deep_pick 1.1.0
deep_pick: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard
Simplifies manual JSON parsing with a type-safe API. No dynamic, no manual casting. Flexible inputs types, fixed output types. Useful parsing error messages
// ignore_for_file: avoid_print, always_require_non_null_named_parameters, non_constant_identifier_names, omit_local_variable_types, avoid_dynamic_calls, unreachable_from_main
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:deep_pick/deep_pick.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
const String rawJson = '''
"shoes": [
"id": "421",
"name": "Nike Zoom Fly 3",
"manufacturer": "nike",
"tags": ["nike", "JustDoIt"]
"id": "532",
"name": "adidas Ultraboost",
"manufacturer": "adidas",
"tags": ["adidas", "ImpossibleIsNothing"],
"price": null
Future<void> main() async {
final firstTag3 =
pickFromJson(rawJson, 'shoes', 1, 'tags', 0).asStringOrThrow();
final json = jsonDecode(rawJson);
// pick a value deep down the json structure or crash
final firstTag = pick(json, 'shoes', 1, 'tags', 0).asStringOrThrow();
print(firstTag); // adidas
// The unsafe vanilla way
final firstTag2 = json['shoes']?[1]?['tags'][0] as String?;
print(firstTag2); // adidas
// fallback to null if it couldn't be found
final manufacturer = pick(json, 'shoes', 0, 'manufacturer').asStringOrNull();
print(manufacturer); // null
// you decide which type you want
final id = pick(json, 'shoes', 0, 'id');
print(id.asIntOrNull()); // 421
print(id.asDoubleOrNull()); // 421.0
print(id.asStringOrNull()); // "421"
// pick lists
final tags = pick(json, 'shoes', 0, 'tags')
.asListOrEmpty((it) => it.asStringOrThrow());
print(tags); // [nike, JustDoIt]
// pick maps
final shoe = pick(json, 'shoes', 0).required().asMapOrThrow();
print(shoe); // {id: 421, name: Nike Zoom Fly 3, tags: [nike, JustDoIt]}
// easily pick and map objects to dart objects
final firstShoe = pick(json, 'shoes', 0).letOrNull((p) => Shoe.fromPick(p));
// Shoe{id: 421, name: Nike Zoom Fly 3, tags: [nike, JustDoIt]}
// falls back to null when the value couldn't be picked
final thirdShoe = pick(json, 'shoes', 2).letOrNull((p) => Shoe.fromPick(p));
print(thirdShoe); // null
// map list of picks to dart objects
final shoes = pick(json, 'shoes').asListOrEmpty((p) => Shoe.fromPick(p));
// [
// Shoe{id: 421, name: Nike Zoom Fly 3, tags: [nike, JustDoIt]},
// Shoe{id: 532, name: adidas Ultraboost, tags: [adidas, ImpossibleIsNothing]}
// ]
// Use the Context API to pass contextual information down to parsing
// without adding new arguments
final newShoes = pick(json, 'shoes')
.withContext('newApi', true)
.asListOrEmpty((p) => Shoe.fromPick(p));
// access value out of range
final puma = pick(json, 'shoes', 1);
print(puma.isAbsent); // true;
print(puma.value); // null
// Load data from an API
final stats = await getStats();
// pick values with a dynamic selector
pickDeep(json, 'some.key.inside.the.object'.split('.')).asStringOrNull();
/// A data class representing a shoe model
/// PODO - plain old dart object
class Shoe {
const Shoe({
required this.tags,
required this.price,
factory Shoe.fromPick(RequiredPick pick) {
// read context API
final newApi = pick.fromContext('newApi').asBoolOrFalse();
final pricePick = pick('price');
return Shoe(
id: pick('id').asStringOrThrow(),
name: pick('name').asStringOrThrow(),
// manufacturer is a required field in the new API
manufacturer: newApi
? pick('manufacturer').asStringOrThrow()
: pick('manufacturer').asStringOrNull(),
tags: pick('tags').asListOrEmpty((it) => it.asStringOrThrow()),
price: () {
// when server doesn't send the price field the shoe is not available
if (pricePick.isAbsent) return 'Not for sale';
return pricePick.asStringOrNull() ?? 'Price available soon';
/// never null
final String id;
/// never null
final String name;
/// optional
final String? manufacturer;
/// never null, falls back to empty list
final List<String> tags;
/// what to display as price
final String price;
String toString() {
return 'Shoe{id: $id, name: "$name", price: "$price", tags: $tags}';
bool operator ==(Object other) =>
identical(this, other) ||
other is Shoe &&
runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
id == &&
name == &&
tags == other.tags;
int get hashCode => id.hashCode ^ name.hashCode ^ tags.hashCode;
Future<CounterApiStats> getStats() async {
final response = await http.get(Uri.parse(''));
final json = jsonDecode(response.body);
// Parse individual fields
final int? requests = pick(json, 'requests').asIntOrNull();
final int keys_created = pick(json, 'keys_created').asIntOrThrow();
final int? keys_updated = pick(json, 'keys_updated').asIntOrNull();
final String? version = pick(json, 'version').asStringOrNull();
'requests $requests, keys_created $keys_created, '
'keys_updated: $keys_updated, version: "$version"',
// Parse the full object
final CounterApiStats stats = CounterApiStats.fromPick(pick(json).required());
// Parse lists
final List<CounterApiStats> multipleStats = pick(json, 'items')
.asListOrEmpty((pick) => CounterApiStats.fromPick(pick));
print(multipleStats); // always empty [], the countapi doesn't have items
return stats;
class CounterApiStats {
const CounterApiStats({
required this.requests,
required this.keys_created,
required this.keys_updated,
final int requests;
final int keys_created;
final int keys_updated;
final String? version;
factory CounterApiStats.fromPick(RequiredPick pick) {
return CounterApiStats(
requests: pick('requests').asIntOrThrow(),
keys_created: pick('keys_created').asIntOrThrow(),
keys_updated: pick('keys_updated').asIntOrThrow(),
version: pick('version').asStringOrNull(),