colorize 3.0.0 copy "colorize: ^3.0.0" to clipboard
colorize: ^3.0.0 copied to clipboard

Colorize console output

Colorize #

Colorize console output in dart console apps!

Install #

Add dependency to your pubspec.yaml:

colorize: any


pub get

Usage #

Import package:

import 'package:colorize/colorize.dart';

You have two way to colorize your string:

  • use class Colorize
  • use top-level function color()

Use Colorize #

For colorize string with Colorize class you should create object of type Colorize:

Colorize string = new Colorize("This is my string!");

Then you can call methods of Colorize.

Text color

  • default()
  • black()
  • red()
  • green()
  • yellow()
  • blue()
  • magenta()
  • cyan()
  • lightGray()
  • darkGray()
  • lightRed()
  • lightGreen()
  • lightYellow()
  • lightBlue()
  • lightMagenta()
  • lightCyan()
  • white()

Background color

  • bgDefault()
  • bgBlack()
  • bgRed()
  • bgGreen()
  • bgYellow()
  • bgBlue()
  • bgMagenta()
  • bgCyan()
  • bgLightGray()
  • bgDarkGray()
  • bgLightRed()
  • bgLightGreen()
  • bgLightYellow()
  • bgLightBlue()
  • bgLightMagenta()
  • bgLightCyan()
  • bgWhite()


  • reset()
  • bold()
  • dark()
  • italic()
  • underline()
  • blink()
  • reverse()
  • concealed()

After apply styles to string you can print it to console:


Use top-level function color() #

Top-level function color apply one required parameter - String text. It is text, that would be print on console.

Also top-level function color has seven named parameters:

  • Styles front - name of front color (you can also use the constants of class Styles). Default value is ''.
  • Styles back: name of background color (you can also use the constants of class Styles). Default value is ''.
  • bool isUnderline - default value is false.
  • bool isBold - default value is false.
  • bool isDark - default value is false.
  • bool isItalic - default value is false.
  • bool isReverse - default value is false.

Example of usage

color("Bold Italic Underline", front: Styles.RED, isBold: true, isItalic: true, isUnderline: true);

Enum Styles #

Enum Styles contains all styles which you can pass to Colorize.applyState method;

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Colorize console output

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