codelessly_api 0.0.1 copy "codelessly_api: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
codelessly_api: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard


Codelessly Core API

Codelessly API #

This package provides a set of APIs for creating "Nodes" in Codelessly, a design-to-code tool that helps users import designs from Figma and convert them into working apps and websites. With these APIs, you can programmatically create your own nodes.

Features #

This package contains tools to extend the default Codelessly api to create custom BaseNodes only. If you wish to create and register your nodes, along with their respective transformers to convert your custom BaseNodes into Flutter widgets you will need to use the codelessly_sdk package.

This package is built with pure Dart, not relying on Flutter. It is meant specifically for defining BaseNodes and nothing else, as it does not contain any tools for converting Nodes into Flutter widgets or for interacting with the Codelessly editor. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the codelessly_sdk package for those purposes.

In light of that, and to enable complete serialization of all nodes, this package contains a custom set of base classes that mirror Flutter's own models. Some of those include Vec, RectC, SizeC, AlignC, as well as most properties you would find in a given Flutter widget.

Classes that mirror Flutter tend to be suffixed with a C for Codelessly or Model to differentiate them from their Flutter counterparts like AlignmentModel

Usage #

Here is a minimal example of how to use this package to create a custom BaseNode:

Please read the code inside BaseNode to better understand what each property does, and refer to one of the many nodes under codelessly_api/lib/api/nodes for additional examples.

import 'package:codelessly_api/api.dart';
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';

part 'my_cool_node.g.dart';

/// At it's core, this is the most basic example of how to create a complete
/// [BaseNode].
class MyCoolNode extends BaseNode {
  final String type = 'my_cool_node';

    required super.basicBoxLocal,

  factory MyCoolNode.fromJson(Map json) => _$MyCoolNodeFromJson(json);

  Map toJson() => _$MyCoolNodeToJson(this);

Make sure to register your node with the NodeJsonConverter so that it can be properly deserialized from json. The NodeJsonConverter will deserialize any registered nodes into their proper types.

NodeJsonConverter.registerNode('my_cool_node', MyCoolNode.fromJson);

Additional information #

If you have any questions or run into any issues, you can file a support ticket through the Codelessly website or contact the Codelessly team directly. We welcome contributions to this package and encourage you to submit any issues or pull requests through the GitHub repository.

You can contact us on our Website or join us on our Discord Server.