extended_image_library 4.0.6
extended_image_library: ^4.0.6 copied to clipboard
Library that contains common base class for `extended_image`, `extended_text`, and `extended_text_field`.
4.0.6 #
- Make the package WASM compatible
4.0.5 #
- Loosen
version to0.3.0~9.x.x
, and fit flutter sdk: >= 3.16
4.0.4 #
- Fix AssetImage flicker(#655)
4.0.3 #
- Loosen
version to0.4.0~0.5.x
. - Fix lints.
4.0.2 #
- Upgrade
form 0.3.0 to 0.4.0
4.0.1 #
- Fix error that it can't find File.length() method at web.
4.0.0 #
- Migrate to 3.16.0
- [ExtendedFileImageProvider] use ImmutableBuffer.fromFilePath to prevent crash for big image when we don't need to cache raw data.
3.6.0 #
- Migrate to 3.13.0
3.5.3 #
- upgrade http to 1.0.0
3.5.2 #
- Fix issue that can't load image if cacheWidth or cacheHeight set on web platform #56
- Mark [ExtendedResizeImage.compressionRatio] and [ExtendedResizeImage.maxBytes] are not supported on web. (Error: Unsupported operation: ImageDescriptor is not supported on web.)
3.5.1 #
- Fix miss _network_image_web.dart #582
3.5.0 #
- Breaking Change: remove loadBuffer method, and add loadImage method [https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/118966]
- Migrate to 3.7.0
3.4.2 #
- Fix issue that cannot compile ExtendedImage.file on the web (566#)
3.4.1 #
- clearMemoryCacheWhenDispose is not working with imageCacheName property, obtainCacheStatus method should be overrided.(#44)
3.4.0 #
- Migrate to 3.3.0 (load=>loadBuffer)
3.3.0 #
- Migrate to 3.0.0
3.2.0 #
- override == and hashCode for ExtendedResizeImage
- fix issue that ExtendedResizeImage can't get rawImageData
- ExtendedResizeImage.maxBytes is actual bytes of Image, not decode bytes.
3.1.4 #
- Use list instead of listSync to look for cached files
3.1.3 #
- Make abstract ExtendedNetworkImageProvider with ExtendedImageProvider
3.1.2 #
- Fix issue that using headers might cause a lot of rebuilds (#39)
3.1.1 #
- Fix socket leak (#38)
3.1.0 #
- add [ExtendedNetworkImageProvider.cacheMaxAge] to set max age to be cached.
3.0.0 #
Breaking change:
- we cache raw image pixels as default behavior at previous versions, it's not good for heap memory usage. so add [ExtendedImageProvider.cacheRawData] to support whether should cache the raw image pixels. It's [false] now.
- add [ExtendedResizeImage] to support resize image more convenient.
- add [ExtendedImageProvider.imageCacheName] to support custom ImageCache to store ExtendedImageProvider.
2.0.2 #
- fix null-safety cast error
2.0.1 #
- add [ExtendedNetworkImageProvider.printError]
2.0.0 #
- support-null-safety
1.0.1 #
- add cache key for utils
1.0.0 #
- fix web capability at pub.dev
- add cache key #288
0.3.1 #
- support chunkEvents for network web
0.3.0 #
- export http_client_helper
0.2.3 #
- fix analysis_options.yaml base on flutter sdk
0.2.2 #
- add analysis_options.yaml
- fix null exception of chunkEvents
0.2.1 #
- support loading progress for network
- public HttpClient of ExtendedNetworkImageProvider
- add getCachedSizeBytes method
0.2.0 #
- web support
0.1.9 #
- fix breaking change for flutter 1.10.15 about miss load parameter
0.1.8 #
- add ExtendedAssetBundleImageKey to support to cache rawImageData
0.1.7 #
- override == method to set rawImageData
0.1.6 #
- add ExtendedImageProvider ExtendedExactAssetImageProvider ExtendedAssetImageProvider ExtendedFileImageProvider ExtendedMemoryImageProvider now we can get raw image data from ExtendedImageProvider
0.1.5 #
- add getCachedImageFile(url) method
0.1.4 #
- improve codes base on v1.7.8
0.1.3 #
- update path_provider 1.1.0
0.1.1 #
- disabled informationCollector to keep backwards compatibility for now
0.1.0 #
- add extended_network_image_provider.dart and extended_network_image_utils.dart