flutter_launcher_icons 0.0.4 flutter_launcher_icons: ^0.0.4 copied to clipboard
Generate ios/android launcher icons for flutter
Flutter Launcher Icons #
This command-line app will take a launcher image specified and export it to iOS & Android sizes.
- !This will replace any icons in the project folder.
- The project is is progress so not all features are available
Current Features: #
- Convert icon to android version images and store them in res folder.
Features in Progress #
- Convert icon to iOS Version images and set the icons.
- Metadata to set icon attributes like.
- Round images
- Padding
- Shadow
How to use. #
- Add dependency to pubspec.yaml
flutter_launcher_icons: "^0.0.1"
- Add flutter_icons config section to pubspec file
image_path: "icon/icon.png"
android: true
ios: false
#### Attributes:
image_path: The location of the squared image file to convert
android/ios: Whether to generate the icons or not.
- Run the command to generate the images.
flutter pub pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main
Special thanks #
Thanks to Brendan Duncan for the underlying image package to transform the pics.