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Overlay/OverlayEntry, but implemented as a widget for a declarative API.

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Motivation #

Flutter comes with two classes for manipulating "overlays":

But OverlayEntry is very akward to use. As opposed to most of the framework, OverlayEntry is not a widget (which comes with a nice and clean declarative API).

Instead, is uses an imperative API. This comes with a few drawbacks:

  • a widget's life-cycle (like initState) cannot add/remove synchronously an OverlayEntry.

    This means the first rendering of our entry is effectively one frame late.

  • It is difficult to align an OverlayEntry around a non-overlay widget (for example for a contextual menu).

    We basically have to do everything ourselves, usually needing an addPostFrameCallback which, again, makes the rendering of our overlay one frame late.

  • Overlay.of is hardly customizable and O(N). If we want to add our OverlayEntry on a specific Overlay, we may have to rely on GlobalKey, which is not ideal.

That's where portal comes into play.

This library is effectively a reimplementation of Overlay/OverlayEntry, under the name Portal/PortalEntry (the name that React uses for overlays) while fixing all the previously mentionned issues.

Install #

First, you will need to add portal to your pubspec.yaml:

    sdk: flutter
  flutter_portal: ^0.0.1

Then, run flutter packages get in your terminal.

Usage #

To use portal, we have to rely on two widgets:

  • Portal, the equivalent of Overlay.

    This widget will need to be inserted above the widget that needs to render under your overlays.

    If you want to display your overlays on the top of everything, a good place to insert that Portal is under MaterialApp but above Navigator, by doing the following:

      builder: (_, child) => Portal(child: child),

    (works for CupertinoApp too)

    This way Portal will be above your Navigator so your overlays will properly render above your routes. But it will be a descendant of MaterialApp, so overlays will be able to access Theme/MediaQuery/...

  • PortalEntry is the equivalent of OverlayEntry.

    As opposed to OverlayEntry, using portal then PortalEntry is a widget, and is therefore placed inside your widget tree (so the build method).

    Consider the following OverlayEntry example:

      class Example extends StatefulWidget {
      const Example({Key key, this.title}) : super(key: key);
      final String title;
      _ExampleState createState() => _ExampleState();
    class _ExampleState extends State<Example> {
      OverlayEntry entry;
      void initState() {
        entry = OverlayEntry(
          builder: (context) {
            return Text(widget.title);
        SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
      void dispose() {
        SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
      void didUpdateWidget(Example oldWidget) {
        SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return const Text('whatever');

    Using PortalEntry instead, we would write:

    class Example extends StatelessWidget {
      const Example({Key key, this.title}) : super(key: key);
      final String title;
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return PortalEntry(
          portal: Align(
            alignment: Alignment.topLeft,
            child: Text(title)
          child: const Text('whatever'),

    These two examples are identical in behavior:

    • When mounting our Example widget, an overlay is added, which is later removed when the widget is removed from the tree.
    • the content of that overlay is a Text, that may change over time based on a title variable.

    On the other hand, there's a difference: Using PortalEntry does not rely on addPostFrameCallback.

    As such, inserting/updating our Example widget immediatly inserts/updates the overlay, whereas using OverlayEntry the update is late by one frame.

Aligning the overlay around a widget #

Sometimes, we want to align our overlay around another widget. PortalEntry comes with built-in support for this kind of feature.

For example, consider that we have a Text centered in our app:

  child: Text('whatever'),

If we wanted to add an overlay that is aligned on the top center of our Text, we would write:

  child: PortalEntry(
    portalAnchor: Alignment.bottomCenter,
    childAnchor: Alignment.topCenter,
    portal: Card(child: Text('portal')),
    child: Text('whatever'),

This will align the top-center of child with the bottom-center of portal, which renders the following:

Target a specific Portal with a PortalEntry #

Sometimes you may have multiple Portal, and want to add your PortalEntry on a very specific Portal.

By default, PortalEntry will add its portal on the nearest Portal.

But you can customize this behavior by having subclassing Portal:

mixin NoOp {}
/// Fork [Portal] and all its parameters/properties
class MyPortal = Portal with NoOp; 

Then you can target a custom Portal on PortalEntry by specifying a generic parameter:

  child: Portal(
    // adds the portal on MyPortal instead of Portal
    child: PortalEntry<MyPortal>(
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verified publishercjycode.com

Overlay/OverlayEntry, but implemented as a widget for a declarative API.

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