cancellation_token 1.0.0 copy "cancellation_token: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
cancellation_token: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard


Easy async task cancellation for tasks using cancellation tokens in Dart.

Dart Cancellation Token #

A Dart utility package for easy async task cancellation.

Features #

  • Cancel futures and clean-up resources (e.g. closing an HttpClient) when a widget is disposed in Flutter
  • Reuse a single CancellationToken for multiple tasks, and cancel them all with a single call to .cancel()
  • Create your own cancellables that use CancellationTokens with the Cancellable mixin

Cancellation Tokens #

CancellationToken #

The standard CancellationToken can be used to manually cancel tasks. When .cancel() is called, all cancellables using the token will be cancelled. By default, async tasks cancelled with a CancellationToken will throw a CancelledException. You can pass a custom exception using .cancel(CustomException()) to change this.

TimeoutCancellationToken #

To cancel tasks after a certain amount of time, you can use a TimeoutCancellationToken in place of the standard CancellationToken. By default, async tasks will be cancelled with a TimeoutException when the timeout duration ends. You can pass a custom exception by using the timeoutException parameter.

When a TimeoutCancellationToken is created, the timer will begin immediately. To only start the timer when the token is attached to a task, set the lazyStart parameter to true.

Usage #

Cancelling Futures #

To make an existing future cancellable, you can use the .asCancellable() extension.

CancellationToken cancellationToken = CancellationToken();

void initState() {

void dispose() {
  // All futures using this token will be cancelled when this widget is disposed

Future<void> loadData() async {
  loading = false;
  try {
    // The CancellationToken can be used for multiple tasks
    someDataA = await getDataA().asCancellable(cancellationToken);
    someDataB = await getDataB().asCancellable(cancellationToken);
    setState(() {
      // ...
  } on CancelledException {
    // Ignore cancellations
  } catch (e, stackTrace) {
    setState(() => error = true);

Cancellable Completer #

The CancellableCompleter class can be used in place of a standard Completer to make it cancellable. This completer implements the base Completer class, so it works as a drop-in replacement.

CancellableCompleter<String> completer = CancellableCompleter<String>(
  onCancel: () {
    // The optional onCancel callback can be used to clean up resources when the 
    // token is cancelled

// Complete with either the result or an error as usual, these will only have an 
// effect if the completer hasn't already been cancelled
complete.completeError(e, stackTrace);

// This future will complete with the result or the cancellation exception, 
// whichever is first
return completer.future;

Custom Cancellables #

The Cancellable mixin can be used to make your own cancellables. This might be useful for custom I/O libraries, like a custom HTTP library.

  • DO detach from the CancellationToken when your async task completes.
  • DON'T attach to a CancellationToken that has already been cancelled, instead use the maybeAttach method to check if it's already been cancelled and only start your async task if it returns `false.
  • DON'T cancel the CancellationToken within a Cancellable, as it may be used for other tasks.
class MyCancellable with Cancellable {
  MyCancellable(this.cancellationToken) {
    // Call `maybeAttach()` to only attach if the cancellation token hasn't 
    // already been cancelled
    if (maybeAttach(this.cancellationToken)) {
      // Start your async task here

  final CancellationToken cancellationToken;

  /// Override `onCancel()` to clean up resources after cancellation.
  void onCancel(Exception cancelException) {
    // Clean up resources here, like closing an HttpClient
  void complete() {
    // If your async task completes before the token is cancelled, 
    // detatch from the token

pub points



Easy async task cancellation for tasks using cancellation tokens in Dart.

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Packages that depend on cancellation_token