googleapis 13.2.0 copy "googleapis: ^13.2.0" to clipboard
googleapis: ^13.2.0 copied to clipboard

Auto-generated client libraries for accessing Google APIs described through the API discovery service.

13.2.0 #

  • Require Dart 3.4 or later.
  • Require package:http 1.0.0.

APIs #

  • addressvalidation - new!
  • airquality - new!
  • cloudcommerceprocurement - new!
  • cloudcontrolspartner - new!
  • config - new!
  • developerconnect - new!
  • integrations - new!
  • pollen - new!
  • solar - new!

13.1.0 #

  • logging - removed (BROKEN) tail() function call.
  • dataportability - new!
  • speech - added v2

13.0.0 #

  • apphub - new!
  • bigqueryconnection - new!
  • displayvideo - Removed v1 (v2, v3 still exist)
  • walletobjects - new!
  • workspaceevents - new!

12.0.0 #

  • alloydb - new!
  • backupdr - new!
  • biglake - new!
  • bigquerydatapolicy - new!
  • cloudbuild - added v2
  • displayvideo - added v3
  • gameservices - Removed!
  • language - added v2
  • looker - new!
  • rapidmigrationassessment - new!
  • safebrowsing - added v5
  • trafficdirector - added v3
  • vmwareengine - new!
  • workstations - new!

11.4.0 #

  • Deprecated APIs are now annotated with @Deprecated.
  • Require Dart 3.0

API changes #

  • aiplatform - new!
  • clouddebugger - Removed!
  • migrationcenter - new!
  • places - new!

11.3.0 #

  • blockchainnodeengine - new!
  • cloudsupport - new!
  • doubleclickbidmanager - Removed v1.1 (v2 still exists)
  • mybusinessbusinesscalls - Removed!

11.2.0 #

  • Add back in library directives to improve documentation.
  • Allow latest package:http.

11.1.0 #

  • gkeonprem - new!
  • identitytoolkit - added (back) v1 and v2!
  • publicca - new!

11.0.0 #

  • Require Dart 2.19

API changes #

  • acmedns - new!
  • cloudiot - REMOVED!
  • datalineage - new!
  • firebaseappdistribution new!
  • notebooks - added v2
  • readerrevenuesubscriptionlinking - new!
  • vpcaccess - new!

10.1.0 #

API changes #

  • advisorynotifications - new!
  • iam - added v2
  • kmsinventory - new!

10.0.0 #

API changes #

  • analyticshub - new!
  • baremetalsolution - dropped v1. (Still have v2)
  • batch - new!
  • contentwarehouse - new!
  • displayvideo - added v2
  • metastore - new!
  • tpu - added v2
  • travelimpactmodel - new!
  • workloadmanager - new!

9.2.0 #

  • Require Dart 2.17 or later.

API changes #

  • beyondcorp - new!
  • connectors - Added v2
  • dfareporting - Added v4
  • drivelabels - new!

9.1.0 #

  • Fixed firestore/v1.dart API.

API changes #

  • doubleclickbidmanager - Added v2

9.0.0 #

  • Require Dart 2.16 or later.
  • Fixed issue in AdMob accounts.mediationReport.generate return type. #411

API changes #

  • apigeeregistry - new!
  • buildnessprofileperformance - new!
  • cloudfunctions - Added v2
  • dfareporting - removed v3.4.
  • forms - new!
  • gkebackup - new!
  • firebaseappcheck - new!
  • verifiedaccess - Added v2

8.1.0 #

  • firebaseremoteconfig - new!
  • photoslibrary - new!

8.0.0 #

  • adsense - removed v1.4
  • baremetalsolution - new v2
  • certificatemanager - new!
  • clouddeploy - new!
  • dataplex - new!
  • datastream - new!
  • ids - new!
  • mybusinessbusinesscalls - new!
  • mybusinessqanda - new!
  • playintegrity
  • run - new v2
  • transcoder - new!
  • webmasters - removed!

7.0.0 #

  • Removed many types defined in the source library JSON definition, but that were not used by the API.
  • Drop unusable Firestore listen function and related types. #77
  • Fixed issue in AdMob accounts.networkReport.generate return type. #183

API changes #

  • containeranalysis - new!
  • datapipelines - new!
  • domains - new!
  • playablelocations - removed!
  • vectortile - removed!
  • versionhistory - new!
  • vmmigration - new!

6.0.0 #

  • Introduce a new $shared library that contains identical classes across libraries. Reduces the size of the generated package and (in theory) could allow better code sharing.
  • Drop explicit toJson in many cases. We assume that types defined in this package are passed to Dart's JSON serialization logic.
  • Correctly encode DateTime as UTC. #79
  • Fix an issue with the generated Firestore API. #303
  • Correctly handle the case where "any" type can be null. #306
  • Require Dart 2.13 or greater.

API changes #

  • authorizedbuyersmarketplace - new!
  • connectors - new!
  • networkconnectivity - new!

5.0.1 #

  • Fixed bug in datastore, drive, firestore where Value.nullValue always contained 'NULL_VALUE'

5.0.0 #

API changes #

  • adexchangebuyer - removed
  • contactcenterinsights - new!
  • mybusinessbusinessinformation - new!
  • mybusinessnotifications - new!
  • mybusinessverifications - new!
  • networksecurity - new!
  • networkservices - new!
  • policyanalyzer - new!
  • poly - removed!

4.0.0 #

  • All schema types now have positional constructor parameters.
  • Addressed handling of null values in datastore, drive, firestore, and script.

API changes #

  • datacatalog - new!
  • dfareporting - added v3.5
  • keep - new!
  • paymentsresellersubscription - new!
  • privateca - new!
  • resourcesettings - new!

3.0.0 #

API updates #

  • adsense - added v2 API
  • apikeys - new!
  • baremetalsolution - new!
  • chromepolicy - new!
  • datamigration - new!
  • documentai - new!
  • essentialcontacts - new!
  • genomics - REMOVED - use the lifesciences API in googleapis_beta.
  • gkehub - new!
  • mybusinesslodging - new!
  • mybusinessplaceactions - new!
  • ondemandscanning - new!
  • orgpolicy - new!
  • policysimulator - new!
  • recaptchaenterprise - new!
  • remotebuildexecution - REMOVED - not a valid API.

2.0.0 #

  • APIs are now null-safe and require Dart 2.12.
  • Now requires package:_discoveryapis_commons v1.

API updates #

  • cloudresourcemanager - added v3
  • mybusinessaccountmanagement - added v1
  • webrisk - added v1

1.0.0 #

BREAKING changes to API shape #

  • USER_AGENT has been removed from each library. All libraries within the package share a common user-agent value.
  • API classes have been renamed to use more standard casing. For example: FirebasedynamiclinksApi to FirebaseDynamicLinksApi.
  • Resource classes have been renamed to drop the Api suffix. For example: ManagedShortLinksResourceApi to ManagedShortLinksResource.

API updates #

  • apigateway - new
  • artifactregistry - new
  • assuredworkloads - new
  • billingbudgets - new
  • chromemanagement - new
  • chromeuxreport - new
  • cloudchannel - new
  • datafusion - new
  • dialogflow - added v3 API
  • eventarc - new
  • firebasehosting - new
  • firebaseml - new
  • gameservices - new
  • gmailpostmastertools - new
  • jobs - dropped v2, added v3 API
  • localservices - new
  • memcache - new
  • notebooks - new
  • playablelocations - new
  • pubsublite - new
  • realtimebidding - new
  • retail - new
  • servicecontrol - added v2 API
  • servicedirectory - new
  • smartdevicemanagement - new
  • sts - new
  • trafficdirector - new
  • vectortile - new
  • workflowexecutions - new
  • workflows - new
  • youtubeAnalytics - dropped v1 API

0.56.1 #

  • [api-add] oauth2:v2 (appears to have been unintentionally missing from 0.55.0)

0.56.0 #

  • [api-new] networkmanagement:v1
  • [api-new] recommender:v1
  • [api-removed] androidpublisher:v2
  • [api-removed] appsactivity:v1
  • [api-removed] oauth2:v2
  • [api-removed] plus:v1

0.55.0 #

  • [api-new] accessapproval:v1
  • [api-new] admob:v1
  • [api-new] apigee:v1
  • [api-new] bigqueryreservation:v1
  • [api-new] binaryauthorization:v1
  • [api-new] dfareporting:v3.4
  • [api-new] displayvideo:v1
  • [api-new] domainsrdap:v1
  • [api-new] doubleclickbidmanager:v1.1
  • [api-new] healthcare:v1
  • [api-new] homegraph:v1
  • [api-new] osconfig:v1
  • [api-new] policytroubleshooter:v1
  • [api-new] secretmanager:v1
  • [api-new] managedidentities:v1
  • [api-new] translate:v3
  • [api-new] verifiedaccess:v1
  • [api-removed] appstate:v1
  • [api-removed] fusiontables:v1
  • [api-removed] fusiontables:v2
  • [api-removed] mirror:v1
  • [api-removed] plusDomains:v1
  • [api-removed] servicebroker:v1
  • [api-removed] surveys:v2
  • [api-removed] urlshortener:v1
  • [api-removed] dfareporting:v3.3
  • [api-removed] doubleclickbidmanager:v1
  • [api-removed] translate:v2

0.54.0 #

  • [api-new] accesscontextmanager:v1
  • [api-new] cloudasset:v1
  • [api-new] cloudscheduler:v1
  • [api-new] cloudtasks:v2
  • [api-new] dfareporting:v3.3
  • [api-new] docs:v1
  • [api-new] fcm:v1
  • [api-new] file:v1
  • [api-new] remotebuildexecution:v2
  • [api-new] run:v1
  • [api-new] securitycenter:v1
  • [api-new] servicenetworking:v1
  • [api-new] websecurityscanner:v1
  • [api-removed] dfareporting:v3.2

0.53.0 #

  • [api-new] bigtableadmin:v2
  • [api-new] cloudidentity:v1
  • [api-new] cloudsearch:v1
  • [api-new] content:v2_1
  • [api-new] driveactivity:v2
  • [api-new] iap:v1
  • [api-new] libraryagent:v1
  • [api-new] pagespeedonline:v5
  • [api-new] redis:v1
  • [api-removed] adexchangeseller:v1_1
  • [api-removed] adexchangeseller:v2_0
  • [api-removed] cloudtrace:v1
  • [api-removed] content:v2
  • [api-removed] content:v2sandbox
  • [api-removed] dfareporting:v2_8
  • [api-removed] dfareporting:v3_0
  • [api-removed] dfareporting:v3_1
  • [api-removed] firebaseremoteconfig:v1
  • [api-removed] partners:v2
  • [api-removed] serviceuser:v1

0.52.0+1 #

  • Regenerate package with widened constraint for package:http.

0.52.0 #

  • [api-new] dfareporting:v3_1
  • [api-new] dfareporting:v3_2
  • [api-new] dlp:v2
  • [api-new] cloudprofiler:v2
  • [api-new] firestore:v1
  • [api-new] serviceusage:v1
  • [api-new] tpu:v1
  • [api-new] youtubeanalytics:v2
  • [api-new] dialogflow:v2
  • [api-new] pagespeedonline:v4
  • [api-new] indexing:v3
  • [api-new] jobs:v2
  • [api-new] jobs:v3
  • [api-new] videointelligence:v1
  • [api-new] cloudresourcemanager:v2
  • [api-new] texttospeech:v1
  • [api-new] iamcredentials:v1
  • [api-new] chat:v1
  • [api-new] composer:v1
  • [api-new] androidpublisher:v3
  • [api-new] servicebroker:v1
  • [api] adsense:v1_4
  • [api] spanner:v1
  • [api] poly:v1
  • [api] vision:v1
  • [api] vault:v1
  • [api] gmail:v1
  • [api] logging:v2
  • [api] cloudbilling:v1
  • [api] container:v1
  • [api] ml:v1
  • [api] sourcerepo:v1
  • [api] dataproc:v1
  • [api] iam:v1
  • [api] androiddeviceprovisioning:v1
  • [api] firebaserules:v1
  • [api] serviceconsumermanagement:v1
  • [api] cloudiot:v1
  • [api] monitoring:v3
  • [api] books:v1
  • [api] cloudfunctions:v1
  • [api] servicecontrol:v1
  • [api] drive:v2
  • [api] drive:v3
  • [api] content:v2
  • [api] content:v2sandbox
  • [api] clouddebugger:v2
  • [api] testing:v1
  • [api] cloudbuild:v1
  • [api] serviceuser:v1
  • [api] cloudresourcemanager:v1
  • [api] servicemanagement:v1
  • [api] genomics:v1
  • [api] script:v1
  • [api] admin:directory_v1
  • [api] groupssettings:v1
  • [api] pubsub:v1
  • [api] datastore:v1
  • [api] classroom:v1
  • [api] analytics:v3
  • [api] androidmanagement:v1
  • [api] androidpublisher:v2
  • [api] cloudkms:v1
  • [api] bigquery:v2
  • [api] civicinfo:v2
  • [api] appengine:v1
  • [api] compute:v1
  • [api-breaking] dns:v1
  • [api-breaking] serviceconsumermanagement:v1
  • [api-breaking] cloudiot:v1
  • [api-breaking] script:v1
  • [api-breaking] androidenterprise:v1
  • [api-breaking] civicinfo:v2
  • [api-removed] firebaseremoteconfig:v1
  • [api-removed] prediction:v1_6

0.51.1 #

  • Support Dart 2 stable.

0.51.0 #

  • [api-new] cloudresourcemanager:v2
  • [api-new] dfareporting:v3_1
  • [api-new] dlp:v2
  • [api-new] jobs:v2
  • [api-new] servicebroker:v1
  • [api-new] tpu:v1
  • [api-new] videointelligence:v1
  • [api] adexchangebuyer:v1_4
  • [api] admin:directory_v1
  • [api] analytics:v3
  • [api] androiddeviceprovisioning:v1
  • [api] androidenterprise:v1
  • [api] androidmanagement:v1
  • [api] androidpublisher:v2
  • [api] appengine:v1
  • [api] bigquerydatatransfer:v1
  • [api] bigquery:v2
  • [api] cloudbilling:v1
  • [api] cloudbuild:v1
  • [api] cloudfunctions:v1
  • [api] cloudiot:v1
  • [api] cloudkms:v1
  • [api] compute:v1
  • [api] container:v1
  • [api] content:v2
  • [api] content:v2sandbox
  • [api] customsearch:v1
  • [api] dataproc:v1
  • [api] datastore:v1
  • [api] deploymentmanager:v2
  • [api] dns:v1
  • [api] firebasedynamiclinks:v1
  • [api] genomics:v1
  • [api] identitytoolkit:v3
  • [api] logging:v2
  • [api] manufacturers:v1
  • [api] ml:v1
  • [api] monitoring:v3
  • [api] oslogin:v1
  • [api] partners:v2
  • [api] people:v1
  • [api] poly:v1
  • [api] servicemanagement:v1
  • [api] serviceuser:v1
  • [api] sheets:v4
  • [api] slides:v1
  • [api] sourcerepo:v1
  • [api] speech:v1
  • [api] testing:v1
  • [api] vault:v1
  • [api] vision:v1
  • [api] youtube:v3
  • [api-breaking] analytics:v3
  • [api-breaking] androidpublisher:v2
  • [api-breaking] bigquery:v2
  • [api-breaking] classroom:v1
  • [api-breaking] cloudiot:v1
  • [api-breaking] deploymentmanager:v2
  • [api-breaking] manufacturers:v1
  • [api-breaking] serviceconsumermanagement:v1
  • [api-breaking] servicemanagement:v1
  • [api-breaking] serviceuser:v1
  • [api-breaking] sourcerepo:v1
  • [api-breaking] speech:v1
  • [api-breaking] surveys:v2
  • [api-breaking] youtube:v3
  • [api-removed] cloudresourcemanager:v2beta1
  • [api-removed] serviceusage:v1

0.50.4 #

  • Re-generated with updated code generator to support the dataWrapper feature (used by the Translate v2 API).

0.50.3 #

  • Re-generated with updated code generator to support Dart 2.

0.50.2 #

  • Re-generated with updated code generator to support Dart 2.

0.50.1 #

  • Re-generated with updated code generator to support Dart 2.

0.50.0 #

  • [api-new] serviceusage:v1
  • [api] androidenterprise:v1
  • [api] androidmanagement:v1
  • [api] appengine:v1
  • [api] bigquery:v2
  • [api] calendar:v3
  • [api] cloudiot:v1
  • [api] compute:v1
  • [api] doubleclickbidmanager:v1
  • [api] gmail:v1
  • [api] iam:v1
  • [api] manufacturers:v1
  • [api] ml:v1
  • [api] monitoring:v3
  • [api] poly:v1
  • [api] safebrowsing:v4
  • [api] serviceconsumermanagement:v1
  • [api] servicemanagement:v1
  • [api] sheets:v4
  • [api] slides:v1
  • [api] spanner:v1
  • [api] testing:v1
  • [api] youtube:v3
  • [api-breaking] bigquery:v2
  • [api-breaking] bigquery:v2
  • [api-breaking] cloudiot:v1
  • [api-breaking] manufacturers:v1
  • [api-breaking] ml:v1
  • [api-breaking] servicemanagement:v1

0.49.0 #

  • [api] analytics:v3
  • [api] androidenterprise:v1
  • [api] androidmanagement:v1
  • [api] appengine:v1
  • [api] books:v1
  • [api] compute:v1
  • [api] content:v2
  • [api] content:v2sandbox
  • [api] drive:v2
  • [api] drive:v3
  • [api] firebasedynamiclinks:v1
  • [api] iam:v1
  • [api] logging:v2
  • [api] ml:v1
  • [api] pagespeedonline:v1
  • [api] pagespeedonline:v2
  • [api] pubsub:v1
  • [api] safebrowsing:v4
  • [api] script:v1
  • [api] sheets:v4
  • [api] slides:v1
  • [api] speech:v1
  • [api] vision:v1
  • [api-breaking] appsactivity:v1
  • [api-breaking] cloudiot:v1
  • [api-breaking] cloudkms:v1
  • [api-breaking] firebaserules:v1
  • [api-breaking] games:v1
  • [api-breaking] ml:v1
  • [api-breaking] oslogin:v1
  • [api-breaking] partners:v2
  • [api-breaking] serviceconsumermanagement:v1
  • [api-breaking] servicemanagement:v1
  • [api-breaking] serviceuser:v1
  • [api-breaking] speech:v1

0.48.0 #

  • [api] classroom:v1
  • [api] content:v2
  • [api] content:v2sandbox
  • [api] androiddeviceprovisioning:v1
  • [api] monitoring:v3
  • [api] storage:v1
  • [api] androidpublisher:v2
  • [api] androidmanagement:v1
  • [api] cloudtrace:v2
  • [api] youtubereporting:v1
  • [api] servicecontrol:v1
  • [api] cloudbuild:v1
  • [api] calendar:v3
  • [api] slides:v1
  • [api] bigquery:v2
  • [api] ml:v1
  • [api] sheets:v4
  • [api] testing:v1
  • [api] safebrowsing:v4
  • [api] androidenterprise:v1
  • [api] admin:reports_v1
  • [api] admin:directory_v1
  • [api-breaking] cloudtrace:v2
  • [api-breaking] youtubereporting:v1
  • [api-breaking] iam:v1
  • [api-breaking] speech:v1
  • [api-breaking] youtube:v3
  • [api-removed] consumersurveys:v2

0.47.1 #

  • [api-new] oslogin:v1
  • [api-new] poly:v1
  • [api-new] serviceconsumermanagement:v1
  • [api] admin:directory_v1
  • [api] androidenterprise:v1
  • [api] androidmanagement:v1
  • [api] appengine:v1
  • [api] cloudbuild:v1
  • [api] content:v2
  • [api] content:v2sandbox
  • [api] fusiontables:v2
  • [api] ml:v1
  • [api] monitoring:v3
  • [api] pubsub:v1
  • [api] slides:v1
  • [api] speech:v1
  • [api] youtube:v3

0.47.0 #

  • [api-new] dfareporting:v3_0
  • [api] analyticsreporting:v4
  • [api] androidenterprise:v1
  • [api] bigquerydatatransfer:v1
  • [api] bigquery:v2
  • [api] classroom:v1
  • [api] cloudbuild:v1
  • [api] cloudfunctions:v1
  • [api] drive:v2
  • [api] drive:v3
  • [api] firebasedynamiclinks:v1
  • [api] firebaseremoteconfig:v1
  • [api] language:v1
  • [api] logging:v2
  • [api] ml:v1
  • [api] tagmanager:v1
  • [api] tagmanager:v2
  • [api-breaking] androidpublisher:v2
  • [api-breaking] appengine:v1
  • [api-breaking] bigquerydatatransfer:v1
  • [api-breaking] content:v2
  • [api-breaking] content:v2sandbox
  • [api-breaking] monitoring:v3
  • [api-breaking] script:v1
  • [api-breaking] servicemanagement:v1
  • [api-breaking] serviceuser:v1
  • [api-breaking] storage:v1
  • [api-breaking] tagmanager:v1
  • [api-removed] playmoviespartner:v1

0.46.0 #

  • [api] admin:directory_v1
  • [api] bigquery:v2
  • [api] cloudfunctions:v1
  • [api] cloudtrace:v2
  • [api] compute:v1
  • [api] datastore:v1
  • [api] firebasedynamiclinks:v1
  • [api] firebaserules:v1
  • [api] manufacturers:v1
  • [api] monitoring:v3
  • [api] partners:v2
  • [api] slides:v1
  • [api] speech:v1
  • [api-breaking] cloudtrace:v2
  • [api-breaking] manufacturers:v1
  • [api-breaking] servicecontrol:v1

0.45.0 #

  • [api-new] cloudiot:v1
  • [api-new] testing:v1
  • [api] admin:directory_v1
  • [api] androidenterprise:v1
  • [api] androidmanagement:v1
  • [api] appengine:v1
  • [api] bigquerydatatransfer:v1
  • [api] bigquery:v2
  • [api] classroom:v1
  • [api] cloudfunctions:v1
  • [api] compute:v1
  • [api] container:v1
  • [api] content:v2
  • [api] content:v2sandbox
  • [api] firebaserules:v1
  • [api] fitness:v1
  • [api] identitytoolkit:v3
  • [api] language:v1
  • [api] ml:v1
  • [api] people:v1
  • [api] servicecontrol:v1
  • [api] servicemanagement:v1
  • [api] serviceuser:v1
  • [api] sheets:v4
  • [api] sourcerepo:v1
  • [api] spanner:v1
  • [api] streetviewpublish:v1
  • [api] tagmanager:v2
  • [api] vault:v1
  • [api] youtube:v3
  • [api-breaking] adexperiencereport:v1
  • [api-breaking] admin:directory_v1
  • [api-breaking] bigquerydatatransfer:v1
  • [api-breaking] cloudtrace:v2
  • [api-breaking] gmail:v1
  • [api-breaking] servicecontrol:v1
  • [api-breaking] serviceuser:v1
  • [api-breaking] sourcerepo:v1
  • [api-breaking] spanner:v1
  • [api-breaking] storage:v1
  • [api-breaking] youtube:v3

0.44.0 #

  • [api-new] firebaseremoteconfig:v1
  • [api] androiddeviceprovisioning:v1
  • [api] androidenterprise:v1
  • [api] androidmanagement:v1
  • [api] appengine:v1
  • [api] bigquerydatatransfer:v1
  • [api] bigquery:v2
  • [api] cloudkms:v1
  • [api] cloudtrace:v2
  • [api] container:v1
  • [api] content:v2
  • [api] dfareporting:v2_8
  • [api] drive:v2
  • [api] drive:v3
  • [api] firebasedynamiclinks:v1
  • [api] gmail:v1
  • [api] identitytoolkit:v3
  • [api] logging:v2
  • [api] monitoring:v3
  • [api] people:v1
  • [api] servicecontrol:v1
  • [api] storage:v1
  • [api-breaking] bigquerydatatransfer:v1
  • [api-breaking] bigquerydatatransfer:v1
  • [api-breaking] cloudkms:v1
  • [api-breaking] cloudtrace:v2
  • [api-breaking] ml:v1
  • [api-breaking] script:v1
  • [api-breaking] servicemanagement:v1
  • [api-breaking] spanner:v1

0.43.0 #

  • [api] adexperiencereport:v1
  • [api] analytics:v3
  • [api] androidmanagement:v1
  • [api] androidpublisher:v2
  • [api] bigquerydatatransfer:v1
  • [api] bigquery:v2
  • [api] classroom:v1
  • [api] cloudbilling:v1
  • [api] cloudkms:v1
  • [api] compute:v1
  • [api] content:v2
  • [api] datastore:v1
  • [api] deploymentmanager:v2
  • [api] firebasedynamiclinks:v1
  • [api] logging:v2
  • [api] manufacturers:v1
  • [api] ml:v1
  • [api] servicemanagement:v1
  • [api] serviceuser:v1
  • [api] spanner:v1
  • [api-breaking] adexperiencereport:v1
  • [api-breaking] androiddeviceprovisioning:v1
  • [api-breaking] iam:v1
  • [api-breaking] monitoring:v3
  • [api-breaking] script:v1
  • [api-breaking] servicemanagement:v1

0.42.0 #

  • [api-new] androiddeviceprovisioning:v1
  • [api-new] streetviewpublish:v1
  • [api-new] playcustomapp:v1
  • [api-new] vault:v1
  • [api-new] androidmanagement:v1
  • [api-removed] dataproc:v1beta2
  • [api-removed] tracing:v2

0.41.0 #

  • [api-new] dataproc:v1beta2
  • [api-new] cloudtrace:v2
  • [api-new] adexperiencereport:v1
  • [api-new] cloudresourcemanager:v2beta1
  • [api-removed] cloudtrace:v1
  • [api-removed] tracing:v2

0.40.0 #

  • [api] appengine:v1
  • [api] bigquerydatatransfer:v1
  • [api] classroom:v1
  • [api] cloudkms:v1
  • [api] compute:v1
  • [api] content:v2
  • [api] firebasedynamiclinks:v1
  • [api] firebaserules:v1
  • [api] ml:v1
  • [api] partners:v2
  • [api] servicemanagement:v1
  • [api] serviceuser:v1
  • [api] sheets:v4
  • [api] slides:v1
  • [api] sourcerepo:v1
  • [api] storage:v1
  • [api] translate:v2
  • [api-breaking] bigquerydatatransfer:v1
  • [api-breaking] customsearch:v1
  • [api-breaking] customsearch:v1
  • [api-breaking] dataproc:v1
  • [api-removed] dfareporting:v2_6
  • [api-removed] dfareporting:v2_7

0.39.0 #

  • [api-new] dfareporting:v2_8
  • [api-new] tagmanager:v2
  • [api-new] speech:v1
  • [api-new] bigquerydatatransfer:v1
  • [api] classroom:v1
  • [api] content:v2
  • [api] cloudkms:v1
  • [api] container:v1
  • [api] sourcerepo:v1
  • [api] serviceuser:v1
  • [api] storage:v1
  • [api] compute:v1
  • [api] drive:v3
  • [api] drive:v2
  • [api] tracing:v2
  • [api] adexchangebuyer:v1_4
  • [api] servicemanagement:v1
  • [api] cloudbuild:v1
  • [api] iam:v1
  • [api] sheets:v4
  • [api] logging:v2
  • [api] doubleclickbidmanager:v1
  • [api] androidenterprise:v1
  • [api] admin:directory_v1
  • [api] script:v1
  • [api] people:v1
  • [api-breaking] container:v1
  • [api-breaking] container:v1
  • [api-breaking] monitoring:v3
  • [api-breaking] tracing:v2
  • [api-breaking] tracing:v2

0.38.0 #

  • [api-new] tracing:v2
  • [api] books:v1
  • [api] compute:v1
  • [api] container:v1
  • [api] drive:v2
  • [api] drive:v3
  • [api] iam:v1
  • [api] identitytoolkit:v3
  • [api] logging:v2
  • [api] servicemanagement:v1
  • [api] serviceuser:v1
  • [api] storage:v1
  • [api-breaking] cloudfunctions:v1
  • [api-breaking] cloudresourcemanager:v1
  • [api-breaking] compute:v1
  • [api-breaking] consumersurveys:v2
  • [api-breaking] content:v2
  • [api-breaking] servicemanagement:v1
  • [api-breaking] storagetransfer:v1
  • [api-breaking] surveys:v2
  • [api-removed] tracingv1

0.37.0 #

  • [api-new] cloudfunctions:v1
  • [api-new] cloudkms:v1
  • [api-new] ml:v1
  • [api] admin:directory_v1
  • [api] analytics:v3
  • [api] appengine:v1
  • [api] calendar:v3
  • [api] cloudresourcemanager:v1
  • [api] compute:v1
  • [api] dataproc:v1
  • [api] firebasedynamiclinks:v1
  • [api] firebaserules:v1
  • [api] identitytoolkit:v3
  • [api] licensing:v1
  • [api] manufacturers:v1
  • [api] partners:v2
  • [api] people:v1
  • [api] reseller:v1
  • [api] safebrowsing:v4
  • [api] servicemanagement:v1
  • [api] serviceuser:v1
  • [api] sheets:v4
  • [api] slides:v1
  • [api] storage:v1
  • [api] vision:v1
  • [api-breaking] classroom:v1

0.36.0 #

  • [api-new] sourcerepo:v1
  • [api-new] tracing:v1
  • [api-new] spanner:v1
  • [api] adexchangebuyer
  • [api] androidpublisher
  • [api] bigquery
  • [api] cloudresourcemanager
  • [api] dataproc
  • [api] drive
  • [api] people
  • [api] reseller
  • [api] servicemanagement
  • [api] serviceuser
  • [api] slides
  • [api] vision
  • [api-breaking] serviceuser
  • [api-breaking] people
  • [api-removed] dfareporting

0.35.0 #

[api-new] serviceuser:v1 [api-new] searchconsole:v1 [api-breaking] androidenterprise [api-breaking] container [api-breaking] genomics [api-breaking] people [api-breaking] script [api] cloudbuild: changes [api] container [api] content [api] dataproc [api] deploymentmanager [api] drive [api] gmail [api] iam [api] identitytoolkit [api] people [api] servicecontrol [api] sheets [api] slides [api] youtube

0.34.0 #

  • [api] adexchangebuyer:v1_4: schema changes
  • [api] directory:v1: schema ehanges
  • [api] directory:v1: schema changes
  • [api] androidpublisher:v2: new resource, schema changes
  • [api] bigquery:v2: schema changes
  • [api] classroom:v1: new methods
  • [api] cloudbuild:v1: schema changes
  • [api] compute:v1: schema changes
  • [api] servicemanagement:v1: schema changes
  • [api] sheets:v1: schema changes
  • [api-breaking] androidenterprise:v1: resource removal
  • [api-breaking] kgsearch:v1: schema changes
  • [api-breaking] playmoviespartner:v1: resource removal

0.33.0 #

  • [api-new] language:v1
  • [api-new] slides:v1
  • [api-breaking] appengine:v1: resource removal
  • [api-breaking] firebasedynamiclinks:v1: schema changes
  • [api-breaking] youtube-analytics:v1: removal of resources
  • [api-removal] dfareporting:v2_4
  • [api] analyticsreporting:v4: schema changes
  • [api] androidenterprise:v1: schema changes
  • [api] books:v1: schema changes
  • [api] cloudbuild:v1: schema/method changes
  • [api] cloudresourcemanager:v1: schema/method changes
  • [api] compute:v1: new resources
  • [api] deploymentmanager:v2: schema changes
  • [api] drive:v2: schema changes
  • [api] drive:v3: schema changes
  • [api] gmail:v1: schema changes
  • [api] identitytoolkit:v3: schema changes
  • [api] logging:v2: new resource
  • [api] servicemanagement:v1: schema changes
  • [api] sheets:v4: schema changes
  • [api] storage:v1: schema changes
  • [api] youtube:v3: schema changes

0.32.0 #

  • [api-new] dfareporting:v2_7
  • [api-new] firebasedynamicclicks:v1
  • [api-new] logging:v2
  • [api-new] manufactures:v1
  • [api-new] runtimeconfig:v1
  • [api-new] surveys:v2
  • [api-breaking] bigquery:v2: method changes
  • [api-breaking] civicinfo:v2: method changes
  • [api-breaking] doubleclickmanager:v1: resource changes
  • [api-breaking] identitytoolkit:v3: schema changes
  • [api-breaking] storage:v1: schema/method changes
  • [api-breaking] youtube:v3: schema/method changes
  • [api-removal] dfareporting:v2_2
  • [api-removal] dfareporting:v2_3
  • [api-removal] freebase:v1
  • [api] adexchangebuyer:v1_4: method/schema changes
  • [api] admin:directory_v1: schema changes
  • [api] analytics:v3: schema changes
  • [api] androidenterprise:v1: method/schema changes
  • [api] androidpublisher:v2: added resource
  • [api] appengine:v1: schema changes
  • [api] appsactivity:v1: schema changes
  • [api] books:v1: schema changes
  • [api] classroom:v1: method/schema changes
  • [api] cloudbuild:v1: method/schema changes
  • [api] cloudresourcemanager:v1: added resource
  • [api] compute:v1: added resources, method changes
  • [api] consumersurveys:v2: schema changes
  • [api] content:v2sandbox: schema changes
  • [api] content:v2: schema changes
  • [api] dataproc:v1: schema changes
  • [api] deploymentmanager:v2: schema changes
  • [api] drive:v2: schema changes
  • [api] drive:v3: schema changes
  • [api] fitness:v1: schema changes
  • [api] freebase:v1
  • [api] genomics:v1: schema changes
  • [api] iam:v1: added resource
  • [api] pubsub:v1: added resource
  • [api] servicecontrol:v1: schema changes
  • [api] servicemanagement:v1: schema changes
  • [api] sheets:v4: schema/method changes

0.31.0 #

  • [api-new] datastore:v1
  • [api] analytics:v3: schema changes
  • [api] bigquery:v2: schema changes
  • [api] civicinfo:v2: method changes
  • [api] classroom:v1: schema changes
  • [api] cloudbuild:v1: schema changes
  • [api] computeengine:v1: schema changes
  • [api] content:v2: schema changes
  • [api] genomics:v1: method change
  • [api] identitytoolkit:v3: schema changes
  • [api] servicecontrol:v1: schema changes
  • [api] storage:v1: schema changes
  • [api-breaking] servicemanagement:v1: schema changes
  • [api-breaking] clouddebugger:v2: removed scope

0.30.1 #

  • [api-new] appengine:v1
  • [api-new] dfareporting:v2.6
  • [api-new] servicecontrol:v1
  • [api-new] servicemanagement:v1
  • [api] adexchangebuyer:v1.4: method and schema changes
  • [api] admin:directory_v1: schema changes
  • [api] androidenterprise:v1: new resources, schema changes
  • [api] bigquery:v2: schema changes
  • [api] cloudbuild:v1: schema changes
  • [api] compute:v1: new methods, schema changes
  • [api] fitness:v1: schema changes
  • [api] identitytoolkit:v3: schema changes
  • [api] script:v1: schema changes
  • [api] sheets:v4: new method

0.30.0 #

  • [api-new] cloudbuild:v1
  • [api] androidenterprise:v1: new resource
  • [api] bigquery:v2: method changes
  • [api] books:v1: new resource
  • [api] civicinfo:v2: schema changes
  • [api] gmail:v1: new resource
  • [api] qpxexpress:v1: schema changes
  • [api-removal] appengine:v1

0.29.0 #

  • [api] acceleratedmobilepageurl:v1: schema changes
  • [api] adexchangebuyer:v1.4: schema changes
  • [api] bigquery:v2: schema changes
  • [api] books:v2: schema/method changes
  • [api] cloudresourcemanager:v1: new resource
  • [api] compute:v1: schema/method changes
  • [api] content:v2: schema changes
  • [api] deploymentmanager:v2: schema changes
  • [api] fitness:v1: schema changes
  • [api] genomics:v1: schema changes
  • [api] gmail:v1: method changes
  • [api] youtube:v3: schema changes
  • [api-removal] coordinate:v1

0.28.0 #

  • [api-new] acceleratedmobilepageurl:v1
  • [api] bigquery:v2: schema changes
  • [api] compute:v1: new resource
  • [api] consumersurveys:v2: new resource
  • [api] content:v2: schema changes
  • [api] drive:v2 schema/method changes
  • [api] drive:v3 schema/method changes
  • [api] games:v1: schema/method changes
  • [api] groupsettings:v1: schema changes
  • [api] identitytoolkit:v3: schema changes
  • [api] safebrowsing:v4: schema changes
  • [api] youtube:v3: schema changes
  • [api-removal] cloudbuild:v1
  • [api-removal] cloudlatencytest:v1

0.27.0 #

  • [api-new] analyticsreporting:v4
  • [api-new] cloudbuild:v1
  • [api-new] dfareporting:v2.5
  • [api-new] firebaserules:v1
  • [api-new] safebrowsing:v4
  • [api-new] sheets:v4
  • [api-new] vision:v1
  • [api] androidenterprise:v1: schema changes
  • [api] androidpublisher:v2: schema/resource changes
  • [api] civicinfo:v2: scope changes
  • [api] cloudtrace:v1: scope changes
  • [api] consumersurveys:v2: schema changes
  • [api] genomics:v1: schema changes
  • [api] idenditytoolkit:v3: schema changes
  • [api] playmoviespartner:v1: schemas/resource changes
  • [api] youtube:v3: schema changes
  • [api-breaking] adexchangebuyer:v1_4: schema/resource changes
  • [api-breaking] admin:directory_v1: schema changes
  • [api-breaking] bigquery:v2: schema changes
  • [api-breaking] classroom:v1: schema/resource changes
  • [api-breaking] dataproc:v1: schema/scope/resource changes
  • [api-removal] dfareporting:v1.3
  • [api-removal] dfareporting:v2.0
  • [api-removal] dfareporting:v2.1
  • [api-removal] reseller:v1sandbox

0.26.0 #

  • [api-new] consumersurveys:v2
  • [api] adexchangebuyer:v1_4: schema changes
  • [api] books:v2: schema/method changes
  • [api] compute:v1: schema/meethod changes
  • [api] container:v1: new resource, schema changes
  • [api] deploymentmanager:v2: schema changes
  • [api] drive:v2: schema changes
  • [api] drive:v3: schema changes
  • [api] gamesmanagement:v1management: schema changes
  • [api] games:v1: schema changes
  • [api] genomics:v1: new resources
  • [api] youtube:v3: schema changes
  • [api-breaking] idenditytoolkit:v3: schema changes
  • [api-breaking] bigquery:v2: schema changes

0.25.0 #

  • [api-new] monitoring:v3
  • [api] adexchangebuyer:v1_3: schema changes
  • [api] adexchangebuyer:v1_4: schema changes, new resources
  • [api] androidenterprise:v1: schema changes
  • [api] androidpublisher:v2: schema changes
  • [api] bigquery:v2: schema changes
  • [api] container:v1: schema changes
  • [api] genomics:v1: schema changes
  • [api] groupssettings:v1: schema changes
  • [api] idenditytoolkit:v3: schema changes
  • [api] reseller:v1: schema changes
  • [api] reseller:v1sandbox: schema changes
  • [api] webmasters:v3: schema changes
  • [api] youtubereporting:v1: method changes, schema changes
  • [api-breaking] compute:v1: schema removal/changes, new resource
  • [api-removal] admin:email_migration_v2

0.24.0 #

  • [api-new] cloudresourcemanager:v1
  • [api-new] dfareporting:v2.4
  • [api-new] iam:v1
  • [api-new] people:v1
  • [api] adexchangebuyer:v1_3: schema changes
  • [api] adexchangebuyer:v1_4: schema changes
  • [api] analytics:v3: schema changes
  • [api] appsactivity:v1: schema changes
  • [api] bigquery:v2: schema changes
  • [api] clouddebugger:v2: method changes
  • [api] content:v2sandbox: schema changes
  • [api] content:v2: schema changes
  • [api] dataproc:v1: new resource
  • [api] deploymentmanager: schema changes
  • [api] drive:v2: schema changes
  • [api] drive:v3: schema changes
  • [api] games:v1: schema changes
  • [api] genomics:v1: new schemas
  • [api] gmail:v1: method changes
  • [api] idenditytoolkit:v3: method/schema changes
  • [api] reseller:v1sandbox: schema changes
  • [api] reseller:v1: schema changes
  • [api-breaking] adsense:v1_4: schema changes
  • [api-breaking] books:v1: method changes
  • [api-breaking] tagmanager:v1: method changes, new resources
  • [api-breaking] youtube:v3: schema removal
  • [api-removal] mapsengine:v1

0.23.0 #

  • [api] androidenterprise:v1: schema changes
  • [api] androidpublisher:v2: schema changes
  • [api] books:v1: method/schema changes
  • [api] compute:v1: new resource
  • [api] doubleclickbidmanager:v1: new resource
  • [api] gamesmanagement:v1management: schema changes
  • [api] games:v1: schema changes
  • [api] idenditytoolkit:v1: new methods, schema changes
  • [api-breaking] adexchangebuyer:v1_4: resource removal/addition
  • [api-breaking] youtube:v3: schema removal
  • [api-removal] admin:email_migration_v2

0.22.0 #

  • [api] youtube:v3: schema changes
  • [api-breaking] bigquery:v2: resource removal

0.21.0 #

  • [api-new] dataproc:v1
  • [api-new] drive:v3
  • [api-new] kgsearch:v1
  • [api] adexchangebuyer:v1_4: schema changes
  • [api] admin:directory_v1: new resources
  • [api] analytics:v3: new method/resource
  • [api] androidenterprise:v1: new resources
  • [api] books:v1: method changes
  • [api] clouddebugger:v2: method/schema changes
  • [api] content:v2: resource changes
  • [api] content:v2sandbox: resource changes
  • [api] deploymentmanager:v2: resource changes
  • [api] games:v1: new method/resource
  • [api] storage:v1: schema changes
  • [api] youtubeanalytics:v1: method changes
  • [api] youtube:v3: new resources
  • [api-breaking] cloudtrace:v1: resource removal
  • [api-breaking] genomics:v1: method removal
  • [api-breaking] plus:v1: resource removal

0.20.0 #

  • [api-breaking] content:v2: renaming schema, api and schema changes
  • [api-breaking] dfareporting:2.3: removal of schema and schema properties
  • [api-breaking] identitytoolkit:v3: removal of api method and schemas
  • [api-breaking] youtube:v3: removal of api method
  • [api] analytics:v3: api changes
  • [api] bigquery:v2: schema changes
  • [api] compute:v1: schema changes
  • [api] discovery:v1: schema changes
  • [api] tagmanager:v1: api changes

0.19.0 #

  • [api] adexchangebuyer:v1_3: api changes
  • [api] bigquery:v2: schema changes
  • [api] books:v1: schema changes
  • [api] idenditytoolkit:v3: schema changes
  • [api] pubsub:v1 schema changes
  • [api] youtubereporting:v1: method changes
  • [api-new] dfareporting:v2.3
  • [api-breaking] adexchangebuyer:v1_4: removal of resource apis

0.18.0 #

  • [apis-breaking] books:v1: new resources and schemas and schema changes
  • [apis] compute:v1: added method/schemas
  • [apis] identitytoolkit:v3: added method/schemas
  • [apis] reseller:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] reseller:v1sandbox: schema changes

0.17.0 #

  • [apis-breaking] tagmanager:v1: removed resources and schemas
  • [apis-new] cloudtrace:v1
  • [apis] admin_directory:v1: new resources and schemas
  • [apis] adsense:v1.4: schema changes
  • [apis] books:v1: new resources and schemas
  • [apis] compute:v1: new resources and schemas
  • [apis] doubleclickbidmanager:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] doubleclicksearch:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] identitytoolkit:v3: schema changes
  • [apis] plusDomains:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] plus:v1: schema changes

0.16.1 #

  • [apis-new] admin:datatransfer_v1
  • [apis-new] youtubereporting:v1
  • [apis-new] script:v1
  • [apis] content:v2: new resource
  • [apis] content:v2sandbox: new schemas
  • [apis] storage:v1: schema changes

0.16.0 #

  • [apis-breaking] adexchangebuyer:v1.4: method/schema changes
  • [apis-new] content:v2sandbox
  • [apis-new] reseller:v1sandbox
  • [apis] adexchangebuyer:v1.3: schema changes
  • [apis] bigquery:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] identitytoolkit:v3: schema changes
  • [apis] youtube:v3: schema changes

0.15.0 #

  • [apis-breaking] compute:v1: schema changes
  • [apis-breaking] genomics:v1: schema changes
  • [apis-breaking] pubsub:v1: method/schema changes
  • [apis-breaking] youtube:v3: method changes
  • [apis] adexchangebuyer:v1.3: schema changes
  • [apis] adexchangebuyer:v1.4: added method/schema
  • [apis] admin_reports:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] androidenterprise:v1: added method/schema
  • [apis] civicinfo:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] content:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] deploymentmanager:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] drive:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] identitytoolkit:v3: schema changes
  • [apis] partners:v2: schema/method changes
  • [apis] tagmanager:v1: schema changes

0.14.0 #

  • [apis-new] cloudbilling:v1
  • [apis] bigquery:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] clouddebugger:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] container:v1: added method/schema
  • [apis] content:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] drive:v2: added method/schema
  • [apis] genomics:v1: added methods/schemas
  • [apis] playmoviespartner:v1: added schemas/resources
  • [apis] plusDomains:v1: schema changes
  • [apis-breaking] compute:v1: schema-changes
  • [apis-breaking] plus:v1: method changes
  • [apis-breaking] youtube:v3: schema changes

0.13.0 #

  • [apis-breaking] fitness:v1: schema changes
  • [apis-breaking] compute:v1: resource/schema changes
  • [apis-new] adexchangebuyer:v1.4
  • [apis-new] classroom:v1
  • [apis-new] clouddebugger:v2
  • [apis-new] cloudlatencytest:v2
  • [apis-new] deploymentmanager:v2
  • [apis-new] dfareporting:v2.1
  • [apis-new] dfareporting:v2.2
  • [apis-new] dns:v1
  • [apis-new] genomics:v1
  • [apis-new] partners:v2
  • [apis-new] playmoviespartner:v1
  • [apis-new] pubsub:v1
  • [apis-new] storagetransfer:v1
  • [apis] directory:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] androidenterprise:v1: schema/method changes
  • [apis] bigquery:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] calendar:v3: schema changes
  • [apis] civicinfo:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] content:v2: method/schema changes
  • [apis] discovery:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] drive:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] tagmanager:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] youtube:v3: method/schema changes

0.12.1 #

  • [apis] bigquery:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] calendar:v3: schema/method changes
  • [apis] webmasters:v3: schema changes
  • [apis] compute:v1: resource/schema changes

0.12.0 #

  • [apis-breaking] doubleclicksearch:v2: schema changes
  • [apis-breaking] youtube:v3: method/schema changes
  • [apis] admin_directory:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] compute:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] drive:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] gmail:v1: schema changes

0.11.0 #

  • [apis-breaking] bigquery:v2: schema/method changes, removed schema field
  • [apis-breaking] youtube:v3: renamed enum values, schema changes
  • [apis] adexchangebuyer:v1.3: schema changes
  • [apis] androidenterprise:v1: schema/method changes
  • [apis] compute:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] drive:v2 method changes
  • [apis] fitness:v1: schema/method changes
  • [apis] gmail:v1: schema/method changes
  • [apis] reseller:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] tagmanager:v1: schema changes

0.10.0 #

  • [apis-breaking] youtube:v3: schema changes

0.9.0 #

  • [apis] analytics:v3: schema changes
  • [apis] androidenterprise:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] androidpublisher:v2: new resource
  • [apis] bigquery:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] blogger:v3: schema changes
  • [apis] books:v1: method/schema changes
  • [apis] compute:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] content:v2: method/schema changes
  • [apis] doubleclicksearch:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] identitytoolkit:v3: schema/method changes
  • [apis] storage:v1: schema/method changes
  • [apis] youtube:v3: new resource, schema changes
  • [api-breaking] fitness:v1: schema changes
  • [apis-removed] cloudsearch:v1

0.8.0 #

  • [api] admin_directory:v1: schema changes
  • [api] compute:v1: method changes
  • [api] content:v2: schema changes
  • [api] directory:v1: schema changes
  • [api] fitness:v1: schema/method changes
  • [api] youtube:v3: new resources
  • [api-breaking] storage:v1: method changes

0.7.0 #

  • [apis-breaking] analytics:v3 removed dailyUploads API
  • [apis-breaking] books:v1: removed method
  • [apis-breaking] compute:v1: removed some Quota enum values, new methods and schemas
  • [apis-new] androidenterprise:v1
  • [apis-new] cloudsearch:v1
  • [apis-removed] civicinfo:us_v1
  • [apis-removed] civicinfo:v1
  • [apis] admindirectory:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] bigquery:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] content:v2: method and schema changes
  • [apis] discovery:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] doubleclickbidmanager:v1 schema changes
  • [apis] dfareporting:v2.0 schema changes
  • [apis] drive:v2 method changes
  • [apis] oauth2:v2 method and schema changes
  • [apis] storage:v1 method changes
  • [apis] youtubeanalytics:v1 method changes
  • [apis] youtube:v2: method and schema changes

0.6.1 #

  • [apis] bigquery:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] books:v1: method changes
  • [apis] content:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] fitness:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] gmail:v1: additional schemas
  • [apis] youtube:v3: method changes
  • [apis] youtubeanalytics:v1: new resources

0.6.0 #

  • [apis] androidpublisher:v2: additional schemas/methods
  • [apis] bigquery:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] blogger:v3: schemas/methods changes
  • [apis] books:v1: schemas/methods changes
  • [apis] compute:v1: scope changes
  • [apis] gmail:v1: method changes
  • [apis-breaking] youtube:v3: schemas/methods changes

0.5.5 #

  • [apis-new] gamesConfiguration:v1configuration: API added
  • [apis-new] pagespeedonline:v2: API added
  • [apis] analytics:v3: new resource added
  • [apis] blogger:v3: method changes
  • [apis] books:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] content:v2: new resources added, schema changes
  • [apis] doubleclickbidmanager:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] oauth2:v2: new method/schema
  • [apis] storage:v1: method changes
  • [apis] youtube:v3: schema changes

0.5.4 #

  • [apis] drive:v2: schema changes

0.5.3 #

  • [generator] Roll to use DetailedApiRequestError when only a HTTP status code is present.

0.5.2 #

  • [apis-new] dfareporting:v2.0: API added
  • [apis] books:v1: method changes
  • [apis] coordinate:v1: method/schema changes

0.5.1 #

  • [apis-new] fusiontables:v2: API added
  • [apis] adexchangebuyer:v1.3: method/schema changes
  • [apis] admin_directory:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] books:v1: method/schema changes
  • [apis] compute:v1: method changes
  • [apis] storage:v1: method changes
  • [apis] youtube:v3: schema changes
  • [generator] Roll to include optional rootUrl/servicePath arguments.

0.5.0 #

  • [apis] bigquery:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] books:v1: additional resource/schema changes
  • [apis] doubleclicksearch:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] fitness:v1: method changes
  • [apis] reseller:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] youtube:v3: schema changes
  • [apis-breaking] calendar:v3: Removed title from EventAttachment
  • [apis-breaking] tagmanager:v1: Removed dependencies from Tag and schema changes
  • [apis-breaking] youtubeanalytics:v1: schema changes

0.4.1 #

  • [apis] bigquery:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] fitness:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] youtube:v3: schema changes

0.4.0 #

  • [apis-new] fitness:v1: API added
  • [apis-new] tagmanager:v1: API added
  • [apis] adexchangebuyer:v1.3: schema changes
  • [apis] calendar:v3: schema changes
  • [apis] civicinfo:us_v1: schema changes
  • [apis] civicinfo:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] civicinfo:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] compute:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] content:v2: schema/method changes
  • [apis] drive:v2: schema/method changes
  • [apis] games:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] gamesManagement:v1management: schema/method changes
  • [apis] gmail:v1: method changes
  • [apis] mapsengine:v1: schema changes
  • [apis-breaking] prediction:v1.6: String -> double change

0.3.1 #

  • [apis] admin_directory:v1: additional schema/methods
  • [apis] analytics:v3: additional schemas/methods
  • [apis] gmail:v1: additional schemas/methods
  • [apis] reseller:v1: additional schemas/methods

0.3.0 #

  • [apis-removed] orkut:v2: removed (Orkut is shut down)
  • [apis] compute:v1: additional schemas/methods
  • [apis] doubleclicksearch:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] games:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] gamesManagement:v1management: schema changes
  • [apis] gmail:v1: schema changes

0.2.1 #

  • [apis-new] adexchangeseller:v2.0: API added
  • [apis-new] civicinfo:v2: API added
  • [apis-new] webmasters:v3: API added
  • [apis] civicinfo:v1: schema changes
  • [apis] youtube:v3: schema changes

0.2.0 #

  • [apis] admin:directory: additional schemas/methods
  • [apis] admin:reports_v1: schema changes
  • [apis] androidpublisher:v2: additional schemas/methods
  • [apis] drive:v2: schema changes
  • [apis] identitytoolkit:v3: schema changes
  • [apis] mirror:v1: schema changes
  • [apis-breaking] mapsengine:v1: major changes (additional schemas/methods)
  • [apis-breaking] prediction:v1.6: double -> String change
  • [generator] Bugfix in resumable media uploader.
  • [generator] Bugfix json decoding optimization.

0.1.1 #

  • [apis] Added Discovery API
  • [generator] Make shorter descriptions in pubspec.yaml: Only list api:version tuples.
  • [generator] Rename test files to _test.dart so they get automatically run.

0.1.0 #

  • First release
pub points



Auto-generated client libraries for accessing Google APIs described through the API discovery service.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


_discoveryapis_commons, http


Packages that depend on googleapis