custom_lint_builder 0.7.1 copy "custom_lint_builder: ^0.7.1" to clipboard
custom_lint_builder: ^0.7.1 copied to clipboard

A package to help writing custom linters

0.7.1 - 2025-01-08 #

  • Support analyzer 7.0.0

0.7.0 - 2024-10-27 #

  • custom_lint --fix and the generated "Fix all " assists now correctly handle imports.
  • Now supports a broad number of analyzer version.

0.6.10 - 2024-10-10 #

  • custom_lint upgraded to 0.6.10
  • custom_lint_core upgraded to 0.6.10

0.6.9 - 2024-10-09 #

  • custom_lint upgraded to 0.6.9
  • custom_lint_core upgraded to 0.6.9

0.6.8 - 2024-10-08 #

  • Fix CI

0.6.7 - 2024-09-08 #

  • custom_lint upgraded to 0.6.7

0.6.6 - 2024-09-08 #

  • custom_lint upgraded to 0.6.6

0.6.5 - 2024-08-15 #

  • Upgraded to analyzer ^6.6.0. This is a quick fix to unblock the stable Flutter channel. A more robust fix will come later.
  • Fixed a bug where isSuperTypeOf throws if the element is null (thanks to @charlescyt)

0.6.4 - 2024-03-16 #

  • custom_lint upgraded to 0.6.4

0.6.3 - 2024-03-16 #

  • custom_lint upgraded to 0.6.3
  • custom_lint_core upgraded to 0.6.3

0.6.2 - 2024-02-19 #

  • Upgrade analyzer to support 6.4.0
  • Fix null exception when using TypeChecker.isSuperTypeOf (thanks to @charlescyt)

0.6.1 - 2024-02-14 #

  • custom_lint_core upgraded to 0.6.1

0.6.0 - 2024-02-04 #

  • Bumped minimum Dart SDK to 3.0.0
  • Added support for --fix

0.5.14 - 2024-02-03 #

  • custom_lint_core upgraded to 0.5.14

0.5.13 - 2024-02-03 #

  • custom_lint_core upgraded to 0.5.13

0.5.12 - 2024-02-02 #

  • custom_lint_core upgraded to 0.5.12

0.5.11 - 2024-01-27 #

  • Added support for analysis_options.yaml that are nt at the root of the project (thanks to @mrgnhnt96)

0.5.10 - 2024-01-26 #

  • custom_lint_core upgraded to 0.5.10

0.5.9 - 2024-01-26 #

  • custom_lint_core upgraded to 0.5.9

0.5.8 - 2024-01-09 #

  • // ignore comments now correctly respect indentation when they are inserted (thanks to @PiotrRogulski)

0.5.7 - 2023-11-20 #

  • custom_lint upgraded to 0.5.7
  • custom_lint_core upgraded to 0.5.7

0.5.6 - 2023-10-30 #

  • custom_lint upgraded to 0.5.6
  • custom_lint_core upgraded to 0.5.6

0.5.5 - 2023-10-26 #

  • custom_lint upgraded to 0.5.5
  • custom_lint_core upgraded to 0.5.5

0.5.4 - 2023-10-20 #

  • custom_lint upgraded to 0.5.4
  • custom_lint_core upgraded to 0.5.4

0.5.3 - 2023-08-29 #

  • custom_lint upgraded to 0.5.3
  • custom_lint_core upgraded to 0.5.3

0.5.2 - 2023-08-16 #

  • Support both analyzer 5.12.0 and 6.0.0 at the same time.
  • Attempt at fixing the windows crash

0.5.0 - 2023-06-21 #

  • custom_lint upgraded to 0.5.0
  • custom_lint_core upgraded to 0.5.0

0.4.0 - 2023-05-12 #

  • Report uncaught exceptions inside context.addPostRunCallback
  • Added support for analyzer 5.12.0

0.3.4 - 2023-04-19 #

  • custom_lint upgraded to 0.3.4
  • custom_lint_core upgraded to 0.3.4

0.3.3 - 2023-04-06 #

  • Upgraded analyzer to >=5.7.0 <5.11.0
  • LintRuleNodeRegistry and other AstVisitor-like now are based off GeneralizingAstVisitor instead of GeneralizingAstVisitor
  • Exposes the Pubspec in CustomLintContext

0.3.2 - 2023-03-09 #

  • custom_lint upgraded to 0.3.2
  • custom_lint_core upgraded to 0.3.2

0.3.1 - 2023-03-09 #

  • custom_lint_core upgraded to 0.3.1

0.3.0 - 2023-03-09 #

  • Fix FileSystemException thrown when deleting a file
  • Update analyzer to >=5.7.0 <5.8.0
  • Upgrade dependencies

0.2.12 #

Upgrade custom_lint

0.2.11 #

  • Fixes LintCode.url no-longer showing-up in the IDE
  • Fix quick-fixes not working on the last offset of an analysis error
  • Bump minimum Dart SDK to sdk: ">=2.19.0 <3.0.0"

0.2.10 #

Fix filesToAnalyze only working on the file name instead of the file path.

0.2.9 #

Fix TypeChecker.fromPackage not always return true when it should

0.2.8 #

Fix exception thrown by TypeChecker.isExactlyType if DartType.element is null.

0.2.7 #

Extract LintRule and similar other utilities to a separate package: custom_lint_core.
custom_lint_builder re-exports custom_lint_core, so the utilities are still available.

0.2.6 #

Fix infinite loop on InconsistentAnalysisException

0.2.5 #

  • Fix custom_lint not correctly killing sub-processes when the IDE stops custom_lint.
  • Export incorrectly unexported matcherNormalizedPrioritizedSourceChangeSnapshot

0.2.4 #

  • Added <DartLintRule/DartFix/DartAssist>.testRun & testAnalyzeAndRun methods, which enables programmatically running a lint/assist/fix against a Dart file.
  • Added matcherNormalizedPrioritizedSourceChangeSnapshot test matcher, which allows checking that a list of file edits matches against a JSON snapshot of the changes.

0.2.3 #

Fixes InconsistentAnalysisException

0.2.2 #

Fixes an exception thrown when a project contains images.

0.2.1 #

Add TypeChecker.every and TypeChecker.package

0.2.0 #

Large Breaking change This new version introduces large changes to how lints/fixes/assists are defined.
Long story short, besides the createPlugin method, the entire syntax changed.

See the readme, examples, and docs around how to use the new syntax.

The new syntax has multiple benefits:

  • It is now possible to enable/disable lints inside the analysis_options.yaml as followed:

    # optional
    include: path/to/another/analysis_options.yaml
        # enable a lint rule
        - my_lint_rule
        # A lint rule that is explicitly disabled
        - another_lint_rule: false

    Enabling/disabling lints is supported by default with the new syntax. Nothing to do~

  • Performance improvement when using a large number of lints. The workload of analyzing files is now shared between lints.

  • The new syntax makes the code simpler to maintain. Before, the PluginBase.getLints rapidly ended-up doing too much. Now, it is simple to split the implementation in multiple bits

0.1.2-dev #

Do some internal refactoring as an attempt to fix #60

0.1.1 #

  • Fix an issue where plugins were hot-reloaded when the file analyzed changed.
  • Optimized analysis such that PluginBase.getLints() is theorically not reinvoked unless the file analyzed changed.

0.1.0 #

  • Breaking: The plugin entrypoint has moved.
    Plugins no-longer should define a /bin/custom_lint.dart file. Instead they should define a /lib/<my_package_name>.dart

  • Breaking: The plugin entrypoint is modified. Plugins no-longer define a "main", but instead define a createPlugin function:


    // /bin/custom_lint.dart
    void main(List<String> args, SendPort sendPort) {
      startPlugin(sendPort, MyPlugin());


    // /lib/<my_package_name.dart
    MyPlugin createPlugin() => MyPlugin();
  • Add assist support. Inside your plugins, you can now override handleGetAssists:

    import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_generated.dart'
      as analyzer_plugin;
    class MyPlugin extends PluginBase {
      // ...
      Future<analyzer_plugin.EditGetAssistsResult> handleGetAssists(
        ResolvedUnitResult resolvedUnitResult, {
        required int offset,
        required int length,
      }) async {
          // TODO return some assists for the given offset

0.0.16 #

Fix expect_lint not working if the file doesn't contain any lint.

0.0.15 #

  • Custom_lint now has a built-in mechanism for testing lints. Simply write a file that should contain lints for your plugin. Then, using a syntax similar to // ignore, write a // expect_lint: code in the line before your lint:

    // expect_lint: riverpod_final_provider
    var provider = Provider(...);

    When doing this, there are two possible cases:

    • The line after the expect_lint correctly contains the expected lint.
      In that case, the lint is ignored (similarly to if we used // ignore)
    • The next line does not contain the lint. In that case, the expect_lint comment will have an error.

    This allows testing your plugins by simply running custom_lint on your test/example folder. Then, if any expected lint is missing, the command will fail. But if your plugin correctly emits the lint, the command will succeed.

  • Upgrade analyzer/analzer_plugin

0.0.14 #

  • Fix custom_lint not working in the IDE

0.0.13 #

  • Add debugger and hot-reload support (Thanks to @TimWhiting)
  • Correctly respect exclude obtains from the analysis_options.yaml
  • Fix dart analyze incorrectly failing due to showing the "plugin is starting" lint.

0.0.12 #

Upgrade dependencies

0.0.11 #

Upgrade dependencies

0.0.10 #

  • Upgrade Riverpod to 2.0.0
  • Fix deprecation errors with analyzer

0.0.9 #

  • Lint fixes can now be used when placing the cursor on the last character of a lint
  • improve pub score

0.0.8 #

Allow lints to emit fixes

0.0.7 #

Fix a bug where the custom_lint command line may not list all lints

0.0.6 #

feat!: getLints now is expected to return a Stream<Lint> instead of Iterable<Lint>

fix: a bug where the lints shown by the IDE could get out of sync with the actual content of the file

0.0.4 #

  • Fixed a bug where the command line could show IDE-only meant for debugging

0.0.3 #

PluginBase.getLints now receive a ResolvedUnitResult instead of a LibraryElement.

0.0.2 #

  • Compilation errors are now visible within the pubspec.yaml of applications that are using the plugin.

  • Plugins that are currently loading are now highlighted inside the pubspec.yaml of applications that are using the plugin.

  • If a plugin throws when trying to analyze a Dart file, the IDE will now show the exception at the top of the analyzed file.

  • Compilation errors, exceptions and prints are now accessible within a log file (custom_lint.log) inside applications using the plugin.

0.0.1 #

Initial release