flutter_colorpicker 1.1.0
flutter_colorpicker: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard
HSV(HSB)/HSL/RGB/Material color picker inspired by all the good design for your amazing flutter apps.
[1.1.0] #
[1.0.3] #
[1.0.2] #
- Fix the slider of hsv color picker in landscape mode.
- #50 Check the color of input in block color picker.
[1.0.1] #
- Fix late value not initialized in MaterialPicker.
[1.0.0] #
- Update shading label text style in MaterialPicker.
[1.0.0-dev.1] #
- #21 Add onPrimaryChanged in MaterialPicker.
- Add shading label with landscape mode in MaterialPicker.
[1.0.0-dev.0] #
- Add some new pickers like RGB palette, HUE Wheel and HUE Ring...
- Move hsv_colorpicker to colorpicker.
- #58 Fix the scroll problem in platform web and desktop.
- Add built-in hex input bar.
- Update example.
[0.6.1] #
[0.6.0] #
- Added hexInputController for Manual Hex Input #31.
- Added 122 tests and documentation for colorToHex() and colorFromHex().
- Update example app.
[0.5.0] #
- #45 GestureRecognizer Cleanup. Reference Page.
[0.4.0] #
- Release null-safety version.
[0.3.3] #
- #19 Handle multiple GestureDetector of ColorPicker. (Thanks friebetill)
[0.3.2] #
- SlidePicker add indicatorBorderRadius.
[0.3.1] #
- Back compatibility for stable branch.
[0.3.0] #
- Add SlidePicker.
- Add example web support.
[0.2.6] #
- Update color selection also for tap down.
[0.2.5] #
- Fix enableLabel.
- Fix scrollbar.
[0.2.4] #
- Add hsl palette.
[0.2.3] #
- MaterialPicker: Flexible size.
[0.2.2] #
- Add didUpdateWidget lifecycle to handle changes to pickerColor.
[0.2.1] #
- Rename some types.
[0.2.0] #
- A new block color picker.
- Update example app.
[0.1.0] #
- Improve slider dragging.
- A new material color picker.
- Update example app.
[0.0.7] #
- Fix analysis warning.
[0.0.6] #
- Better landscape view.
[0.0.5] #
- Replace some deprecated functions.
- Bump SDK version.
[0.0.4] #
- Replace a parameter from
to give a ratio on the picker area.
[0.0.3] #
- Optimization for responsive design.
[0.0.2] #
- Change widget's width.
[0.0.1+1] #
- Update readme.
[0.0.1] #
- Initial release.