auto_route 0.1.1 copy "auto_route: ^0.1.1" to clipboard
auto_route: ^0.1.1 copied to clipboard


AutoRoute is a route generation library, where everything needed for navigation is automatically generated for you.

auto_route: #

AutoRoute is a route generation library, where everything needed for navigation is automatically generated for you.

Installation #

# add auto_route to your dependencies

# add the generator to your dev_dependencies
# of course build_runner is needed to run the generator

Setup & Usage #

First annotate your routes with @AutoRoute() or @initialRoute for the initial route. Note: There can be only one initialRoute.

class LoginScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container();

// use @InitialRoute() or @initialRoute to annotate the initial route.
class HomeScreen extends StatelessWidget {}
Now simply Run the generator

Use the [watch] flag so the generator will run automatically every time you add or edit your annotated classes.

flutter packages pub run build_runner watch

if you want the generator to run one time only use

flutter packages pub run build_runner build
Finalize the Setup

after you run the generator a Router class will be generated to lib/router.dart containing all of your route names and the onGenerateRoute function implementation.

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
    // hook up the onGenerateRoute function in the generated Router class
    // with your Material app
      onGenerateRoute: Router.onGenerateRoute,
      // after you annotate your home page with @initialRoute
      // an initialRoute route name will be generated in the Router class
      // assign it to initialRoute in your MaterialApp
      initialRoute: Router.initialRoute,

Inside of the Router class #

class Router{
// A route name will be generated className+Route
// you can also provide a custom route name in the Annotation like so
// @AutoRoute(name:"customRouteName")
// it's a static String so you can use it later in your code like
// Navigator.of(ctx).pushNamed(Router.loginScreenRoute);

  static const loginScreenRoute = '/loginScreenRoute';

      static Route<dynamic> onGenerateRoute(RouteSettings settings) {
        switch ( {
        // The generated code for LoginScreen is
          case loginScreenRoute:
            return MaterialPageRoute(
              builder: (_) => LoginScreen(),
              settings: settings,

          // autoRoute handles unknown routes for you
            return _unknownRoutePage(;

What about Route Parameters? #

That's the fun part!

You don't actually need to do anything extra. AutoRoute automatically detects your route parameters and handles them for you, and because Types are important autoRoute will make sure you pass the right argument Type

class ProductDetails extends StatelessWidget {
  final int productId;
// auto route will handle your route parameters based on
// your widget route constructor
  const ProductDetails(this.productId);
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container();

Generated code for the above example

 final args = settings.arguments;
  case productDetailsRoute:
   // ProductDetails screen is expecting a productId of type <int>
   // so we check the passed arguments against it
    if (_hasInvalidArgs<int>(args))
    // if the passed in args are mistyped, an error route page will be displayed instead
    return _misTypedArgsRoute<int>(args);
    // otherwise we navigate to the desired screen
    final typedArgs = args as int;
    return MaterialPageRoute(
      builder: (_) => ProductDetails(typedArgs),
      settings: settings,
Passing multiple parameters (Don't worry, We're not using a dynamic Map!)

Since you can only pass one object argument in the Navigator, if you define more then one parameter in your screen constructor autoRoute will automatically generate a class that holds your screen arguments and keeps them strongly typed.

class WelcomeScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  final String title;
  final String message;
  const WelcomeScreen({this.title = "Default Title", this.message});

  Widget build(BuildContext context)...

Generated code for the above example

//WelcomeScreen arguments holder class is generated
class WelcomeScreenArguments {
  final String title;
  final String message;
  // you're not going to lose your default values;
  WelcomeScreenArguments({this.title = "Default Title", this.message});

// then use the Arguments class holder as a type and check your passed args against it
 case welcomeScreenRoute:
        if (_hasInvalidArgs<WelcomeScreenArguments>(args))
          return _misTypedArgsRoute<WelcomeScreenArguments>(args);
        final typedArgs =
            args as WelcomeScreenArguments ?? WelcomeScreenArguments();
        return MaterialPageRoute(
          builder: (_) =>
              WelcomeScreen(title: typedArgs.title, message: typedArgs.message),
          settings: settings,

Then Pass your strongly typed args like so

    arguments: WelcomeScreenArguments(
        title: "Hello World!"
        message: "Let's AutoRoute!"

Custom route Transitions? Yes! please! #

To use custom Transitions you need to pass a REFERENCE to a TransitionBuilder function that has the same signature as the TransitionBuilder Function of the PageRoute class. The included TransitionBuilders Class contains a preset of common Transitions builders

@AutoRoute(transitionBuilder: TransitionBuilders.slideBottom)
class LoginScreen extends StatelessWidget {}

You can of course use your own transitionBuilder function as long as it has the same function signture as in the function has to take in exactly a BuildContext, Animation

Widget zoomInTransition(BuildContext context, Animation<double> animation, Animation<double> secondaryAnimation, Widget child) {
 // you get an animation object and a widget
 // make your own transition
    return ScaleTransition(scale: animation, child: child);

Now pass the reference of your function to AutoRoute annotation "Just the name" like the below example. Basically you're just telling the generator to use this function to build the route

@AutoRoute(transitionBuilder: zoomInTransition)
class ZoomInScreen extends StatelessWidget {}

Problems with the generation? #

Make sure you always Save your files before running the generator if that doesn't work you can always try to clean and rebuild.

flutter packages pub run build_runner clean
pub points



AutoRoute is a route generation library, where everything needed for navigation is automatically generated for you.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)




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