conduit 2.0.0-a3 copy "conduit: ^2.0.0-a3" to clipboard
conduit: ^2.0.0-a3 copied to clipboard


A modern HTTP server application framework, ORM and OAuth2 provider with OpenAPI 3.0 integration. Foundation for REST, RPC or GraphQL services.

2.0.0-a3 #

changed start_db.dart to always recreate the user/db. Added notes on the new startup_db.dart script for unit tests. Fixed a failed unit test as the method documentOperationResponse did not match the signature of the super it overrides. Fixed incorrect port mappings for the socket proxy. Created a script to start the postgres deamon and create the database to make it easy to run single unit tests from vscode. Expanded the no. of acceptable characters for the password. Migrated to using the new PostgresManager class. The run_unit_test script now starts and waits for postgress to be running and resets the db if required. replaced all references to aqueduct to conduit. removed the unused context_helpers.dart Updated all reference to the db name dart_test to be conduit_test_db. Changed the default password to conduit! to make it easier to remember given we are publishing this password anyway. "break" tests Fixed permission issues with the postgres user setup move dummy config to not_test fix up changelogs fix bin update changelog

Conduit #

2.0.0-a2 #

  • Small clean up and fix templates

2.0.0-a1 #

  • Alpha release for Conduit NNBD included

  • Breaking changes Query.values can no longer be null as such to check if the set of values are empty you need to call Query.hasValues;

  • You can no longer set Query.values to null, instead use Query.clearValues().

Conduit #

3.3.0-b1 #

  • Adds 'conduit build' command that generates an executable binary of an conduit app, with some known issues
    • Windows is not currently supported.
    • Compilation will fail for files that import relative URIs and declare at least one type that is a subclass of any of ManagedObject, ApplicationChannel, Controller, ResourceController, Configuration.
      • Convert relative URI imports to package imports to resolve.
    • Body decoding behaviors such as<T> RequestBody.decode<T> have restrictions when running in compiled mode:
      • The type parameter T may be any of the five primitive types int, double, num, String, bool; Map<String, T> where T is a primitive, and List<T> where T is a primitive or Map<String, dynamic>.
      • These restrictions apply to the type of a @Bind.body parameter (you may also bind Serializable and List<Serializable>).

3.2.2-dev #

  • #723 Fixes issue that prevented the AuthServer from granting tokens with sub-scopes when the servers AuthServerDelegate.getAllowedScopes() didn't return AuthScope.any.
  • Deprecates AuthScope.allowsScope(), use AuthScope.isSubsetOrEqualTo() instead.

3.2.1 #

  • Fixes issue when using QueryReduce inside a transaction.
  • Fixes issue when generating an OpenAPI document with ManagedObjects that have enumerated properties
  • Fixes issue when generating an OpenAPI document with List

3.2.0 #

  • Adds read method to Serializable for filtering, ignoring or rejecting keys.
  • Fixes issues with Dart 2.1.1 mirror type checking changes
  • Adds like matcher expression
  • Escapes postgres special characters in LIKE expressions for all other string matcher expressions
  • Fixes security vulnerability where a specific authorization header value would be associated with the wrong token in rare cases (credit to Philipp Schiffmann)
  • Adds Validate.constant to properties that use the @primaryKey annotation.
  • Allows Validate annotations to be added to belongs-to relationship properties; the validation is run on the foreign key.
  • Allows any type - e.g. Map<String, dynamic> - to be bound with Bind.body.

3.1.0 #

  • Adds the implicit authorization grant flow via the AuthRedirectController type.
  • Deprecates AuthCodeController in favor of AuthRedirectController.
  • Improves speed of many database CLI commands
  • Improves error messaging of the CLI; no longer includes stack trace for expected errors.
  • Allows self-referencing and cyclical relationships between managed objects
  • Fixes bug where ManagedObjects cannot have mixins
  • Adds ManagedContext.insertObject, ManagedContext.insertObjects and ManagedContext.fetchObjectWithID.

3.0.2 #

  • Fix regression when generating OpenAPI documentation for ManagedObjects
  • Adds --resolve-relative-urls flag to document commands to improve client applications
  • Adds Serializable.documentSchema instance method. Removes Serializable.document static method.
  • Adds optional values argument to Query constructor

3.0.1 #

  • Controller is now an abstract class that requires implementing handle. This is a minor breaking change that should not have an impact.
  • 'Serializable' can now implement static 'document' method to override component documentation behavior
  • Removes conduit setup --heroku=<name> and instead points to documentation.
  • Fixes issue ORM had with transformed values (e.g. enums) and nullable columns

3.0.0 #

  • Adds BodyDecoder.decode<T> and<T>. This replaces existing decodeAs* and as* methods.
  • Adds AuthDelegate.addClient and AuthServer.addClient.
  • Adds ManagedContext.transaction to enable queries to be run in a database transaction.
  • Adds 'Scope' annotation to add granular scoping to ResourceController methods.
  • Adds Recyclable<T> to control whether controllers are instantiated per request or are reused.
  • Adds support for storing PostgreSQL JSON data with Document data type.
  • Adds Query.insertObject.
  • Adds support for OpenAPI 3.0.0 documentation generation.
    • Adds APIComponentDocumenter, APIOperationDocumenter, APIDocumentContext.
    • Removes PackagePathResolver, ApplicationOptions.isDocumenting and APIDocumentable.
  • Adds MockHTTPServer.queueHandler and MockHTTPServer.queueOutage.
  • Query.where behavior has changed to consistently use property selector syntax.
    • Removes methods like whereEqualTo and replaced with QueryExpression.
  • Controller.generate renamed to Removed Controller.pipe.
  • package:conduit/test moved to package:conduit_test/conduit_test, which is a separate dependency from conduit.
  • Renames methods in AuthDelegate to provide consistency.
  • Removes ManagedContext.defaultContext; context usage must be explicit.
  • Removes HTTPResponseException. Responses can now be thrown instead.
  • QueryExceptions are no longer thrown for every ORM exception. If a store chooses to interpret an exception, it will still throw a QueryException. Otherwise, the underlying driver exception will be thrown.
  • Default constructor for PostgreSQLPersistentStore now takes connection info instead of closure.
  • Controller.listen renamed Controller.linkFunction.
  • Change default port for conduit serve to 8888.
  • Binding metadata - HTTPPath, HTTPBody, HTTPQuery and HTTPHeader - have been changed to Bind.path, Bind.body, Bind.query and Bind.header, respectively.
  • Remove @httpGet (and other HTTPMethod annotations) constants. Behavior replaced by @Operation.
  • Removes runOnMainIsolate from Application.start() and added Application.startOnMainIsolate() as replacement.
  • Removes ManagedSet.haveAtLeastOneWhere.
  • Renames RequestSink to ApplicationChannel.
    • Replace constructor and willOpen with prepare.
    • Replace setupRouter with entryPoint.
  • Replaces AuthCodeController.renderFunction with AuthCodeControllerDelegate.
  • Removes AuthStrategy in place of AuthorizationParser<T>.
    • Adds concrete implementations of AuthorizationParser<T>, AuthorizationBearerParser and AuthorizationBasicParser.
  • Removes AuthValidator.fromBearerToken and AuthValidator.fromBasicCredentials and replaces with AuthValidator.validate<T>.
  • Renames the following:
    • Authorization.resourceOwnerIdentifier -> Authorization.ownerID
    • Request.innerRequest -> Request.raw
    • AuthStorage -> AuthServerDelegate
    • -> AuthServer.delegate
    • ApplicationConfiguration -> ApplicationOptions
    • Application.configuration -> Application.options
    • HTTPFileController -> FileController
    • HTTPSerializable -> Serializable
    • HTTPCachePolicy -> CachePolicy
    • HTTPCodecRepository -> CodecRegistry
    • requiredHTTPParameter -> requiredBinding
    • ManagedTableAttributes -> Table
    • ManagedRelationshipDeleteRule -> DeleteRule
    • ManagedRelationship -> Relate
    • ManagedColumnAttributes -> Column
    • managedPrimaryKey -> primaryKey
    • ManagedTransientAttribute -> Serialize
      • Serialize now replaces managedTransientAttribute, managedTransientInputAttribute, and managedTransientOutputAttribute.
    • RequestController -> Controller
    • RequestController.processRequest -> Controller.handle
    • HTTPController -> ResourceController

2.5.0 #

  • Adds conduit db schema to print an application's data model.
  • Adds conduit document serve that serves the API documentation for an application.
  • Adds --machine flag to conduit tool to only emit machine-readable output.
  • Adds defaultDelay to MockHTTPServer. Defaults to null for no delay.
  • Adds defaultResponse to MockHTTPServer. Defaults to a 503 response instead of a 200.
  • Adds option to set a custom delay for a specific response in MockHTTPServer's queueResponse function.
  • Performance improvements

2.4.0 #

  • Adds HTTPRequestBody.maxSize to limit HTTP request body sizes. Defaults to 10MB.
  • Adds ManagedTableAttributes to configure underlying database table to use multiple columns to test for uniqueness.

2.3.2 #

  • Adds Request.addResponseModifier to allow middleware to modify responses.

2.3.1 #

  • Adds Response.bufferOutput to control whether the HTTP response bytes are buffered.
  • Adds whereNot to apply an inverse to other Query.where expression, e.g. whereNot(whereIn(["a", "b"])).
  • Fixes bug where subclassing ManagedObjectController didn't work.
  • Renames ResourceRegistry to ServiceRegistry.
  • Improves feedback and interface for package:conduit/test.dart.

2.3.0 #

  • Adds Request.acceptableContentTypes and Request.acceptsContentType for convenient usage of Accept header.
  • Adds AuthStorage.allowedScopesForAuthenticatable to provide user attribute-based scoping, e.g. roles.
  • Adds Query.forEntity and ManagedObjectController.forEntity to dynamically instantiate these types, i.e. use runtime values to build the query.
  • Adds PersistentStore.newQuery - allows a PersistentStore implementation to provide its own implementation of Query specific to its underlying database.
  • Adds Query.reduce to perform aggregate functions on database tables, e.g. sum, average, maximum, etc.
  • enums may be used as persistent properties in ManagedObject<T>. The underlying database will store them a strings.
  • Speed of generating a template project has been greatly improved.

2.2.2 #

  • Adds ApplicationMessageHub to send cross-isolate messages.

2.2.1 #

  • Allow HTTPCodecRepository.add to use specify default charset for Content-Type if a request does not specify one.

2.2.0 #

  • The default template created by conduit create is now mostly empty. Available templates can be listed with conduit create list-templates and selected with the command-line option --template.
  • Bug fixes where conduit auth would fail to insert new Client IDs.
  • joinMany and joinOne are deprecated, use join(set:) and join(object:) instead.
  • HTTPCodecRepository replaces Response.addEncoder and HTTPBody.addDecoder.
  • Streams may now be Response bodies.
  • Request bodies may be bound in HTTPController with HTTPBody metadata.
  • Adds file serving with HTTPFileController.
  • Adds HTTPCachePolicy to control cache headers for a Response.
  • Request.body has significantly improved behavior and has been optimized.
  • Content-Length is included instead of Transfer-Encoding: chunked when the size of the response body can be determined efficiently.

2.1.1 #

  • Adds ResourceRegistry: tracks port-consuming resources like database connections to ensure they are closed when an application shuts down during testing.

2.1.0 #

  • Fixes race condition when stopping an application during test execution
  • Adds validation behavior to ManagedObjects using Validate and ManagedValidator and ManagedObject.validate.
  • ManagedObjects now have callbacks willUpdate and willInsert to modify their values before updating and inserting.
  • Fixes issue with conduit serve on Windows.

2.0.3 #

  • Fixes issue with conduit document for routes using listen
  • Fixes issue when using TestClient to execute requests with public OAuth2 client
  • Enables database migrations past the initial conduit db generate.
  • CLI tools print tool version, project version (when applicable)

2.0.2 #

  • Allow binding to system-assigned port so tests can be run in parallel
  • Change conduit serve default port to 8081 so can develop in parallel to Angular2 apps that default to 8080
  • Remove SecurityContext reference from ApplicationConfiguration. SSL configured via new conduit serve arguments ssl-key-path and ssl-certificate-path, or overriding securityContext in RequestSink.

2.0.1 #

  • Fixes issue where some types of join queries would access the wrong properties
  • Fixes issue where an object cannot be inserted without values; this matters when the inserted values will be created by the database.

2.0.0 #

  • Added RequestController.letUncaughtExceptionsEscape for better debugging during tests.

  • Persistent types for ManagedObjects can now have superclasses.

  • ManagedRelationships now have a .deferred() constructor. This allows ManagedObjects to have relationships to ManagedObjects in other packages.

  • Added RequestSink.initializeApplication method to do one-time startup tasks that were previously done in a start script.

  • RequestSink constructor now takes ApplicationConfiguration, instead of Map.

  • Added configurationFilePath to ApplicationConfiguration.

  • Improved error reporting from failed application startups.

  • Automatically lowercase headers in Response objects so that other parts of an application can accurately read their values during processing.

  • Added HTTPBody object to represent HTTP request bodies in Request. Decoders are now added to this type.

  • ORM: Renamed Query.matchOn to Query.where.

  • ORM: Removed includeInResultSet for Query's, instead, added joinOn and joinMany which create subqueries that can be configured further.

  • ORM: Allow Query.where to reference properties in related objects without including related objects in results, i.e. can fetch Parent objects and filter them by values in their Child relationships.

  • ORM: Joins can now be applied to belongsTo relationship properties.

  • ORM: Matchers such as whereNull and whereNotNull can be applied to a relationship property in Query.where.

  • ORM: Renamed ManagedSet.matchOn to ManagedSet.haveAtLeastOneWhere.

  • ORM: Added matchers for case-insensitive string matching, and added case-insensitive option to whereEquals and whereNotEquals.

  • Auth: Added conduit/managed_auth library. Implements storage of OAuth 2.0 tokens using ManagedObjects. See API reference for more details.

  • Auth: Improved error and response messaging to better align with the OAuth 2.0 spec, especially with regards to the authorization code flow.

  • Auth: Added distinction between public and confidential clients, as defined by OAuth 2.0 spec.

  • Auth: Improved class and property naming.

  • Tooling: Added conduit auth tool to create client ID and secrets and add them to a database for applications using the conduit/managed_auth package.

  • Tooling: Added more user-friendly configuration options for conduit db tool.

  • Tooling: Added conduit setup --heroku for setting up projects to be deployed to Heroku.

  • Tooling: Added conduit serve command for running conduit applications without having to write a start script.

  • Tooling: Added conduit document command to generate OpenAPI specification for conduit applications, instead of relying on a script that came with the template.

1.0.4 #

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Added new Response.contentType property. Adding "Content-Type" to the headers of a Response no longer has any effect; use this property instead.
  • ManagedDataModels now scan all libraries for ManagedObject<T> subclasses to generate a data model. Use ManagedDataModel.fromCurrentMirrorSystem to create instances of ManagedDataModel.
  • The last instantiated ManagedContext now becomes the ManagedContext.defaultContext; prior to this change, it was the first instantiated context. Added ManagedContext.standalone to opt out of setting the default context.
  • @HTTPQuery parameters in HTTPController responder method will now only allow multiple keys in the query string if and only if the argument type is a List.

1.0.3 #

  • Fix to allow Windows user to use conduit setup.
  • Fix to CORS processing.
  • HTTPControllers now return 405 if there is no responder method match for a request.

1.0.2 #

  • Fix type checking for transient map and list properties of ManagedObject.
  • Add flags to Process.runSync that allow Windows user to use conduit executable.

1.0.1 #

  • Change behavior of isolate supervision. If an isolate has an uncaught exception, it logs the exception but does not restart the isolate.

1.0.0 #

  • Initial stable release.
pub points



A modern HTTP server application framework, ORM and OAuth2 provider with OpenAPI 3.0 integration. Foundation for REST, RPC or GraphQL services.

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analyzer, args, collection, conduit_common, conduit_config, conduit_isolate_exec, conduit_open_api, conduit_password_hash, conduit_runtime, crypto, logging, meta, path, postgres, pub_cache, pub_semver, yaml


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