build_modules 5.0.10-beta.0 copy "build_modules: ^5.0.10-beta.0" to clipboard
build_modules: ^5.0.10-beta.0 copied to clipboard

Builders to analyze and split Dart code into individually compilable modules based on imports.

5.0.10-beta.0 #

  • Bump the min sdk to 3.5.0.
  • Support 3.7.0 pre-release sdks.

5.0.9 #

  • Bump the min sdk to
  • Allow version 3.6.x of the Dart SDK.

5.0.8 #

  • Allow version 3.5.x of the Dart SDK.

5.0.7 #

  • Fixes to support package:js version 0.7.0.

5.0.6 #

  • Allow version 3.4.x of the Dart SDK.

5.0.5 #

  • Allow version 3.3.x of the Dart SDK.

5.0.4 #

  • Allow version 3.2.x of the Dart SDK.

5.0.3 #

  • Allow the latest analyzer (6.x.x).

5.0.2 #

  • Support Dart version 3.1.

5.0.1 #

  • Delete the long deprecated dart2JsWorkerResource api and associated code.
    • This should have landed in 5.0.0 but in practice doesn't work in Dart 3 any longer anyways, and has been officially deprecated for a long time.

5.0.0 #

  • Require Dart 3.0.
    • Drop support for unsound null safety.
    • Drop support for null asserts (irrelevant with sound null safety).

4.0.7 #

  • Migrate off deprecated analyzer apis.
  • Update min sdk constraint to 2.18.0.
  • Expand pubspec description.

4.0.6 #

  • Allow the latest package:analyzer.

4.0.5 #

  • Allow analyzer verion 4.x.

4.0.4 #

  • Allow the latest analyzer.

4.0.3 #

  • Drop package:pedantic dependency and replace it with package:lints.

4.0.2 #

  • Log a better and more consistent message when we encounter dart: uris in conditional imports.

4.0.1 #

  • Allow analyzer version 2.x.x.

4.0.0 #

  • Migrate to null safety.

3.0.6 #

  • Update to graphs 1.x
  • Update to build 2.x
  • Update to scratch_space 1.x

3.0.5 #

  • Update to glob 2.x.
  • Update to analyzer 1.x.

3.0.4 #

  • Allow the null safe pre-releases of bazel_worker.

3.0.3 #

  • Allow the null safe pre-releases of all migrated deps.

3.0.2 #

  • Allow package:json_annotation v4.x.

3.0.1 #

  • Allow the latest analyzer version 0.41.x.

3.0.0 #

  • Re-release of 2.11.2 but as a breaking change.

2.11.3 #

  • Reverts back to the 2.10.1 release. The updates from 2.11 will be republished as a breaking change, in version 3.0.0.

2.11.2 #

  • Re-release 2.11.0 with a min sdk constraint of

2.11.1 #

  • Reverts 2.11.0 for older sdks than <

2.11.0 #

  • Add support for building null safe kernel modules to KernelBuilder.
  • Allow the latest analyzer version 0.40.x.
  • Stop using deprecated analyzer apis.
  • Stop passing the deprecated --kernel flag to the dev compiler.
  • Update the package_config used in the shared compiler tmp dir to cover the non-lib dirs for the root package.
  • Expose maxWorkersPerTask variable.

2.10.1 #

  • Fix a bug where file names with spaces were not escaped before being passed to dart2js.

2.10.0 #

  • Deprecated the experiments argument to KernelBuilder and default it to use the value from the current zone.

2.9.0 #

  • Copy the package_config.json file to the scratch space directory, which allows us to respect language versions properly during compilation.
    • Also removes the custom .packages files that were previously created for each action.

2.8.1 #

  • Avoid waiting for exitCode from detached worker processes. In previous SDKs this was null but it was changed to throw.

2.8.0 #

  • Add the ability to pass a list of experiments to enable to the KernelBuilder.

2.7.0 #

  • Add support for an environment variable BUILD_DART2JS_VM_ARGS which can be used to supply Dart vm arguments for the dart2js processes.

2.6.3 #

  • Keep cached deserialized module instances in more cases. This may improve performance of incremental builds in watch mode.
  • Deprecated: The package specific unsupported module allow list option provided by computeTransitiveDependencies. The only known uses are being removed.
  • Allow analyzer version 0.39.x.

2.6.2 #

Republish of 2.6.0 with the proper min sdk contraint.

2.6.1 #

Bug fix for issue #2464 #

Ignore the trackUnusedInputs option that was added in 2.6.0.

This option will be respected again in the next release which will have the proper minimum sdk constraint.

2.6.0 #

Add support for dependency pruning to the KernelBuilder. This should greatly improve the invalidation semantics for builds, meaning that less code will be recompiled for each edit you make.

This is not enabled by default but can be enabled by passing trackUnusedInputs: true to the KernelBuilder constructor.

2.5.0 #

  • Add an option to skip the unsupported module check for modules in specified packages.

2.4.3 #

  • Allow analyzer version 0.38.0.

2.4.2 #

  • Support the latest release of package:json_annotation.

2.4.1 #

  • Require non-empty output from kernel build steps.

2.4.0 #

  • Allow overriding the target name passed to the kernel worker.

2.3.1 #

  • Allow analyzer version 0.37.0.

2.3.0 #

  • Add a hasMain boolean to the ModuleLibrary class.
    • This is now used instead of isEntrypoint for determining whether or not to copy module files for application discovery.
  • Fix computeTransitiveDeps to do error checking for the root module as well as transitive modules.

2.2.0 #

  • Make the librariesPath in the KernelBuilder configurable.
  • Fixed bug where the configured dart SDK was ignored.

2.1.3 #

  • Skip compiling modules with kernel when the primary source isn't the primary input (only shows up in non-lazy builds - essentially just tests).

2.1.2 #

  • Output additional .module files for all entrypoints to ease discovery of modules for compilers.

2.1.1 #

  • Allow build_config 0.4.x.

2.1.0 #

  • Make using the incremental compiler in the KernelBuilder configurable.

2.0.0 #

Breaking Changes #

  • Remove the merge method from Module and replace with a static Module.merge. Module instances are now immutable.
  • Remove jsId, and jsSourceMapId from Module.
  • DartPlatform no longer has hard coded platforms, and its constructor is now public. Anybody is now free to create their own platform.
  • Removed the platform specific builder factories from the builders.dart file.
    • Packages that want to target compilation for a platform should create their own builder factories.
  • Removed completely the analyzer based builders - UnlinkedSummaryBuilder and LinkedSummaryBuilder.
    • All backends should now be using the KernelBuilder instead.
  • Removed the default module builders for each supported platform. These must now be created by the packages that want to add compilation targeting a specific platform.
    • This will help reduce asset graph bloat caused by platforms that you weren't actually targeting.

Improvements #

  • Update the kernel worker to pass input digests, along with --reuse-compiler-result and --use-incremental-compiler.
  • Increased the upper bound for package:analyzer to <0.37.0.

1.0.11 #

  • Allow build_config 0.4.x.

1.0.10 #

  • Fix a performance issue in the kernel_builder, especially for larger projects.

1.0.9 #

  • Allow configuring the platform SDK directory in the KernelBuilder builder.

1.0.8 #

  • Don't follow dart.library.isolate conditional imports for the DDC platform.

1.0.7+2 #

  • Update dart2js snapshot arguments for upcoming SDK.

1.0.7+1 #

  • Fix broken release by updating dart2js worker and restricting sdk version.

1.0.7 #

  • Explicitly skip dart-ext uris during module creation.
    • Filed Issue #2047 to track real support for native extensions.
  • Run workers with mode detachedWithStdio if no terminal is connected.

1.0.6 #

  • Improved the time tracking for kernel and analyzer actions by not reporting time spent waiting for a worker to be available.

1.0.5 #

  • Increased the upper bound for package:analyzer to <0.36.0.

1.0.4 #

  • Update to package:graphs version 0.2.0.
  • Use dartdevc --kernel instead of dartdevk.

1.0.3 #

  • Increased the upper bound for package:analyzer to <0.35.0.

1.0.2 #

  • Support the latest package:json_annotation.

1.0.1 #

  • Increased the upper bound for package:analyzer to '<0.34.0'.

1.0.0 #

Breaking Changes #

  • The Module constructor has an additional required parameter isSupported, which indicates if a module is supported on that module's platform.

0.4.0 #

Improvements #

  • Modules are now platform specific, and config specific imports using dart.library.* constants are supported.

Breaking Configuration Changes #

  • Module granularity now has to be configured per platform, so instead of configuring it using the build_modules|modules builder, you now need to configure the builder for each specific platform:
        strategy: fine

The supported platforms are currently dart2js, dartdevc, flutter, and vm.

Breaking API Changes #

  • Output extensions of builders have changed to include the platform being built for.
    • All the top level file extension getters are now methods that take a platform and return the extension for that platform.
  • Most builders are no longer applied by default, you must manually apply them using applies_builders in your builder.
  • Most builder constructors now require a platform argument.

0.3.2 #

  • Module strategies are now respected for all packages instead of just the root package.
  • Can now mix and match fine and coarse strategies at will, even within package cycles (although this may cause larger modules).
  • Removed analyzer dependency.

0.3.1+1 #

  • Support package:json_annotation v1.

0.3.1 #

  • Change the default module strategy for the root package to coarse.

0.3.0 #

Improvements #

  • Updated dart2js support so that it can do multiple builds concurrently and will restart workers periodically to mitigate the effects of dart-lang/sdk#33708.
  • Increased the upper bound for the sdk to <3.0.0.

Breaking Changes #

  • Removed the kernelSummaryExtension, and renamed the KernelSummaryBuilder to KernelBuilder. The new builder can be used to create summaries or full kernel files, and requires users to give it a custom sdk.
  • Changed metaModuleCleanBuilder to read .module.library files which are produced by the moduleLibrayBuilder. Clients using the automatically generated build script will get this automatically. Clients which have manually written build scripts will need to add it.

0.2.3 #

  • Update to the latest package:scratch_space and don't manually clear it out between builds. This provides significant speed improvements for large projects.

0.2.2+6 #

  • Support the latest package:build_config.

0.2.2+5 #

  • Updated the missing modules message to highlight that the error is likely due to a missing dependency.

0.2.2+4 #

  • Support package:analyzer 0.32.0.

0.2.2+3 #

  • Fix a race condition where we could fail to find the modules for some dependencies.

0.2.2+2 #

  • Fix an issue where modules were unnecessarily being built with DDC. #1375.

0.2.2+1 #

  • Fix an issue with new files causing subsequent build failures #1358.
  • Expose MetaModuleCleanBuilder and metaModuleCleanExtension publicly for usage in tests and manual build scripts.

0.2.2 #

  • Clean up .module and summary files from the output and server.

  • Add new ModuleBuilder strategies. By default the coarse strategy is used for all non-root packages and will create a minimum number of modules. This strategy can not be overridden. However, for the root package, the fine strategy will be used which creates a module for each strongly connected component. You can override this behavior by providing coarse to the strategy option.

    Example configuration:

              strategy: coarse

0.2.1 #

  • Give a guaranteed reverse dependency order for Module.computeTransitiveDependencies

0.2.0+2 #

0.2.0+1 #

0.2.0 #

  • computeTransitiveDependencies now throws a MissingModulesException instead of logging a warning if it discovers a missing module.

0.1.0+2 #

  • Fix a bug with the dart2js workers where the worker could hang if you try to re-use it after calling terminateWorkers. This only really surfaces in test environments.

0.1.0+1 #

  • Fix a bug with imports to libraries that have names starting with dart.

0.1.0 #

  • Split from build_web_compilers.



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Builders to analyze and split Dart code into individually compilable modules based on imports.

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analyzer, async, bazel_worker, build, build_config, collection, crypto, glob, graphs, json_annotation, logging, path, scratch_space, stream_transform


Packages that depend on build_modules