
- RealtimeCloseEvent
- Event details for when the connection closed.
- RealtimePresence
- RealtimePresenceJoinPayload
- Payload for PresenceEvent.join callback.
- RealtimePresenceLeavePayload
- Payload for PresenceEvent.leave callback.
- RealtimePresencePayload
Base class for the payload in
callback functions. - RealtimePresenceSyncPayload
- Payload for PresenceEvent.sync callback.
- RemoveSubscriptionResult
- ResendResponse
T, S, R> - Needed as a wrapper around PostgrestBuilder to allow for the different return type of withConverter than in RawPostgrestBuilder.withConverter.
- SearchOptions
- Session
- local storage to store pkce flow code verifier.
- A LocalStorage implementation that implements SharedPreferences as the storage method.
- SignedUploadURLResponse
- SignedUrl
- SinglePresenceState
- A single client connected through presence.
- SortBy
- StorageClientOptions
- StorageFileApi
- StorageRetryController
- Supabase
- Supabase instance.
- SupabaseClient
- Creates a Supabase client to interact with your Supabase instance.
- SupabaseQueryBuilder
- SupabaseQuerySchema
- Used to perform rpc and from operations with a different schema than in SupabaseClient.
- SupabaseStorageClient
- SupabaseStreamBuilder
- SupabaseStreamFilterBuilder
- TOTPEnrollment
- TransformOptions
- Specifies the dimensions and the resize mode of the requesting image.
- User
- UserAttributes
- UserIdentity
- UserResponse
- Response that contains a user
- AMRMethod
- AuthChangeEvent
- AuthenticatorAssuranceLevels
- AuthFlowType
- ChannelResponse
- CountOption
- Returns count as part of the response when specified.
- FactorStatus
- FactorType
- GenerateLinkType
- HttpMethod
- LaunchMode
- The desired mode to launch a URL.
- OAuthProvider
- OtpChannel
- Messaging channel to use (e.g. whatsapp or sms)
- OtpType
- PostgresChangeEvent
- PostgresChangeFilterType
- Specifies the type of filter to be applied on realtime Postgres Change listener.
- PostgresTypes
- PresenceEvent
- RealtimeLogLevel
- RealtimeSubscribeStatus
- RequestImageFormat
- ResizeMode
- Specifies how image cropping should be handled when performing image transformations.
- ReturningOption
- Returns count as part of the response when specified.
- SignOutScope
- Determines which sessions should be logged out.
- SocketStates
- SupabaseEventTypes
- TextSearchType
The type of tsquery conversion to use on
- METHOD_DELETE → const String
- METHOD_GET → const String
- METHOD_HEAD → const String
- METHOD_PATCH → const String
- METHOD_POST → const String
- METHOD_PUT → const String
- supabasePersistSessionKey → const String
- Only used for migration from Hive to SharedPreferences. Not actually in use.
String type, dynamic value) → dynamic -
If the value of the cell is
, returns null. Otherwise converts the string value to the correct type. -
List< Map< columns, Map<String, dynamic> >String, dynamic> record, {List<String> ? skipTypes}) → Map<String, dynamic> - Takes an array of columns and an object of string values then converts each string value to its mapped type.
String columnName, List< PostgresColumn> columns, Map<String, dynamic> record, List<String> skipTypes) → dynamic - Converts the value of an individual column.
String socketUrl) → String - Converts a WebSocket URL to an HTTP URL.
dynamic value) → dynamic -
dynamic value, String type) → dynamic - Converts a Postgres Array into a native Dart array
dynamic value) → bool? -
dynamic value) → double? -
dynamic value) → int? -
dynamic value) → dynamic -
String? value) → String? - Fixes timestamp to be ISO-8601. Swaps the space between the date and time for a 'T' See
- BindingCallback = void Function(dynamic payload, [dynamic ref])
= ({void Function() close, Stream<
Map< onMessage, void Function(Map) postMessage})String, dynamic> > -
= Map<
String, String> -
S, T> = S Function(T data) -
= List<
PostgrestMap> -
= PostgrestResponse<
PostgrestList> -
= Map<
String, dynamic> -
= PostgrestResponse<
PostgrestMap> -
T> = T Function(String key, dynamic presence) - PresenceOnJoinCallback = void Function(String? key, dynamic currentPresences, dynamic newPresences)
- PresenceOnLeaveCallback = void Function(String? key, dynamic currentPresences, dynamic newPresences)
- RealtimeConstants = Constants
- RealtimeDecode = void Function(String payload, void callback(dynamic result))
- RealtimeEncode = void Function(dynamic payload, void callback(String result))
= List<
Map< String, dynamic> > -
= WebSocketChannel Function(String url, Map<
String, String> headers)