dart_code_metrics_presets 2.20.0 copy "dart_code_metrics_presets: ^2.20.0" to clipboard
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Predefined presets for DCM.

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DCM Presets #

DCM is an advanced linter for Dart and Flutter that helps you analyze and improve your code quality. You can find all available lint rules here.

This repository contains a list of predefined presets for DCM:

  • All: contains all available lint rules for Dart and Flutter.
  • Recommended: contains recommended Dart and Flutter rules (with an emphasis on finding errors).
  • Dart: contains all lint rules applicable to any Dart app.
  • Flutter: contains all lint rules applicable to any Flutter app.
  • Flame: contains all lint rules for the Flame package.
  • Provider: contains all lint rules for the Provider package.
  • Bloc: contains all lint rules for the Bloc package.
  • Riverpod: contains all lint rules for the Riverpod package.
  • Equatable: contains all lint rules for the Equatable package.
  • Patrol: contains all lint rules for the Patrol package.
  • FakeAsync: contains all lint rules for the FakeAsync package.
  • GetIt: contains all lint rules for the GetIt package.
  • FlutterHooks: contains all lint rules for the FlutterHooks package.
  • FirebaseAnalytics: contains all lint rules for the FirebaseAnalytics package.
  • GetX: contains all lint rules for the GetX package.
  • Intl: contains all lint rules for the Intl package.
  • EasyLocalization: contains all lint rules for the EasyLocalization package.
  • Pub: contains all lint rules for linting the pubspec.yaml files.
  • Recommended metrics: contains recommended configured metrics.

How to use a preset #

Take these steps to enable a preset:

  1. Install this package as a dev dependency:

    dart pub add --dev dart_code_metrics_presets


    flutter pub add --dev dart_code_metrics_presets
  2. For DCM configuration add the extents entry:

        - package:dart_code_metrics_presets/all.yaml

Disabling or reconfiguring a rule from the preset #

To disable a rule, simply set its value to false:

    - package:dart_code_metrics_presets/all.yaml
    - avoid-banned-imports: false

To reconfigure a rule, that is included into a preset:

    - package:dart_code_metrics_presets/all.yaml
    - arguments-ordering:
        child-last: true

Defining a custom preset #

Any other preset can be passed to the extends entry. To create a custom preset create a yaml file with the same structure as for regular DCM configuration.