built_redux 7.3.5 copy "built_redux: ^7.3.5" to clipboard
built_redux: ^7.3.5 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

A state management library written in dart that enforces immutability

7.3.3 #

  • add changelog
  • update readme to include link to todoMVC repo

7.3.2 #

  • open dependency range on the build package

7.3.1 #

  • open dependency range on the built_collection package

7.3.0 #

  • dispose is now awaitable

7.2.0 #

  • Added actionStream stream to the store api so one can listen to changes resulting from a specific action name.
  • Fixed issues called out my adding implicit-dynamic and implicit-cast rules.

7.1.0 #

7.0.0 #

  • Breaking changes:
    • A breaking change in behavior was made to action dispatchers. Before action dispatchers executed the middleware/reducers asynchronously, but they now execute synchronously.

For example you may have:

int getCount(store) {
  print(store.state.count); // prints 0
  print(store.state.count); // would print 1 if actions were sync, 0 if async
  return store.state.count; // would return 1 if actions were sync, 0 if async

Before this function would return 0 because the state update that occurs from actions.increment would be processed in a future task. Now this function will return 1 because the state update that occurs from actions.increment is processed in the current task

6.0.0 #

Removes the BuiltReducer interface and the generated BuiltReducer implementation in favor of building a reducer function and passing it to the store at instantiation.

  • Breaking changes:
    • Store now takes a reducer
    • Nested reducers need to be built with the NestedReducerBuilder and merged wth the main ReducerBuilder using ReducerBuilder.addNestedReducer
    • Models no longer implement BuiltReducer
      • Remove references to the reducer on your models
    • Renamed ActionDispatcher.syncWithStore to setDispatcher
    • Renamed SubStateChange to SubstateChange


  • Decouples your models and reducers.
  • Requires less generated code.
  • Reducing requires less map look ups. Previously N map look ups were required where N was the number of BuiltReducers in your state tree. Now only 1 map look up is required per action dispatched.


  • Example model change. Remove the generated BuiltReducer mixin and the reducer getter


  abstract class Counter extends Object
     with CounterReducer
     implements Built<Counter, CounterBuilder> {
   int get count;

   get reducer => _reducer;

   factory BaseCounter() => new _$BaseCounter._(count: 1);


  abstract class Counter implements Built<Counter, CounterBuilder> {
   int get count;

   factory BaseCounter() => new _$BaseCounter._(count: 1);
  • Example nested reducer change. Change NestedCounter's reducer builder to a NestedReducerBuilder. Pass the NestedReducerBuilder mapper functions from the main state/builder to the nested state/builder.


// Built Reducer
abstract class BaseCounter extends Object
    with BaseCounterReducer
    implements Built<BaseCounter, BaseCounterBuilder> {
  int get count;

  BuiltList<int> get indexOutOfRangeList;

  NestedCounter get nestedCounter;

  get reducer => _baseReducer;

  // Built value constructor
  factory BaseCounter() => new _$BaseCounter._(
        count: 1,
        nestedCounter: new NestedCounter(),

final _baseReducer = (new ReducerBuilder<BaseCounter, BaseCounterBuilder>()
      ..add(BaseCounterActionsNames.increment, _baseIncrement)
      ..add(BaseCounterActionsNames.decrement, _baseDecrement))

abstract class NestedCounter extends Object
    with NestedCounterReducer
    implements Built<NestedCounter, NestedCounterBuilder> {
  int get count;

  get reducer => _nestedReducer;

  // Built value constructor
  factory NestedCounter() => new _$NestedCounter._(count: 1);

final _nestedReducer =  (new ReducerBuilder<NestedCounter, NestedCounterBuilder>()
          ..add(NestedCounterActionsNames.increment, _nestedIncrement)
          ..add(NestedCounterActionsNames.decrement, _nestedDecrement))


abstract class BaseCounter implements Built<BaseCounter, BaseCounterBuilder> {
  int get count;

  NestedCounter get nestedCounter;

  factory BaseCounter() => new _$BaseCounter._(
        count: 1,
        nestedCounter: new NestedCounter(),

// the reducer passed to the store
final reducer = (new ReducerBuilder<BaseCounter, BaseCounterBuilder>()
      ..add(BaseCounterActionsNames.increment, _baseIncrement)
      ..add(BaseCounterActionsNames.decrement, _baseDecrement)

abstract class NestedCounter implements Built<NestedCounter, NestedCounterBuilder> {
  int get count;

  // Built value constructor
  factory NestedCounter() => new _$NestedCounter._(count: 1);

final _nestedReducer = new NestedReducerBuilder<BaseCounter, BaseCounterBuilder,
    NestedCounter, NestedCounterBuilder>(
  (state) => state.nestedCounter,
  (builder) => builder.nestedCounter,
  ..add(NestedCounterActionsNames.increment, _nestedIncrement)
  ..add(NestedCounterActionsNames.decrement, _nestedDecrement);
pub points


verified publisherworkiva.com

A state management library written in dart that enforces immutability

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


analyzer, build, built_collection, built_value, source_gen


Packages that depend on built_redux