csslib 1.0.2
csslib: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard
A library for parsing and analyzing CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
import 'package:csslib/parser.dart' as css;
import 'package:csslib/visitor.dart';
void main() {
var errors = <css.Message>[];
// Parse a simple stylesheet.
print('1. Good CSS, parsed CSS emitted:');
print(' =============================');
var stylesheet = parseCss('''
@import "support/at-charset-019.css";
div { color: red; }
button[type] { background-color: red; }
.foo {
color: red; left: 20px; top: 20px; width: 100px; height:200px
#div {
color : #00F578; border-color: #878787;
''', errors: errors);
if (errors.isNotEmpty) {
print('Got ${errors.length} errors.\n');
for (var error in errors) {
} else {
// Parse a stylesheet with errors
print('\n2. Catch severe syntax errors:');
print(' ===========================');
var stylesheetError = parseCss('''
.foo #%^&*asdf {
color: red; left: 20px; top: 20px; width: 100px; height:200px
''', errors: errors);
if (errors.isNotEmpty) {
print('Got ${errors.length} errors.\n');
for (var error in errors) {
} else {
// Parse a stylesheet that warns (checks) problematic CSS.
print('\n3. Detect CSS problem with checking on:');
print(' ===================================');
stylesheetError = parseCss('# div1 { color: red; }', errors: errors);
if (errors.isNotEmpty) {
print('Detected ${errors.length} problem in checked mode.\n');
for (var error in errors) {
} else {
// Parse a CSS selector.
print('\n4. Parse a selector only:');
print(' ======================');
var selectorAst = css.selector('#div .foo', errors: errors);
if (errors.isNotEmpty) {
print('Got ${errors.length} errors.\n');
for (var error in errors) {
} else {
/// Spin-up CSS parser in checked mode to detect any problematic CSS. Normally,
/// CSS will allow any property/value pairs regardless of validity; all of our
/// tests (by default) will ensure that the CSS is really valid.
StyleSheet parseCss(
String cssInput, {
List<css.Message>? errors,
css.PreprocessorOptions? opts,
}) =>
css.parse(cssInput, errors: errors, options: opts ?? _default);
/// Pretty printer for CSS.
String prettyPrint(StyleSheet ss) =>
(CssPrinter()..visitTree(ss, pretty: true)).toString();
const _default = css.PreprocessorOptions(
useColors: false,
checked: true,
warningsAsErrors: true,
inputFile: 'memory',