cli_script 0.2.3+1 copy "cli_script: ^0.2.3+1" to clipboard
cli_script: ^0.2.3+1 copied to clipboard


Write scripts that call subprocesses with the ease of shell scripting and the power of Dart.

0.2.3+1 #

  • Properly respect onlyMatching in the top-level grep() method.

0.2.3 #

  • Add an onlyMatching flag to grep() which prints the sections of input lines that match the given regular expression.

  • Add a teeToStderr transformer and extension method on Stream<List<String>>. This passes a stream to stderr without modifying it, which is useful for debugging.

  • Add a Script.mapLines constructor that returns a script that maps stdin lines according to a String Function(String).

  • Add support for passing a String Function(String) to Script.pipeline and Script.operator | to map stdin lines.

  • Fold stack frames for a few more packages used internally.

0.2.2 #

  • Add a BufferedScript class that buffers output from a Script until it's explicitly released, making it easier to run multiple script in parallel without having their outputs collide with one another.

  • If the same capture() block both calls print() and writes to currentStdout, ensure that the order of prints is preserved.

  • If the same capture() block writes to both currentStdout and currentStderr, ensure that the relative order of those writes is preserved when collected with combineOutput().

0.2.1 #

  • Give the stream transformers exposed by this package human-readable toString()s.

0.2.0 #

  • Add a debug option to wrapMain() to print extra diagnostic information.

  • Add a runInShell argument for subprocesses.

  • Accept Iterable<String> instead of List<String> for subprocess arguments.

  • Use 257 rather than 256 as the sentinel value for ScriptExceptions caused by Dart exceptions.

  • Fix a bug where Dart exceptions could cause the script to exit before their debug information was printed to stderr.

0.1.0 #

  • Initial release.
pub points



Write scripts that call subprocesses with the ease of shell scripting and the power of Dart.

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unknown (license)


async, charcode, collection, glob, meta, path, stack_trace, string_scanner, tuple


Packages that depend on cli_script