convenient_test 1.0.1+2 copy "convenient_test: ^1.0.1+2" to clipboard
convenient_test: ^1.0.1+2 copied to clipboard


Write and debug tests easily, built on integration_test

flutter_convenient_test: Write and debug tests easily, built on integration_test #

Flutter Package CI Codacy Badge

Quick demo #

Click to watch it in YouTube:

Features #

Action history #

See what actions are taken in the tests (in the left panel)

Time travel with screenshots #

Tap an action to see its screenshots

Rapidly re-execute #

Edit code, save, run - within seconds

Videos recorded #

Watch what has happened in full detail (in right panel)

P.S. Highlighted action is in sync with the playing video. Tap action to seek video.

Being interactive #

Temporarily play with the app, interactively. (Flutter originally cannot interact with app in test mode)

integration_test is still there #

You can still use everything from integration_test, mockito, test, etc. This package is not a reinvented wheel, and has exposed the underlying integration_test to you.

If you want to migrate to this package from raw integration_test, have a look at Getting Started section below.

Flaky tests awareness #

Flaky is flaky, and we are aware of it. It is neither failed nor success, so you will not be alarmed by false positives, and not completely ignore it.

Simpler and shorter code #

  • No manual pump
  • No manual wait and retry
await t.get(find.byTooltip('Fetch Data From Backend')).tap();
// OK even if "fetch data" needs undeterministic time interval. Will automatically pump, wait and retry.
await t.get(find.text('New Data')).should(findsOneWidget);

More in quickstart and tutorials below.

Visually see target regions #

Useful when replaying videos and screenshots

  • Marks have colored borders
  • Gestures have visual feedbacks

CI / headless mode #

This tool can be run without GUI and only produce log data, making it suitable to be run in a CI. Just run flutter run integration_test/main_test.dart --dart-define CONVENIENT_TEST_CI_MODE=true.

If you want to examine the details with GUI, just open the generated artifact in the GUI using Open File button.

Run single test/group #

Tap "Run" icon button after each test or group to re-run only that test/group, without running anything else.

Raw logs #

Tap "Raw Logs" in the right panel to see raw outputs of a test.

Tutorial: Run examples #

  1. Clone this repository and enter the packages/convenient_test/example folder.
  2. Run the example app (e.g. using iOS simulator) via flutter run /path/to/flutter_convenient_test/packages/convenient_test/example/integration_test/main_test.dart --host-vmservice-port 9753 --disable-service-auth-codes. Can also be run via VSCode or Android Studio with similar commands.
  3. Run the GUI located in packages/convenient_test_manager. It is nothing but a normal Flutter Windows/MacOS/Linux app, so run it follow Flutter official doc. May run in profile mode to speed up.
  4. Enjoy the GUI!

Getting started #

  1. In pubspec.yaml, add convenient_test: ^1.0.0 to the dependencies section, and convenient_test_dev: ^1.0.0 to the dev_dependencies section. As normal, we need to flutter pub get.
  2. Create integration_test/main_test.dart file in your app. Fill it like void main() => convenientTestMain(MyConvenientTestSlot(), () { ... the normal test code you write });. See the example package for demonstration.
  3. Run your app (e.g. using iOS simulator) via flutter run /path/to/your/app/integration_test/main_test.dart --host-vmservice-port 9753 --disable-service-auth-codes. Can also be run via VSCode or Android Studio with similar commands.
  4. Run the GUI located in packages/convenient_test_manager. It is nothing but a normal Flutter Windows/MacOS/Linux app, so run it follow Flutter official doc. May run in profile mode to speed up.
  5. Enjoy the GUI!

Thanks for testing frameworks in JavaScript, especially Cypress, for giving inspirations!

pub points



Write and debug tests easily, built on integration_test

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unknown (license)


collection, flutter


Packages that depend on convenient_test