bitrise 1.0.0 bitrise: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
A Dart API Client for
bitrise (EXPERIMENTAL) #
Official REST API for
This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 0.1
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartDioNextClientCodegen For more information, please visit
Requirements #
- Dart 2.12.0 or later OR Flutter 1.26.0 or later
- Dio 4.0.0+
Installation & Usage # #
To use the package from, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
bitrise: 1.0.0
Github #
If this Dart package is published to Github, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
#ref: main
Local development #
To use the package from your local drive, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
path: /path/to/bitrise
Getting Started #
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import 'package:bitrise/bitrise.dart';
final api = ActivityApi();
final next = next_example; // String | Slug of the first activity event in the response
final limit = 56; // int | Max number of elements per page (default: 50)
try {
final response = await api.activityList(next, limit);
} catch on DioError (e) {
print("Exception when calling ActivityApi->activityList: $e\n");
Documentation for API Endpoints #
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ActivityApi | activityList | get /me/activities | Get list of Bitrise activity events |
AddonsApi | addonListByApp | get /apps/{app-slug}/addons | Get list of the addons for apps |
AddonsApi | addonListByOrganization | get /organizations/{organization-slug}/addons | Get list of the addons for organization |
AddonsApi | addonListByUser | get /users/{user-slug}/addons | Get list of the addons for user |
AddonsApi | addonsList | get /addons | Get list of available Bitrise addons |
AddonsApi | addonsShow | get /addons/{addon-id} | Get a specific Bitrise addon |
AndroidKeystoreFileApi | androidKeystoreFileCreate | post /apps/{app-slug}/android-keystore-files | Create an Android keystore file |
AndroidKeystoreFileApi | androidKeystoreFileList | get /apps/{app-slug}/android-keystore-files | Get a list of the android keystore files |
AppSetupApi | appConfigCreate | post /apps/{app-slug}/bitrise.yml | Upload a new bitrise.yml for your application. |
AppSetupApi | appCreate | post /apps/register | Add a new app |
AppSetupApi | appFinish | post /apps/{app-slug}/finish | Save the application at the end of the app registration process |
AppSetupApi | appWebhookCreate | post /apps/{app-slug}/register-webhook | Register an incoming webhook for a specific application |
AppSetupApi | sshKeyCreate | post /apps/{app-slug}/register-ssh-key | Add an SSH-key to a specific app |
AppleApiCredentialsApi | appleApiCredentialList | get /users/{user-slug}/apple-api-credentials | List Apple API credentials for a specific user |
ApplicationApi | appConfigDatastoreShow | get /apps/{app-slug}/bitrise.yml | Get bitrise.yml of a specific app |
ApplicationApi | appList | get /apps | Get list of the apps |
ApplicationApi | appListByOrganization | get /organizations/{org-slug}/apps | Get list of the apps for an organization |
ApplicationApi | appListByUser | get /users/{user-slug}/apps | Get list of the apps for a user |
ApplicationApi | appShow | get /apps/{app-slug} | Get a specific app |
ApplicationApi | branchList | get /apps/{app-slug}/branches | List the branches with existing builds of an app's repository |
AvatarCandidateApi | avatarCandidateCreate | post /apps/{app-slug}/avatar-candidates | Create avatar candidates |
AvatarCandidateApi | avatarCandidateList | get /v0.1/apps/{app-slug}/avatar-candidates | Get list of the avatar candidates |
AvatarCandidateApi | avatarCandidatePromote | patch /apps/{app-slug}/avatar-candidates/{avatar-slug} | Promote an avatar candidate |
BuildArtifactApi | artifactDelete | delete /apps/{app-slug}/builds/{build-slug}/artifacts/{artifact-slug} | Delete a build artifact |
BuildArtifactApi | artifactList | get /apps/{app-slug}/builds/{build-slug}/artifacts | Get a list of all build artifacts |
BuildArtifactApi | artifactShow | get /apps/{app-slug}/builds/{build-slug}/artifacts/{artifact-slug} | Get a specific build artifact |
BuildArtifactApi | artifactUpdate | patch /apps/{app-slug}/builds/{build-slug}/artifacts/{artifact-slug} | Update a build artifact |
BuildCertificateApi | buildCertificateConfirm | post /apps/{app-slug}/build-certificates/{build-certificate-slug}/uploaded | Confirm a build certificate upload |
BuildCertificateApi | buildCertificateCreate | post /apps/{app-slug}/build-certificates | Create a build certificate |
BuildCertificateApi | buildCertificateDelete | delete /apps/{app-slug}/build-certificates/{build-certificate-slug} | Delete a build certificate |
BuildCertificateApi | buildCertificateList | get /apps/{app-slug}/build-certificates | Get a list of the build certificates |
BuildCertificateApi | buildCertificateShow | get /apps/{app-slug}/build-certificates/{build-certificate-slug} | Get a specific build certificate |
BuildCertificateApi | buildCertificateUpdate | patch /apps/{app-slug}/build-certificates/{build-certificate-slug} | Update a build certificate |
BuildRequestApi | buildRequestList | get /apps/{app-slug}/build-requests | List the open build requests for an app |
BuildRequestApi | buildRequestUpdate | patch /apps/{app-slug}/build-requests/{build-request-slug} | Update a build request |
BuildsApi | buildAbort | post /apps/{app-slug}/builds/{build-slug}/abort | Abort a specific build |
BuildsApi | buildBitriseYmlShow | get /apps/{app-slug}/builds/{build-slug}/bitrise.yml | Get the bitrise.yml of a build |
BuildsApi | buildList | get /apps/{app-slug}/builds | List all builds of an app |
BuildsApi | buildListAll | get /builds | List all builds |
BuildsApi | buildLog | get /apps/{app-slug}/builds/{build-slug}/log | Get the build log of a build |
BuildsApi | buildShow | get /apps/{app-slug}/builds/{build-slug} | Get a build of a given app |
BuildsApi | buildTrigger | post /apps/{app-slug}/builds | Trigger a new build |
BuildsApi | buildWorkflowList | get /apps/{app-slug}/build-workflows | List the workflows of an app |
GenericProjectFileApi | genericProjectFileConfirm | post /apps/{app-slug}/generic-project-files/{generic-project-file-slug}/uploaded | Confirm a generic project file upload |
GenericProjectFileApi | genericProjectFileDelete | delete /apps/{app-slug}/generic-project-files/{generic-project-file-slug} | Delete a generic project file |
GenericProjectFileApi | genericProjectFileList | get /apps/{app-slug}/generic-project-files | Get a list of the generic project files |
GenericProjectFileApi | genericProjectFileShow | get /apps/{app-slug}/generic-project-files/{generic-project-file-slug} | Get a specific generic project file |
GenericProjectFileApi | genericProjectFileUpdate | patch /apps/{app-slug}/generic-project-files/{generic-project-file-slug} | Update a generic project file |
GenericProjectFileApi | genericProjectFilesCreate | post /apps/{app-slug}/generic-project-files | Create a generic project file |
OrganizationsApi | orgList | get /organizations | List the organizations that the user is part of |
OrganizationsApi | orgShow | get /organizations/{org-slug} | Get a specified organization. |
OutgoingWebhookApi | outgoingWebhookCreate | post /apps/{app-slug}/outgoing-webhooks | Create an outgoing webhook for an app |
OutgoingWebhookApi | outgoingWebhookDelete | delete /apps/{app-slug}/outgoing-webhooks/{app-webhook-slug} | Delete an outgoing webhook of an app |
OutgoingWebhookApi | outgoingWebhookList | get /apps/{app-slug}/outgoing-webhooks | List the outgoing webhooks of an app |
OutgoingWebhookApi | outgoingWebhookUpdate | put /apps/{app-slug}/outgoing-webhooks/{app-webhook-slug} | Update an outgoing webhook of an app |
ProvisioningProfileApi | provisioningProfileConfirm | post /apps/{app-slug}/provisioning-profiles/{provisioning-profile-slug}/uploaded | Confirm a provisioning profile upload |
ProvisioningProfileApi | provisioningProfileCreate | post /apps/{app-slug}/provisioning-profiles | Create a provisioning profile |
ProvisioningProfileApi | provisioningProfileDelete | delete /apps/{app-slug}/provisioning-profiles/{provisioning-profile-slug} | Delete a provisioning profile |
ProvisioningProfileApi | provisioningProfileList | get /apps/{app-slug}/provisioning-profiles | Get a list of the provisioning profiles |
ProvisioningProfileApi | provisioningProfileShow | get /apps/{app-slug}/provisioning-profiles/{provisioning-profile-slug} | Get a specific provisioning profile |
ProvisioningProfileApi | provisioningProfileUpdate | patch /apps/{app-slug}/provisioning-profiles/{provisioning-profile-slug} | Update a provisioning profile |
TestDevicesApi | testDeviceList | get /apps/{app-slug}/test-devices | List the test devices for an app |
UserApi | userPlan | get /me/plan | The subscription plan of the user |
UserApi | userProfile | get /me | Get your profile data |
UserApi | userShow | get /users/{user-slug} | Get a specific user |
WebhookDeliveryItemApi | webhookDeliveryItemList | get /apps/{app-slug}/outgoing-webhooks/{app-webhook-slug}/delivery-items | List the webhook delivery items of an app |
WebhookDeliveryItemApi | webhookDeliveryItemRedeliver | post /apps/{app-slug}/outgoing-webhooks/{app-webhook-slug}/delivery-items/{webhook-delivery-item-slug}/redeliver | Re-deliver the webhook delivery items of an app |
WebhookDeliveryItemApi | webhookDeliveryItemShow | get /apps/{app-slug}/outgoing-webhooks/{app-webhook-slug}/delivery-items/{webhook-delivery-item-slug} | Get a specific delivery item of a webhook |
Documentation For Models #
- AddonsAddon
- AddonsDeveloperLink
- AddonsFeature
- AddonsPlan
- AddonsSetupGuide
- AddonsSetupInstruction
- NullsInt64
- NullsString
- ServiceStandardErrorRespModel
- V0ActivityEventListResponseModel
- V0ActivityEventResponseItemModel
- V0AddOnAppResponseItemModel
- V0AddonsListResponseModel
- V0AddonsShowResponseModel
- V0AndroidKeystoreFileUploadParams
- V0AppAddOnResponseItemModel
- V0AppAddOnsListResponseModel
- V0AppConfigRequestParam
- V0AppFinishParams
- V0AppFinishRespModel
- V0AppListResponseModel
- V0AppRespModel
- V0AppResponseItemModel
- V0AppShowResponseModel
- V0AppUploadParams
- V0AppWebhookCreateParams
- V0AppWebhookCreatedResponseModel
- V0AppWebhookDeletedResponseModel
- V0AppWebhookListResponseModel
- V0AppWebhookResponseItemModel
- V0AppWebhookResponseModel
- V0AppWebhookUpdateParams
- V0AppleAPICredentialResponseItem
- V0AppleAPICredentialsListResponse
- V0ArtifactDeleteResponseModel
- V0ArtifactListElementResponseModel
- V0ArtifactListResponseModel
- V0ArtifactResponseItemModel
- V0ArtifactShowResponseModel
- V0ArtifactUpdateParams
- V0AvatarCandidateCreateParams
- V0AvatarCandidateCreateResponseItem
- V0AvatarPromoteParams
- V0AvatarPromoteResponseItemModel
- V0AvatarPromoteResponseModel
- V0BranchListResponseModel
- V0BuildAbortParams
- V0BuildAbortResponseModel
- V0BuildCertificateListResponseModel
- V0BuildCertificateResponseItemModel
- V0BuildCertificateResponseModel
- V0BuildCertificateUpdateParams
- V0BuildCertificateUploadParams
- V0BuildListAllResponseItemModel
- V0BuildListAllResponseModel
- V0BuildListResponseModel
- V0BuildLogChunkItemResponseModel
- V0BuildLogInfoResponseModel
- V0BuildParamsEnvironment
- V0BuildRequestListResponseModel
- V0BuildRequestResponseItemModel
- V0BuildRequestUpdateParams
- V0BuildRequestUpdateResponseModel
- V0BuildResponseItemModel
- V0BuildShowResponseModel
- V0BuildTriggerParams
- V0BuildTriggerParamsBuildParams
- V0BuildTriggerParamsHookInfo
- V0BuildTriggerRespModel
- V0BuildWorkflowListResponseModel
- V0CommitPaths
- V0FindAvatarCandidateResponse
- V0FindAvatarCandidateResponseItem
- V0OrganizationDataModel
- V0OrganizationListRespModel
- V0OrganizationOwner
- V0OrganizationRespModel
- V0OwnerAccountResponseModel
- V0OwnerAddOnResponseItemModel
- V0OwnerAddOnsListResponseModel
- V0PagingResponseModel
- V0PlanDataModel
- V0ProjectFileStorageDocumentUpdateParams
- V0ProjectFileStorageListResponseModel
- V0ProjectFileStorageResponseItemModel
- V0ProjectFileStorageResponseModel
- V0ProjectFileStorageUploadParams
- V0ProvProfileDocumentUpdateParams
- V0ProvisionProfileListResponseModel
- V0ProvisionProfileResponseItemModel
- V0ProvisionProfileResponseModel
- V0ProvisionProfileUploadParams
- V0ProxyErrorRespModel
- V0SSHKeyRespModel
- V0SSHKeyUploadParams
- V0TestDeviceListResponseModel
- V0TestDeviceResponseItemModel
- V0UserPlanDataModel
- V0UserPlanRespModel
- V0UserProfileDataModel
- V0UserProfileRespModel
- V0WebhookDeliveryItemResponseModel
- V0WebhookDeliveryItemShowResponseModel
- V0WebhookRespModel
Documentation For Authorization #
AddonAuthToken #
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Bitrise-Addon-Auth-Token
- Location: HTTP header
PersonalAccessToken #
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header