code_builder 3.0.0-alpha code_builder: ^3.0.0-alpha copied to clipboard
A fluent API for generating Dart code
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:code_builder/code_builder.dart';
import 'package:dart_style/dart_style.dart';
final _dartfmt = new DartFormatter();
void main() {
print('animalClass():\n${'=' * 40}\n${animalClass()}');
print('scopedLibrary():\n${'=' * 40}\n${scopedLibrary()}');
/// Outputs:
/// ```dart
/// class Animal extends Organism {
/// void eat() => print('Yum!');
/// }
/// ```
String animalClass() {
final animal = new Class((b) => b = 'Animal'
..extend = refer('Organism')
..methods.add(new Method.returnsVoid((b) => b = 'eat'
..body = refer('print').call([literalString('Yum!')]).code)));
return _dartfmt.format('${animal.accept(new DartEmitter())}');
/// Outputs:
/// ```dart
/// import 'package:a/a.dart' as _i1;
/// import 'package:b/b.dart' as _i2;
/// _i1.Thing doThing() {}
/// _i2.Other doOther() {}
/// ```
String scopedLibrary() {
final methods = [
new Method((b) => b
..body = const Code('') = 'doThing'
..returns = refer('Thing', 'package:a/a.dart')),
new Method((b) => b
..body = const Code('') = 'doOther'
..returns = refer('Other', 'package:b/b.dart')),
final library = new Library((b) => b.body.addAll(methods));
return _dartfmt.format('${library.accept(new DartEmitter.scoped())}');