auto_route 0.6.0 copy "auto_route: ^0.6.0" to clipboard
auto_route: ^0.6.0 copied to clipboard


AutoRoute is a declartive routing solution, where everything needed for navigation is automatically generated for you.

auto_route: #

AutoRoute is a declartive routing solution, where everything needed for navigation is automatically generated for you.

Installation #

  auto_route: [latest-version]

  auto_route_generator: [latest-version]

Setup and Usage #

First create a router class and annotate it with @MaterialAutoRouter, @CupertinoAutoRouter, @AdaptiveAutoRouteror @CustomAutoRoute. It's name must be prefixed with $ to get a generated class with the same name minus the $. $Router => Router

Note: using $ prefix is mandatory.
@MaterialAutoRouter(...config)  //CustomAutoRoute(..config)
class $Router {}

Declare your AutoRoutes in MaterialAutoRouter() annotation

  routes: <AutoRoute>[
    // intial route is named "/"
    MaterialRoute(page: HomeScreen, initial: true),
    MaterialRoute(page: UsersScreen, ..config),
class $Router {}

Now simply run the generator

Use the [watch] flag to watch the files system for edits and rebuild as necessary.

flutter packages pub run build_runner watch

if you want the generator to run one time and exits use

flutter packages pub run build_runner build

Finalize the setup

after you run the generator your router class will be generated

    // Let MaterialApp use ExtendedNavigator instead of
    // the native one by assigning it to it's builder
     builder: ExtendedNavigator<Router>(router: Router()),

     // ExtendedNavigator is just a widget so you can still wrap it
     // with other widgets if you need to
     builder: (ctx, nativeNavigator) => Theme(
       child: ExtendedNavigator<Router>(router: Router())

Using the native navigator

Note Without ExtendedNavigator you will lose support for RouteGuards and auto-nested navigation handling.

      // assign your generated Router directly to onGenerateRoute property
        onGenerateRoute: Router()

Inside of the generated file

// a Routes class that holds all of your static route names
class Routes {
  static const String homeScreen = '/';
  static const String usersScreen = '/users-screen';
  static const all = <String>{

class Router extends RouterBase {
  List<RouteDef> get routes => _routes;
  final _routes = <RouteDef>[
    RouteDef(Routes.homeScreen, page: HomeScreen),
    RouteDef(Routes.usersScreen, page: UsersScreen),
  Map<Type, AutoRouteFactory> get pagesMap => _pagesMap;
  final _pagesMap = <Type, AutoRouteFactory>{
    HomeScreen: (RouteData data) {
      return MaterialPageRoute<dynamic>(
        builder: (context) => HomeScreen(),
        settings: data,
 // Argument holder classes if exist ...

Customizing routes #

There are several avalaible auto-route types which you can customize

  • MaterialRoute -> will generate a MaterialRoutePage
  • CupertinoRoute -> will generate a CupertionRoutePage
  • AdaptiveRoute -> will generate Cupertion or Material route page based on the Platform
  • CustomRoute -> will generate a PageRouteBuilder with the provided Customizations
  routes: <AutoRoute>[
    MaterialRoute(page: HomeScreen, initial: true, name: "IntialRoute"),
    CupertinoRoute(page: UsersScreen, fullscreenDialog: true),
    //This route returns result of type [bool]
    CustomRoute<bool>(page: LoginScreen, transitionsBuilder: TransitionsBuilders.fadeIn),
class $Router {}

Custom path names

AutoRoute automatically generates paths based on page type, for example the generated path for HomeScreen is "/home-screen". You properlly won't need to customize your paths unless your're building a web application. To use a custom path name use the path property inside of AutoRoute

MaterialRoute(path: "/users", page: UsersScreen)

Available customizations

MaterialAutoRouter | CupertinoAutoRouter | AdaptiveAutoRouter
Property Default value Definition
generateNavigationHelperExtension [bool] false if true a Navigator extenstion will be generated with helper push methods of all routes
routePrefix [String] '' all route paths will be prefixed with this routePrefix String
routesClassName [string] 'Routes' the name of the generated Routes class


Property Default value Definition
transitionsBuilder null extension for the transitionsBuilder property in PageRouteBuilder
opaque true extension for the opaque property in PageRouteBuilder
barrierDismissible false extension for the barrierDismissible property in PageRouteBuilder
durationInMilliseconds null extension for the transitionDuration(millieSeconds) property in PageRouteBuilder

MaterialRoute | CupertinoRoute | AdaptiveRoute | CustomRoute

Property Default value Definition
initial false mark the route as initial '\'
path null an auto generated path will be used if not provided
name null this will be assigned to the route variable name if provided and it will be used to name the route's nested Router if it has one (String homeScreen = [name]);
fullscreenDialog false extension for the fullscreenDialog property in PageRoute
maintainState true extension for the maintainState property in PageRoute

CupertinoRoute Specific => CupertinoPageRoute

Property Default value Definition
title null extension for the title property in CupertinoPageRoute

CustomRoute Specific => PageRouteBuilder

Property Default value Definition
transitionsBuilder null extension for the transitionsBuilder property in PageRouteBuilder
opaque true extension for the opaque property in PageRouteBuilder
barrierDismissible false extension for the barrierDismissible property in PageRouteBuilder
durationInMilliseconds null extension for the transitionDuration(millieSeconds) property in PageRouteBuilder

Passing aurguments to routes #

That's the fun part!

You don't actually need to do anything extra. AutoRoute automatically detects your route parameters and handles them for you, it will automatically generate a class that holds your screen arguments and keep them typed.

class WelcomeScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  final String title;
  final String message;
  const WelcomeScreen({this.title = "Default Title",@required this.message});

  Widget build(BuildContext context)...

Generated arguments holder for the above example

  • Default values are respected.
  • Required fields are also respected and handled properly.
class WelcomeScreenArguments {
  final String title;
  final String message;
  // you're not going to lose your default values;
  WelcomeScreenArguments({this.title = "Default Title",@required this.message});
Pass your typed args using the generated arguments holder class
    arguments: WelcomeScreenArguments(
        title: "Hello World!"
        message: "Let's AutoRoute!"

Dynamic routing (Path parameters) #

requires AutoRoute: >= 0.6.0 Define a dynamic segment by prefixing it with a colon

MaterialRoute(path: "/users/:id", page: UsersScreen);

Now pushing users/1 will match /users:id and the path parameter id will be extracted and exposed in RouteData

Extracting route parameters #

Extracted path parameters & queryParameters are bundled inside of an object called RouteData wihch you can get by calling RouteData.of(context) inside of the current route page.

class UsersScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   var routeData = RouteData.of(context)
    // .value will return the raw string value
     var userId = routeData.pathParams['id'].value;
     // .intValue will return a parsed int or null if parsing fails
   int userId = routeData.pathParams['id'].intValue;
   var queryParams = routeData.queryParams;

isn't there a better way to extract route parameters? This doesn't feel very auto! #

of course there is! simply annotate your constructor parameters with @PathParam() or @QueryParam() and let auto_route do the work for you

class UsersScreen extends StatefulWidget {
  const UsersScreen({
    // if your var name is different from the param name you
    // can pass it's expected name to the annotation
    // e.g [/users/1?filter=testers]
    @QueryParam('filter') this.filterFromQuery,

Generated code for UsersScreen

      builder: (context,) => UsersScreen(
      // auto_route will know the right type to parse the raw value to
      id: data.pathParams['id'].intValue,
      filterFromQuery: data.queryParams['filter'].stringValue)

Note constructor paramters annoated with @PathParam() or @QueryParam will not be considered as argument paramters and will be excluded from the generated argument class holder

Hanlding unknown routes #

requires AutoRoute: >= 0.6.0

Using a wildcard

AutoRoute 0.6.0 supports wildcard matching, you can simpley declare a wildcard at the end of your routes list to catch any undefined routes.

  routes: <AutoRoute>[
    MaterialRoute(page: HomeScreen, initial: true),
    MaterialRoute(page: UsersScreen),
    // This should be at the end of your routes list
    // wildcards are represented by '*'
    MaterialRoute(path: "*", page: UnknownRouteScreen)
class $Router {}

Using the onUnknownRoute callback function in ExtendedNavigator

This function is called when the matcher fails to find a route to return, a defualt error page is returned if onUnkownRoute is not provided

    router: Router(),
    onUnknownRoute:(RouteSettings settings){
        // return your Error page
    } ,

Nested Routes #

Declaring your nested routes inside of the parent route's children property will generate a nested router class called UsersScreenRouter, if you provide a custom name for the parent route the nested router name will be customName+Router

  routes: <AutoRoute>[
    MaterialRoute(page: HomeScreen, initial: true),
      path: '/users:id',
      page: UsersScreen,
      children: <AutoRoute>[
        // path: '/' is the same as setting initial to true
        MaterialRoute(path: '/', page: ProfileScreen),
        MaterialRoute(path: '/posts', page: PostsScreen),
class $Router {}

Now we need to render these nested routes inside of their parent UsersScreen and for that we use a NestedNavigator(), this widget will build an ExtendedNavigator and provide it with the right router. this's the same as using <router-outlet> in Angular or <router-view> in Vue.

class UsersScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(title: Text("Users Page")),
      // this navigator will obtain it's router
      // on it's own
      body: NestedNavigator(),

You can either use context to look up your Navigator in your widgets tree or without context, by router or name.

with context


by Router


by Name -> this's useful when using nested Navigators

// give your navigator a name
ExtendedNavigator(router: Router(), name: "root")
NestedNavigaotr(name: "nestedNav")
//call it by it's name

if you're working with only one navigator


to generate extension methods set the generateNavigationHelperExtension property inside of MaterialAutoRouter() to true

This will generate

extension RouterNavigationHelperMethods on ExtendedNavigatorState {
  Future pushHomeScreen() => pushNamed(Routes.homeScreen);
  Future<bool> pushSecondScreen(
          {@required String title, String message}) =>
          arguments: SecondScreenArguments(title: title, message: message));

Then use it like follows


Route guards #

Implementing route guards requires a little bit of setup:

  1. Create your route guard by extending RouteGuard from the autoRoute package
class AuthGuard extends RouteGuard {
 Future<bool> canNavigate(
     ExtendedNavigatorState navigator, String routeName, Object arguments) async {

   SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
   return prefs.getString('token_key') != null;
  1. Register the guards inside of ExtendedNavigator
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      builder: ExtendedNavigator<Router>(
        router: Router(),
        guards: [AuthGuard()],

Finally assign the guards to the route you want to protect

 MaterialRoute(page: ProfileScreen, guards: [AuthGuard])

Handling Wrapped Routes #

To wrap your route with a parent widget like a Provider or such, simply implement AutoRouteWrapper, and let wrappedRoute(context) method return (this) as the child of your wrapper widget.

class ProductsScreen extends StatelessWidget implements AutoRouteWrapper {
  Widget wrappedRoute(BuildContext context) {
  return Provider(create: (ctx) => ProductsBloc(), child: this);

Custom Route Transitions #

To use custom Transitions use the @CustomRoute() annotation and pass in your preferences. The TransitionsBuilder function needs to be passed as a static/const reference that has the same signature as the TransitionsBuilder Function of the PageRouteBuilder class. The included TransitionsBuilders Class contains a preset of common Transitions builders

@CustomRoute(transitionsBuilder: TransitionBuilders.slideBottom,durationInMilliseconds: 400)
LoginScreen loginScreenRoute;

Use @CustomAutoRouter() to define global custom route Transitions.

You can of course use your own transitionsBuilder function as long as it has the same function signature. The function has to take in exactly a BuildContext, Animation[Double], Animation[Double] and a child Widget and it needs to return a Widget, typically you would wrap your child with one of flutter's transition Widgets as follows.

Widget zoomInTransition(BuildContext context, Animation<double> animation, Animation<double> secondaryAnimation, Widget child) {
 // you get an animation object and a widget
 // make your own transition
    return ScaleTransition(scale: animation, child: child);

Now pass the reference of your function to @CustomRoute() annotation.

@CustomRoute(transitionsBuilder: zoomInTransition)
ZoomInScreen zoomInScreenRoute {}

Migration guide #

I apologyize for the good 5 to 10 minutes you're gonna lose rewriting your router class but it's for the greater good ;).

Migrating from auto_route <= 0.5.0

Basically instead of declaring our routes as class fields we're going to use a more readable and scalable way (a static routes list).

old way <= 0.5.0

class $Router{
    HomeScreen homeScreen;

new way >= 0.6.0

  MaterialRoute(page: HomeScreen, initial: true),
class $Router{}
Route Customization

old way <= 0.5.0

class $Router{
    @CupertinoRoute(fullscreenDialog: true, returnType: bool)
    LoginScreen loginScreen;

    @CustomRoute(transationsBuilder: TranstionsBuilders.fadeIn)
    ProfileScreen profileScreen;

new way >= 0.6.0

  CupertinoRoute<bool>(page: LoginScreen, fullscreenDialog: true),
  CustomRoute(page: ProfileScreen, transationsBuilder: TranstionsBuilders.fadeIn)
class $Router{}
Route Guards

old way <= 0.5.0

class $Router{
    ProfileScreen profileScreen;

new way >= 0.6.0

  MaterialRoute(page: ProfileScreen, guards:[AuthGuard]),
class $Router{}
Custom UnknownRoute screen

old way <= 0.5.0

class $Router{
    UnknownRouteScreen unkownRoute;

new way >= 0.6.0

  // order is important here, this must be at the end of your routes list
  MaterialRoute(path: '*', page: UnknownRouteScreen),
class $Router{}

Problems with the generation? #

Make sure you always Save your files before running the generator, if that doesn't work you can always try to clean and rebuild.

flutter packages pub run build_runner clean

Support auto_route #

You can support auto_route by liking it on Pub and staring it on Github, sharing ideas on how we can enhance a certain functinality or by reporting any problems you encounter

pub points



AutoRoute is a declartive routing solution, where everything needed for navigation is automatically generated for you.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


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