dart_firebase_admin 0.1.0 copy "dart_firebase_admin: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
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A Firebase Admin SDK implementation for Dart.

Dart Firebase Admin #

Welcome! This project is a port of Node's Firebase Admin SDK to Dart.

⚠️ This project is still in its early stages, and some features may be missing or bugged. Currently, only Firestore is available, with more to come (auth next).

Available features #

reference.id [x]
reference.parent [x]
reference.path [x]
reference.== [x]
reference.withConverter [x]
collection.listDocuments [x]
collection.add [x]
collection.get [x]
collection.create [x]
collection.delete [x]
collection.set [x]
collection.update [x]
collection.collection [x]
query.where('field', operator, value) [x]
query.where('field.path', operator, value) [x]
query.where(FieldPath('...'), operator, value) [x]
query.whereFilter(Filter.and(a, b)) [x]
query.whereFilter(Filter.or(a, b)) [x]
query.startAt [x]
query.startAtDocument [x]
query.startAfter [x]
query.startAfterDocument [x]
query.endAt [x]
query.endAtDocument [x]
query.endAfter [x]
query.endAfterDocument [x]
query.onSnapshot [ ]
query.select [x]
query.orderBy [x]
query.limit [x]
query.limitToLast [x]
query.offset [x]
querySnapshot.docs [x]
querySnapshot.readTime [x]
querySnapshot.docsChange [-]
documentSnapshots.data [x]
documentSnapshots.readTime/createTime/updateTime [x]
documentSnapshots.id [x]
documentSnapshots.exists [x]
documentSnapshots.data [x]
documentSnapshots.get(fieldPath) [x]
FieldValue.documentId [x]
FieldValue.increment [x]
FieldValue.arrayUnion [x]
FieldValue.arrayRemove [x]
FieldValue.delete [x]
FieldValue.serverTimestamp [x]
collectionGroup [ ]
runTransaction [ ]
GeoPoint [x]
Timestamp [x]
BundleBuilder [ ]
auth.tenantManager [ ]
auth.projectConfigManager [ ]
auth.generatePasswirdResetLink [x]
auth.generateEmailVerificationLink [x]
auth.generateVerifyAndChangeEmailLink [x]
auth.generateSignInWithEmailLink [x]
auth.listProviderConfigs [x]
auth.createProviderConfig [x]
auth.updateProviderConfig [x]
auth.getProviderConfig [x]
auth.deleteProviderConfig [x]
auth.createCustomToken [x]
auth.setCustomUserClaims [x]
auth.verifyIdToken [x]
auth.revokeRefreshTokens [x]
auth.createSessionCookie [x]
auth.verifySessionCookie [x]
auth.importUsers [x]
auth.listUsers [x]
auth.deleteUser [x]
auth.deleteUsers [x]
auth.getUser [x]
auth.getUserByPhoneNumber [x]
auth.getUserByEmail [x]
auth.getUserByProviderUid [x]
auth.getUsers [x]
auth.createUser [x]
auth.updateUser [x]

Usage #

Connecting to the SDK #

Before using Firebase, we must first authenticate.

There are currently two options:

  • You can connect using environment variables
  • Alternatively, you can specify a service-account.json file

Connecting using the environment

To connect using environment variables, you will need to have the Firebase CLI installed.

Once done, you can run:

firebase login

And log-in to the project of your choice.

From there, you can have your Dart program authenticate using the environment with:

import 'package:dart_firebase_admin/dart_firebase_admin.dart';

void main() {
  final admin = FirebaseAdminApp.initializeApp(
    '<your project name>',
    // This will obtain authentication informations from the environment

  // TODO use the Admin SDK
  final firestore = Firestore(admin);

Connecting using a service-account.json file

Alternatively, you can choose to use a service-account.json file.
This file can be obtained in your firebase console by going to:


Make sure to replace <your-project-name> with the name of your project. One there, follow the steps and download the file. Place it anywhere you want in your project.

⚠️ Note: This file should be kept private. Do not commit it on public repositories.

After all of that is done, you can now authenticate in your Dart program using:

import 'package:dart_firebase_admin/dart_firebase_admin.dart';

void main() {
  final admin = FirebaseAdminApp.initializeApp(
    '<your project name>',
    // Log-in using the newly downloaded file.
      File('<path to your service-account.json file>'),

  // TODO use the Admin SDK
  final firestore = Firestore(admin);

Using Firestore #

First, make sure to follow the steps on how to authenticate. You should now have an instance of a FirebaseAdminApp object.

You can now use this object to create a Firestore object as followed:

// Obtained in the previous steps
FirebaseAdminApp admin;
final firestore = Firestore(admin);

From this point onwards, using Firestore with the admin ADK is roughtly equivalent to using FlutterFire.

Using this Firestore object, you'll find your usual collection/query/document objects.

For example you can perform a where query:

// The following lists all users above 18 years old
final collection = firestore.collection('users');
final adults = collection.where('age', WhereFilter.greaterThan, 18);

final adultsSnapshot = await adults.get();

for (final adult in adultsSnapshot.docs) {

Composite queries are also supported:

// List users with either John or Jack as first name.
      Filter.where('firstName', WhereFilter.equal, 'John'),
      Filter.where('firstName', WhereFilter.equal, 'Jack'),

Alternatively, you can fetch a specific document too:

// Print the age of the user with ID "123"
final user = await firestore.doc('users/123').get();

Using Auth #

First, make sure to follow the steps on how to authenticate. You should now have an instance of a FirebaseAdminApp object.

You can now use this object to create a FirebaseAuth object as followed:

// Obtained in the previous steps
FirebaseAdminApp admin;
final auth = FirebaseAuth(admin);

You can then use this FirebaseAuth object to perform various auth operations. For example, you can generate a password reset link:

final link = await auth.generatePasswordResetLink(

Built and maintained by Invertase.