custom_navigator 0.3.0
custom_navigator: ^0.3.0 copied to clipboard
A flutter package that makes it easy to create your own navigator anywhere in the widget tree.
Custom navigator #
A flutter package that makes it easy to create your own navigator anywhere in the widget tree.
A common use for such widget is when you need to implement an "Always presenting bottom navigation bar"
Getting Started #
First you need to add the package to your pubspec.yaml
Custom scaffold #
CustomScaffold is a stateful widget that uses the CustomNavigator to to handle item transition of [BottomNavigationBar] with nested navigation while keeping the [BottomNavigationBar] visible!
// Here's the custom scaffold widget
// It takes a normal scaffold with mandatory bottom navigation bar
// and children who are your pages
scaffold: Scaffold(
bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(
items: _items,
// Children are the pages that will be shown by every click
// They should placed in order such as
// `page 0` will be presented when `item 0` in the [BottomNavigationBar] clicked.
children: <Widget>[
// Called when one of the [items] is tapped.
onItemTap: (index) {},
See the custom_scaffold_example for more details
Custom navigator #
The CustomNavigator is fairly easy to use
home: YourChildWidget(),
//Specify your page route [PageRoutes.materialPageRoute] or [PageRoutes.cupertinoPageRoute]
pageRoute: PageRoutes.materialPageRoute,
Then you can call it using the same old Navigator.of(context)
- you can specify Named routes exactly like in MaterialApp.
if you want to use the default [Navigator] you need to specify a
[GlobalKey] to your [MaterialApp] and use it navigatorKey.currentState
See the example for more details.