color_models 1.3.2 copy "color_models: ^1.3.2" to clipboard
color_models: ^1.3.2 copied to clipboard

A set of classes representing the CMYK, HSI, HSL, HSP, HSB, LAB, Oklab, RGB, and XYZ color spaces with methods to convert colors between each space.

[1.3.2] - July 20, 2022 #

  • Added the [seed] parameter to every [random] constructor.

[1.3.1] - July 17, 2022 #

  • Added the [colorSpace] parameter to the [lerpTo] methods.

[1.3.0] - January 8, 2022 #

  • Added the [chroma] getter and [withChroma] methods.

  • Removed all deprecated methods from the package, excluding [withAlpha] which is no longer deprecated.

  • Updated the license from a BSD 2-Clause license to a BSD 3-Clause license.

[1.2.1] - March 21, 2021 #

  • Extend [ColorSpace] with the [fromList] method.

[1.2.0] - March 18, 2021 #

  • Renamed [augment]'s [reversed] parameter to [invert].

  • Fixed the behavior of [invert].

[1.1.0] - March 15, 2021 #

  • Implemented the Oklab color space as [OklabColor].

  • Added the [castTo], [convert], [copyWith], [interpolate], and [withValues] methods to every color model.

  • Deprecated the withXXX methods being replaced by the [copyWith] method.

  • Updated the implementation of the [lerpTo] methods.

  • Added the [ColorSpace] enumeration and extended it with the [from] method to convert colors to the color spaces defined by the enumeration.

  • Extended Iterable<ColorModel> with the [augment] method, which generates new color palettes derived from the iterable.

[1.0.0] - March 11, 2021 #

  • Migrated to null-safe code.

  • Moved the [calculateDistance], [random], [randomHue] and [round] utility methods into a utility class: [ColorMath].

  • Changed [ColorModel]'s [alpha] parameter from a positional parameter to a named parameter with a default value of 255.

[0.3.0] - September 21, 2020 #

  • Normalized all [alpha] values to be on a 0 to 255 scale to be in line with Flutter's [Color] class. They were on a 0 to 1 scale.

  • Renamed [HsvColor] to [HsbColor] to avoid a naming conflict with Flutter's [Color] class's [value] parameter.

  • Renamed [interpolateTo] to [lerpTo].

[0.2.8] - March 29, 2020 #

  • Removed [isBlack] and [isWhite] conversion condition from the CMYK color space.

  • Added [isMonochromatic] conversion condition to the H color spaces.

  • Rounding error fix calculating hues from [XyzColor]s. Affected some colors with RGB values equaling 255.

[0.2.7] - March 29, 2020 #

  • Added the [interpolateTo] method to each color model.

  • Override the conversion methods on each color model that return their own respective color spaces. Colors were being unnecessarily converted back and forth from RGB.

[0.2.6] - March 24, 2020 #

  • Added the random factory constructor to each [ColorModel].

  • The equality operator and some getters now rounds values to the millionth due to the slight loss of precision during conversions.

  • The [hue] getter now calculates hues directly from RGB, rather than doing a full conversion to HSL.

  • Added the [isMonochromatic] getter to each [ColorModel].

[0.2.5+1] - March 23, 2020 #

  • Fixed a bug in the HSP to RGB conversion method.

[0.2.5] - March 22, 2020 #

  • Added the [relative] parameter to the [warmer] and [cooler] methods.

[0.2.4+2] - March 22, 2020 #

  • Added the [saturation] getter to [ColorModel].

[0.2.4+1] - March 22, 2020 #

  • Added the [hue] getter to [ColorModel].

[0.2.4] - March 21, 2020 #

  • Added the [inverted] and [opposite] getters, as well as the [warmer], [cooler], [rotateHue], and [withHue] methods to each [ColorModel].

[0.2.3] - March 18, 2020 #

  • Added [alpha] values to all [ColorModel]s.

  • Added withValue methods to all [ColorModel]s.

[0.2.2] - March 16, 2020 #

  • Added [hex] getter to [ColorModel].

  • Added [fromHex] static method to all [ColorModel]s.

  • All [ColorModel]s are now @immutable.

[0.2.1] - January 15, 2020 #

  • All [ColorModel]s now @override the toString() method.

[0.2.0+1] - January 15, 2020 #

  • Documentation and formatting changes.

[0.2.0] - January 4, 2020 #

  • To provide better support for 3rd party color models, [ColorModel]s are now requried to @override the [toRgbColor] method. All [ColorModel]s included in this library still use the color conversion methods found in the [ColorConverter] helper class, but the methods are now public.

[0.1.2] - July 31, 2019 #

  • All [ColorModel]s now @override [hashCode].

[0.1.1] - July 25, 2019 #

  • Added a private constructor to the [ColorConverter] class.

  • Minor formatting changes.

[0.1.0] - July 23, 2019 #

  • Initial release
pub points



A set of classes representing the CMYK, HSI, HSL, HSP, HSB, LAB, Oklab, RGB, and XYZ color spaces with methods to convert colors between each space.

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BSD-3-Clause (license)


meta, num_utilities, powers


Packages that depend on color_models