fvp 0.0.8 copy "fvp: ^0.0.8" to clipboard
fvp: ^0.0.8 copied to clipboard

A plugin for video_player and APIs for your own players. Support all desktop/mobile platforms. Hardware accelerated decoding, optimal rendering. Supports most formats via FFmpeg


A plugin for official Flutter Video Player to support all desktop and mobile platforms, with hardware accelerated decoding and optimal rendering. Based on libmdk. You can also create your own players other than official video_player with backend player api

Prebuilt example can be download from artifacts of github actions.

Features #

  • All platforms: Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android
  • Optimal render api: d3d11 for windows, metal for macOS/iOS, OpenGL for Linux and Android
  • Hardware decoders are enabled by default
  • Minimal code change for existing Video Player apps
  • Support most formats via FFmpeg demuxer and software decoders if not supported by gpu. You can use your own ffmpeg 4.0~6.x(or master branch) by removing bundled ffmpeg dynamic library.
  • High performance. Lower cpu, gpu and memory load than libmpv based players.
  • Small footprint. Only about 10MB size increase(platform dependent).

How to Use #

  • Add fvp in your pubspec.yaml dependencies: flutter pub add fvp
  • Add 2 lines in your video_player examples,
import 'package:fvp/fvp.dart' as mdk;

MdkVideoPlayer.registerWith(); // in main(), or anywhere before creating a player

To select other decoders, pass options like this

MdkVideoPlayer.registerWith({'video.decoders': ['D3D11', 'NVDEC', 'FFmpeg']}); // windows

Backend Player API #

import 'package:fvp/mdk.dart';

The plugin implements VideoPlayerPlatform via a thin wrapper on player.dart.

Now we also expose this backend player api so you can create your own players easily, and gain more features than official video_player, for example, play from a given position, loop in a range, decoder selection, media information detail etc. You can also reuse the Player instance without unconditionally create and dispose, changing the Player.media is enough.

Design #

  • Playback control api in dart via ffi
  • Manage video renderers in platform specific manners. Receive player ptr via MethodChannel to construct player instance and set a renderer target.
  • Callbacks and events in C++ are notified by ReceivePort

Screenshots #

fpv_android fvp_ios fvp_win fvp_linux fvp_macos



verified publishermediadevkit.com

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A plugin for video_player and APIs for your own players. Support all desktop/mobile platforms. Hardware accelerated decoding, optimal rendering. Supports most formats via FFmpeg

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


ffi, flutter, logging, path, plugin_platform_interface, video_player_platform_interface


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