initialize method

Future<void> initialize()

Attempts to open the given dataSource and load metadata about the video.


Future<void> initialize() async {
  await _checkPlatformAndApiVersion();

  final bool allowBackgroundPlayback =
      videoPlayerOptions?.allowBackgroundPlayback ?? false;
  if (!allowBackgroundPlayback) {
    _lifeCycleObserver = _VideoAppLifeCycleObserver(this);
  _creatingCompleter = Completer<void>();

  late DataSource dataSourceDescription;
  switch (dataSourceType) {
    case DataSourceType.asset:
      dataSourceDescription = DataSource(
        sourceType: DataSourceType.asset,
        asset: dataSource,
        package: package,
      dataSourceDescription = DataSource(
        uri: dataSource,
        formatHint: formatHint,
        httpHeaders: httpHeaders,
        drmConfigs: drmConfigs,
        playerOptions: playerOptions,
        streamingProperty: streamingProperty,
    case DataSourceType.file:
      dataSourceDescription = DataSource(
        sourceType: DataSourceType.file,
        uri: dataSource,
    case DataSourceType.contentUri:
      dataSourceDescription = DataSource(
        sourceType: DataSourceType.contentUri,
        uri: dataSource,

  if (videoPlayerOptions?.mixWithOthers != null) {
    await _videoPlayerPlatform

  _playerId = (await _videoPlayerPlatform.create(dataSourceDescription)) ??
  final Completer<void> initializingCompleter = Completer<void>();

  void eventListener(VideoEvent event) {
    if (_isDisposed) {

    switch (event.eventType) {
      case VideoEventType.initialized:
        value = value.copyWith(
          duration: event.duration,
          size: event.size,
          isInitialized: event.duration != null,
          errorDescription: null,
          isCompleted: false,
          'VideoPlayerController already initialized. This is typically a '
          'sign that an implementation of the VideoPlayerPlatform '
          '(${_videoPlayerPlatform.runtimeType}) has a bug and is sending '
          'more than one initialized event per instance.',
        if (initializingCompleter.isCompleted) {
          throw StateError('VideoPlayerController already initialized');
        // NOTE(jsuya): The plusplayer's SetVolume() work when player is
        // paused or played, so it changes the order of _applyPlayPause()
        // and _applyVolume().
        _durationTimer = _createDurationTimer();
      case VideoEventType.completed:
        // In this case we need to stop _timer, set isPlaying=false, and
        // position=value.duration. Instead of setting the values directly,
        // we use pause() and seekTo() to ensure the platform stops playing
        // and seeks to the last frame of the video.
        pause().then((void pauseResult) => seekTo(value.duration.end));
        value = value.copyWith(isCompleted: true);
      case VideoEventType.bufferingUpdate:
        value = value.copyWith(buffered: event.buffered);
      case VideoEventType.bufferingStart:
        value = value.copyWith(isBuffering: true);
      case VideoEventType.bufferingEnd:
        value = value.copyWith(isBuffering: false);
      case VideoEventType.subtitleUpdate:
        final Caption caption = Caption(
          number: 0,
          start: value.position,
          end: value.position + (event.duration?.end ??,
          text: event.text ?? '',
        value = value.copyWith(caption: caption);

      case VideoEventType.isPlayingStateUpdate:
        if (event.isPlaying ?? false) {
          value =
              value.copyWith(isPlaying: event.isPlaying, isCompleted: false);
        } else {
          value = value.copyWith(isPlaying: event.isPlaying);

      case VideoEventType.unknown:

  if (closedCaptionFile != null) {
    _closedCaptionFile ??= await closedCaptionFile;
    value = value.copyWith(caption: _getCaptionAt(value.position));

  if (drmConfigs?.licenseCallback != null) {
    _channel.setMethodCallHandler((MethodCall call) async {
      if (call.method == 'requestLicense') {
        final Map<dynamic, dynamic> argumentsMap =
            call.arguments as Map<dynamic, dynamic>;
        final Uint8List message = argumentsMap['message']! as Uint8List;
        return drmConfigs!.licenseCallback!(message);
      } else {
        throw Exception('not implemented ${call.method}');

  void errorListener(Object obj) {
    final PlatformException e = obj as PlatformException;
    value = VideoPlayerValue.erroneous(e.message!);
    if (!initializingCompleter.isCompleted) {

  _eventSubscription = _videoPlayerPlatform
      .listen(eventListener, onError: errorListener);
  return initializingCompleter.future;