dbus 0.7.11
dbus: ^0.7.11 copied to clipboard
A native Dart implementation of the D-Bus message bus client. This package allows Dart applications to directly access services on the Linux desktop.
import 'package:dbus/dbus.dart';
void main() async {
var client = DBusClient.session();
var object = DBusRemoteObject(client,
name: 'org.freedesktop.Notifications',
path: DBusObjectPath('/org/freedesktop/Notifications'));
var values = [
DBusString(''), // App name
DBusUint32(0), // Replaces
DBusString(''), // Icon
DBusString('Hello World!'), // Summary
DBusString(''), // Body
DBusArray(DBusSignature('s')), // Actions
DBusDict(DBusSignature('s'), DBusSignature('v')), // Hints
DBusInt32(-1), // Expire timeout
try {
var result = await object.callMethod(
'org.freedesktop.Notifications', 'Notify', values,
replySignature: DBusSignature('u'));
var id = result.returnValues[0];
print('notify ${id.toNative()}');
} on DBusServiceUnknownException {
print('Notification service not available');
await client.close();