google_mobile_ads 0.0.1 copy "google_mobile_ads: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
google_mobile_ads: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard


Flutter plugin for Google Mobile Ads, supporting banner, interstitial (full-screen), and rewarded video ads

Google Mobile Ads SDK Flutter Plugin #

A plugin for Flutter that supports loading and displaying banner, interstitial (full-screen), native, and rewarded video ads using the Google Mobile Ads SDK.

Platform Specific Setup #

This plugin supports Android and iOS and requires additional setup on both platforms before it can be used in your app. The sections below explain the setup for each platform.

Android #

Update your AndroidManifest.xml

Your App ID must be included in the AndroidManifest.xml. Failure to do so will result in a crash on launch of your app.

Add your AdMob App ID to your app's android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file by adding a <meta-data> tag with name, as shown below. You can find your App ID in the AdMob UI. For android:value insert your own AdMob App ID in quotes, as shown below.

        <!-- Sample AdMob App ID: ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713 -->

You must pass the same value when you initialize the plugin in your Dart code.

See for more information about configuring AndroidManifest.xml and setting up your App ID.

iOS #

Update your Info.plist #

In your app's ios/Runner/Info.plist file, add a GADApplicationIdentifier key with a string value of your AdMob app ID as shown below:


You must pass the same value when you initialize the plugin in your Dart code.

See for more information about configuring Info.plist and setting up your App ID.

Initialize the Mobile Ads SDK #

Before loading ads, have your app initialize the Mobile Ads SDK by calling MobileAds.instance.initialize() which initializes the SDK and returns a Future that finishes once initialization is complete (or after a 30-second timeout). This needs to be done only once, ideally at app launch.

import 'package:google_mobile_ads/google_mobile_ads.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  MyAppState createState() => MyAppState();

class MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  void initState() {
    MobileAds.instance.initialize().then((InitializationStatus status) {
      // Load ads.

Creating and Loading an Ad with AdMob #

Instantiating each ad is slightly different and each supported format is explained in this section. To see how to display an Ad after loading one, see section Displaying an Ad.

Instantiating a BannerAd requires at least an adUnitId, an AdSize, an AdRequest, and an AdListener as seen below. When testing, you should always use BannerAd.testAdUnitId and switch to an ad unit id from your AdMob account when releasing.

final BannerAd myBanner = BannerAd(
  // Replace the testAdUnitId with an ad unit id from the AdMob dash.
  adUnitId: BannerAd.testAdUnitId,
  size: AdSize.banner,
  request: AdRequest(),
  listener: AdListener(),

After a BannerAd is instantiated, you must call load() before it can be shown on the screen.


See section Displaying an Ad to see how to show the ad in your app and section AdRequest Info and Ad Event Listeners to see additional parameters.

Interstitial #

Instantiating an InterstitialAd requires at least an adUnitId, AdRequest, and AdListener as shown below. When testing, you should always use InterstitialAd.testAdUnitId and switch to an ad unit id from your AdMob account when releasing.

final InterstitialAd myInterstitial = InterstitialAd(
  // Replace the testAdUnitId with an ad unit id from the AdMob dash.
  adUnitId: InterstitialAd.testAdUnitId,
  request: AdRequest(),
  listener: AdListener(),

After a InterstitialAd is instantiated, you must call load() before it can be shown on the screen.


See section Displaying an Ad to see how to show the ad in your app and section AdRequest Info and Ad Event Listeners to see additional parameters.

Native #

Native Ads are presented to users via UI components that are native to the platform. (e.g. A View on Android or a UIView on iOS).

Since Native Ads require UI components native to a platform, this feature requires additional setup for Android and iOS:


The Android Admob Plugin requires a class that implements NativeAdFactory which contains a method that takes a UnifiedNativeAd and custom options and returns a UnifiedNativeAdView.

You can implement this in your or create a separate class in the same directory as as seen below:


import io.flutter.plugins.googlemobileads.GoogleMobileAdsPlugin.NativeAdFactory;
import java.util.Map;

class NativeAdFactoryExample implements NativeAdFactory {
  public UnifiedNativeAdView createNativeAd(
      UnifiedNativeAd nativeAd, Map<String, Object> customOptions) {
    // Create UnifiedNativeAdView

You need to register your NativeAdFactory with a unique String identifier after adding the GoogleMobileAdsPlugin to the FlutterEngine. (Adding the GoogleMobileAdsPlugin to FlutterEngine should be done in a GeneratedPluginRegistrant in the near future, so you may not see it being added here). You should also unregister the factory in cleanUpFlutterEngine(engine).

You're should look similar to:


import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine;
import io.flutter.plugins.googlemobileads.GoogleMobileAdsPlugin;

public class MainActivity extends FlutterActivity {
  public void configureFlutterEngine(FlutterEngine flutterEngine) {
    flutterEngine.getPlugins().add(new GoogleMobileAdsPlugin());

    GoogleMobileAdsPlugin.registerNativeAdFactory(flutterEngine, "adFactoryExample", NativeAdFactoryExample());

  public void cleanUpFlutterEngine(FlutterEngine flutterEngine) {
    GoogleMobileAdsPlugin.unregisterNativeAdFactory(flutterEngine, "adFactoryExample");

When creating the NativeAd in Flutter, the factoryId parameter should match the one you used to add the factory to GoogleMobileAdsPlugin.

An example of displaying a UnifiedNativeAd with a UnifiedNativeAdView can be found here. The example app also inflates a custom layout and displays the test Native ad.


Native Ads for iOS require a class that implements the protocol FLTNativeAdFactory which has a single method createNativeAd:customOptions:.

You can have your AppDelegate implement this protocol or create a separate class as seen below:

/* AppDelegate.m */

#import "FLTGoogleMobileAdsPlugin.h"

@interface NativeAdFactoryExample : NSObject<FLTNativeAdFactory>

@implementation NativeAdFactoryExample
- (GADUnifiedNativeAdView *)createNativeAd:(GADUnifiedNativeAd *)nativeAd
                             customOptions:(NSDictionary *)customOptions {
  // Create GADUnifiedNativeAdView

Once there is an implementation of FLTNativeAdFactory, it must be added to the FLTGoogleMobileAdsPlugin. This is done by importing FLTGoogleMobileAdsPlugin.h and calling registerNativeAdFactory:factoryId:nativeAdFactory: with a FlutterPluginRegistry, a unique identifier for the factory, and the factory itself. The factory also MUST be added after [GeneratedPluginRegistrant registerWithRegistry:self]; has been called.

If this is done in AppDelegate.m, it should look similar to:

#import "FLTGoogleMobileAdsPlugin.h"

@implementation AppDelegate
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
    didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
  [GeneratedPluginRegistrant registerWithRegistry:self];

  NativeAdFactoryExample *nativeAdFactory = [[NativeAdFactoryExample alloc] init];
  [FLTGoogleMobileAdsPlugin registerNativeAdFactory:self

  return [super application:application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions];


Dart Example

When creating a NativeAd in Dart, setup is similar to BannerAd or InterstitialAd with an additional requirement of a factoryId that matches the id used to register the NativeAdFactory in Java/Kotlin/Obj-C/Swift. An example of this implementation is seen below. Also, remember that testing should always be done with the NativeAd.testAdUnitId.

final NativeAd nativeAd = NativeAd(
  adUnitId: NativeAd.testAdUnitId,
  factoryId: 'adFactoryExample',
  request: AdRequest(),
  listener: AdListener(),

Once created you can call load().


See section Displaying an Ad to see how to show the ad in your app and section AdRequest Info and Ad Event Listeners to see additional parameters.

Rewarded Ads #

Instantiating a Rewarded requires at least an adUnitId, an AdRequest, and an AdListener as seen below. When testing, you should always use RewardedAd.testAdUnitId and switch to an ad unit id from your AdMob account when releasing.

final RewardedAd myRewardedAd = RewardedAd(
  // Replace the testAdUnitId with an ad unit id from the AdMob dash.
  adUnitId: RewardedAd.testAdUnitId,
  request: AdRequest(),
  listener: AdListener(),

After a RewardedAd is instantiated, you must call load() before it can be shown on the screen.


See section Displaying an Ad to see how to show the ad in your app and section AdRequest Info and Ad Event Listeners to see additional parameters.

Test Ads #

It's important to enable test ads during development so that you can click on them without charging Google advertisers. If you click on too many ads without being in test mode, you risk your account being flagged for invalid activity.

The quickest way to enable testing is to use Google-provided test ad units. These ad units are not associated with your AdMob account, so there's no risk of your account generating invalid traffic when using these ad units.

Android: iOS:

Creating and Loading an Ad with Ad Manager #

This plugin also contains support for ads using Google Ad Manager. Below are all supported Ad Manager ad types.

PublisherBanner #

Instantiating a PublisherBannerAd requires at least an adUnitId, one AdSize, a PublisherAdRequest, and an AdListener as seen below. When testing, you should always use test ads and switch to an ad unit id from your Ad Manager account when releasing.

final PublisherBannerAd myBanner = PublisherBannerAd(
  // Replace the adUnitId with an ad unit id from the Ad Manager dashboard.
  adUnitId: '/6499/example/banner',
  sizes: <AdSize>[AdSize.banner],
  request: PublisherAdRequest(),
  listener: AdListener(),

After a PublisherBannerAd is instantiated, you must call load() before it can be shown on the screen.


See section Displaying an Ad to see how to show the ad in your app and section AdRequest Info and Ad Event Listeners to see additional parameters.

PublisherInterstitial #

Instantiating a PublisherInterstitialAd requires at least an adUnitId, PublisherAdRequest, and AdListener, as shown below. When testing, you should always use test ids and switch to an ad unit id from your Ad Manager account when releasing.

final PublisherInterstitialAd myInterstitial = PublisherInterstitialAd(
  // Replace the adUnitId with an ad unit id from the Ad Manager dashboard or test ids from the
  // links below:
  adUnitId: '/6499/example/interstitial',
  request: PublisherAdRequest(),
  listener: AdListener(),

After a PublisherInterstitialAd is instantiated, you must call load() before it can be shown on the screen.


See section Displaying an Ad to see how to show the ad in your app and section AdRequest Info and Ad Event Listeners to see additional parameters.

Native Ads with Ad Manager #

Creating a NativeAd with Ad Manager requires additional setup on Android and iOS. See section Native under Creating and Loading an Ad With AdMob for steps creating a NativeAdFactory on Android and iOS.

After a NativeAdFactory is implemented, instantiating a NativeAd from Dart is similar to BannerAd or InterstitialAd with an additional requirement of a factoryId that matches the id used to register the NativeAdFactory in Java/Kotlin/Obj-C/Swift. An example of this implementation is seen below. Also, remember that testing should always be done with the test ids.

final NativeAd nativeAd = NativeAd.fromPublisherRequest(
  // Replace the adUnitId with an ad unit id from the Ad Manager dashboard or test ids from the
  // links below:
  adUnitId: '/6499/example/native',
  factoryId: 'adFactoryExample',
  publisherRequest: PublisherAdRequest(),
  listener: AdListener(),

Once created you can call load().


See section Displaying an Ad to see how to show the ad in your app and section AdRequest Info and Ad Event Listeners to see additional parameters.

Rewarded Ads for Ad Manager #

Instantiating a RewardedAd requires at least an adUnitId, an AdRequest/PublisherAdRequest, and an AdListener as seen below. When testing, you should always use test ids and switch to an ad unit id from your Ad Manager account when releasing.

final RewardedAd myRewardedAd = RewardedAd.fromPublisherRequest(
  // Replace the adUnitId with an ad unit id from the Ad Manager dashboard or test ids from the
  // links below:
  adUnitId: '/6499/example/rewarded-video',
  publisherRequest: PublisherAdRequest(),
  listener: AdListener(),

After a RewardedAd is instantiated, you must call load() before it can be shown on the screen.


See section Displaying an Ad to see how to show the ad in your app and section AdRequest Info and Ad Event Listeners to see additional parameters.

Test Ads #

It's important to enable test ads during development so that you can click on them without charging Google advertisers. If you click on too many ads without being in test mode, you risk your account being flagged for invalid activity.

The quickest way to enable testing is to use Google-provided test ad units. These ad units are not associated with your Ad Manager account, so there's no risk of your account generating invalid traffic when using these ad units.

Android: iOS:

Displaying an Ad #

Each ad format can be displayed using at least one of two methods. Overlay and Widget. This section explains the difference between them.

Overlay #

An ad that is displayed as an Overlay is displayed on top of all app content and is statically placed. Ad displayed this way can't be added to the Flutter widget tree. Only InterstitialAds and NativeAds can be displayed this way. You can display an ad by calling show() after the Ad is loaded.;

This method should only be called after load() and the AdListener.onAdLoaded method has been triggered. Once show() is called, an Ad displayed this way can't be removed programmatically and require user input.

Once an Ad has called load(), it must call dispose() when access to it is no longer needed. The best practice for when to call dispose() is either after calling show() or in the AdListener.onAdFailedToLoad/AdListener.onAdClosed callbacks.

Widget #

If you would like to display an ad as a Flutter Widget, you need to take an extra step by opting-in to the embedded views preview. On Android, this is already done for you.

On iOS, you must do this by adding a boolean property to the app's ios/Runner/Info.plist file with the key io.flutter.embedded_views_preview and the value true. Your Info.plist should look similar to:


An ad that is displayed as a Widget is displayed as a typical Flutter Widget and can be added to the Flutter widget tree. This is only supported by ads that don't cover an entire screen, such as BannerAd, PublisherBannerAd, and NativeAd. To display one of these ads as a widget, you must instantiate an AdWidget with a supported ad after calling load(). You can create the widget before calling load(), but load() must be called before adding it to the widget tree.

final AdWidget adWidget = AdWidget(ad: myBanner);

AdWidget inherits from Flutter's Widget class and can be used as any other widget. On iOS, make sure you place the widget in a widget with a specified width and height. Otherwise, you may see your app crash. For a BannerAd, you can place the ad in a container with a size that matches the ad.

final Container adContainer = Container(
  child: adWidget,
  width: myBanner.size.width.toDouble(),
  height: myBanner.size.height.toDouble(),

Once an Ad has called load(), it must call dispose() when access to it is no longer needed. The best practice for when to call dispose() is either after the AdWidget is removed from the widget tree or in the AdListener.onAdFailedToLoad callback.

AdRequest Info and Ad Event Listeners #

BannerAds, InterstitialAds, RewardedAds and NativeAds can also be configured with targeting information and an AdListener as shown below.

final AdRequest request = AdRequest(
  keywords: <String>['flutterio', 'beautiful apps'],
  contentUrl: '',
  childDirected: false,
  designedForFamilies: false,
  gender: MobileAdGender.male, // or MobileAdGender.female, MobileAdGender.unknown
  testDevices: <String>[], // Android emulators are considered test devices

BannerAd myBanner = BannerAd(
  // Replace the testAdUnitId with an ad unit id from the AdMob dash.
  adUnitId: BannerAd.testAdUnitId,
  request: request,
  size: AdSize.smartBanner,
  listener: AdListener(
    onAdLoaded: (Ad ad) {
      print("$BannerAd loaded.");

PublisherBannerAds can also be configured with custom targeting information and an AdListener as shown below.

final PublisherAdRequest request = PublisherAdRequest(
  keywords: <String>['flutterio', 'beautiful apps'],
  contentUrl: '',
  customTargeting: <String, String>{'some', 'targeting'},
  customTargetingLists: <String, List<String>>{'favoriteColors': <String>['red', 'yellow']},

final PublisherBannerAd myBanner = PublisherBannerAd(
  // Replace the adUnitId with an ad unit id from the Ad Manager dash.
  adUnitId: '/6499/example/banner',
  sizes: <AdSize>[AdSize.banner],
  request: request,
  listener: AdListener(
    onAdLoaded: (Ad ad) {
      print("$PublisherBannerAd loaded.");

Targeting #

The RequestConfiguration object collects the global configuration for every ad request and is applied by MobileAds.instance.updateRequestConfiguration().

Child-directed setting #

For purposes of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), there is a setting called "tag for child-directed treatment."

As an app developer, you can indicate whether you want Google to treat your content as child-directed when you make an ad request. If you indicate that you want Google to treat your content as child-directed, we take steps to disable IBA and remarketing ads on that ad request. The setting can be used with all versions of the Google Play services SDK via RequestConfiguration.tagForChildDirectedTreatment():

  • Use the argument TagForChildDirectedTreatment.yes to indicate that you want your content treated as child-directed for the purposes of COPPA.
  • Use the argument to indicate that you don't want your content treated as child-directed for the purposes of COPPA.
  • Use the argument TagForChildDirectedTreatment.unspecified or do not set this tag if you do not wish to indicate how you would like your content treated with respect to COPPA in ad requests.

The following example indicates that you want your content treated as child-directed for purposes of COPPA:

RequestConfiguration requestConfiguration = RequestConfiguration(
  tagForChildDirectedTreatment: TagForChildDirectedTreatment.yes);

You can mark your ad requests to receive treatment for users in the European Economic Area (EEA) under the age of consent. This feature is designed to help facilitate compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Note that you may have other legal obligations under GDPR. Please review the European Union’s guidance and consult with your own legal counsel. Please remember that Google's tools are designed to facilitate compliance and do not relieve any particular publisher of its obligations under the law. Learn more about how the GDPR affects publishers.

When using this feature, a Tag For Users under the Age of Consent in Europe (TFUA) parameter will be included in the ad request. This parameter disables personalized advertising, including remarketing, for that specific ad request. It also disables requests to third-party ad vendors, such as ad measurement pixels and third-party ad servers.

The setting can be used via RequestConfiguration.tagForUnderAgeOfConsent():

  • Use the argument TagForUnderAgeOfConsent.yes to indicate that you want the request configuration to be handled in a manner suitable for users under the age of consent.
  • Use the argument to indicates that you don't want the request configuration to be handled in a manner suitable for users under the age of consent.
  • Use the argument TagForUnderAgeOfConsent.unspecified or do not set this tag to indicate that you have not specified whether the ad request should receive treatment for users in the European Economic Area (EEA) under the age of consent. The following example indicates that you want TFUA included in your ad request:
RequestConfiguration requestConfiguration = RequestConfiguration(
  tagForUnderAgeOfConsent: TagForUnderAgeOfConsent.yes

The tags to enable the Child-directed setting and setTagForUnderAgeOfConsent should not both simultaneously be set to true. If they are, the child-directed setting takes precedence.

Ad Content Filtering #

The setting can be set via RequestConfiguration.maxAdContentRating():

AdMob ads returned for these requests have a content rating at or below that level. The possible values for this network extra are based on digital content label classifications, and should be one of the following MaxAdContentRating objects:

  • MaxAdContentRating.g
  • MaxAdContentRating.t

Issues and feedback #

Please file FlutterFire specific issues, bugs, or feature requests in our issue tracker.

Plugin issues that are not specific to Google Mobile Ads can be filed in the Flutter issue tracker.

To contribute a change to this plugin, please review our contribution guide and open a pull request.




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Flutter plugin for Google Mobile Ads, supporting banner, interstitial (full-screen), and rewarded video ads

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