build 1.1.5 build: ^1.1.5 copied to clipboard
A build system for Dart.
Defines the basic pieces of how a build happens and how they interact.
The business logic for code generation. Most consumers of the build
will create custom implementations of Builder
The way a Builder
interacts with the outside world. Defines the unit of work
and allows reading/writing files and resolving Dart source code.
class #
An interface into the dart analyzer to allow resolution of code that needs static analysis and/or code generation.
Differences between the build
package and pub
+ barback
. #
If you currently implement transformers with package:barback
for use with
Dart v1 pub build
and pub serve
, see Upgrading from barback.
Implementing your own Builders #
If you have written a barback
in the past, then the
API should be familiar to you. The main difference
is that Builders
must always configure outputs based on input extensions.
The basic API looks like this:
abstract class Builder {
/// You can only output files in `build` that are configured here. You are not
/// required to output all of these files, but no other [Builder] is allowed
/// to produce the same outputs.
Map<String, List<String>> get buildExtensions;
/// Similar to `Transformer.apply`. This is where you build and output files.
Future build(BuildStep buildStep);
Here is an implementation of a Builder
which just copies files to other files
with the same name, but an additional extension:
/// A really simple [Builder], it just makes copies!
class CopyBuilder implements Builder {
final String extension;
Future build(BuildStep buildStep) async {
/// Each [buildStep] has a single input.
var inputId = buildStep.inputId;
/// Create a new target [AssetId] based on the old one.
var copy = inputId.addExtension(extension);
var contents = await buildStep.readAsString(inputId);
/// Write out the new asset.
/// There is no need to `await` here, the system handles waiting on these
/// files as necessary before advancing to the next phase.
buildStep.writeAsString(copy, contents);
/// Configure output extensions. All possible inputs match the empty input
/// extension. For each input 1 output is created with `extension` appended to
/// the path.
Map<String, List<String>> get buildExtensions => {'': [extension]};
It should be noted that you should never touch the file system directly. Go
through the buildStep#readAsString
and buildStep#writeAsString
methods in
order to read and write assets. This is what enables the package to track all of
your dependencies and do incremental rebuilds. It is also what enables your
to run on different environments.
Using the analyzer #
If you need to do analyzer resolution, you can use the BuildStep#resolver
object. This makes sure that all Builder
s in the system share the same
analysis context, which greatly speeds up the overall system when multiple
s are doing resolution.
Here is an example of a Builder
which uses the resolve
class ResolvingCopyBuilder implements Builder {
Future build(BuildStep buildStep) async {
// Get the [LibraryElement] for the primary input.
var entryLib = await buildStep.inputLibrary;
// Resolves all libraries reachable from the primary input.
var resolver = buildStep.resolver;
// Get a [LibraryElement] for another asset.
var libFromAsset = await resolver.libraryFor(
new AssetId.resolve('some_import.dart', from: buildStep.inputId));
// Or get a [LibraryElement] by name.
var libByName = await resolver.findLibraryByName('my.library');
/// Configure outputs as well....
Once you have gotten a LibraryElement
using one of the methods on Resolver
you are now just using the regular analyzer
package to explore your app.
Sharing expensive objects across build steps #
The build package includes a Resource
class, which can give you an instance
of an expensive object that is guaranteed to be unique across builds, but may
be re-used by multiple build steps within a single build (to the extent that
the implementation allows). It also gives you a way of disposing of your
resource at the end of its lifecycle.
The Resource<T>
constructor takes a single required argument which is a
factory function that returns a FutureOr<T>
. There is also a named argument
which is called at the end of life for the resource, with the
instance that should be disposed. This returns a FutureOr<dynamic>
So a simple example Resource
would look like this:
final resource = new Resource(
() => createMyExpensiveResource(),
dispose: (instance) async {
await instance.doSomeCleanup();
You can get an instance of the underlying resource by using the
method, whose type signature looks like
Future<T> fetchResource<T>(Resource<T>)
Important Note: It may be tempting to try and use a Resource
instance to
cache information from previous build steps (or even assets), but this should
be avoided because it can break the soundness of the build, and may introduce
subtle bugs for incremental builds (remember the whole build doesn't run every
time!). The build
package relies on the BuildStep#canRead
methods to track build step dependencies, so sidestepping
those can and will break the dependency tracking, resulting in inconsistent and
stale assets.
Features and bugs #
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.