video_player_platform_interface library
- DataSource
- Description of the data source used to create an instance of the video player.
- DurationRange
- Describes a discrete segment of time within a video using a start and end Duration.
- VideoEvent
- Event emitted from the platform implementation.
- VideoPlayerOptions
- VideoPlayerOptions can be optionally used to set additional player settings
- VideoPlayerPlatform
- The interface that implementations of video_player must implement.
- BufferConfigType
- The different types of buffer configurations that can be set on the player.
- DataSourceType
- The way in which the video was originally loaded.
- DisplayMode
- Sets the video screen mode in the specified display area.
- DisplayRotation
- The different types of display rotations that can be set on the player.
- StreamingPropertyType
- The streaming property type.
- VideoEventType
- Type of the event.
- VideoFormat
- The file format of the given video.