auth_header 3.0.1
auth_header: ^3.0.1 copied to clipboard
Utility library to parse and manipulate HTTP Authorisation header
auth_header #
Utility library to parse and manipulate HTTP Authorisation header
Usage #
A simple usage example:
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:auth_header/auth_header.dart';
main() {
HttpRequest request; // TODO get from the real request
List<String> headers = request.headers[HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION];
if(headers is! List) {
throw new Exception('No authorization header!');
String header = headers.first;
AuthHeaders authHeader = new AuthHeaders.fromHeaderStr(header);
AuthHeaderItem items = new AuthHeaderItem('some-scheme', 'teja');
String headerManipulated = AuthHeaders.addItemToHeaderStr(header, items);
headerManipulated = AuthHeaders.removeSchemeFromHeaderStr(header, items.authScheme);