googleapis 0.24.0 copy "googleapis: ^0.24.0" to clipboard
googleapis: ^0.24.0 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

Auto-generated client libraries for accessing the following APIs:adexchangebuyer:v1.3, adexchangebuyer:v1.4, adexchangeseller:v1.1, adexchangeseller:v2.0, admin:datatransfer_v1, admin:directory_v1, ad [...]

Auto-generated Dart libraries for accessing Google APIs.

Usage #

First, obtain OAuth 2.0 access credentials. This can be done using the googleapis_auth package. Your application can access APIs on behalf of a user or using a service account.

After obtaining credentials, an API from the googleapis package can be accessed with an authenticated HTTP client.

Example #

The following command line application lists files in Google Drive by using a service account.

Create a pubspec.yaml file with the googleapis_auth and googleapis dependencies.

  googleapis: any
  googleapis_auth: any

Create a service account in the Google Cloud Console and save the credential information.

Then create a Dart application to list files in a spececific project. In the example below, files from the dart-on-cloud project are listed.

// bin/list_files.dart

import 'package:googleapis/storage/v1.dart';
import 'package:googleapis_auth/auth_io.dart';

final _credentials = new ServiceAccountCredentials.fromJson(r'''
  "private_key_id": ...,
  "private_key": ...,
  "client_email": ...,
  "client_id": ...,
  "type": "service_account"

const _SCOPES = const [StorageApi.DevstorageReadOnlyScope];

void main() {
  clientViaServiceAccount(_credentials, _SCOPES).then((http_client) {
    var storage = new StorageApi(http_client);
    storage.buckets.list('dart-on-cloud').then((buckets) {
      print("Received ${buckets.items.length} bucket names:");
      for (var file in buckets.items) {

Available Google APIs #

The following is a list of APIs that are currently available inside this package.

Logo Ad Exchange Buyer API - adexchangebuyer v1.3

Accesses your bidding-account information, submits creatives for validation, finds available direct deals, and retrieves performance reports.

Official API documentation:

Logo Ad Exchange Buyer API - adexchangebuyer v1.4

Accesses your bidding-account information, submits creatives for validation, finds available direct deals, and retrieves performance reports.

Official API documentation:

Logo Ad Exchange Seller API - adexchangeseller v1.1

Gives Ad Exchange seller users access to their inventory and the ability to generate reports

Official API documentation:

Logo Ad Exchange Seller API - adexchangeseller v2.0

Gives Ad Exchange seller users access to their inventory and the ability to generate reports

Official API documentation:

Logo Admin Data Transfer API - admin datatransfer_v1

Transfers user data from one user to another.

Official API documentation:

Logo Admin Directory API - admin directory_v1

The Admin SDK Directory API lets you view and manage enterprise resources such as users and groups, administrative notifications, security features, and more.

Official API documentation:

Logo Admin Reports API - admin reports_v1

Allows the administrators of Google Apps customers to fetch reports about the usage, collaboration, security and risk for their users.

Official API documentation:

Logo AdSense Management API - adsense v1.4

Accesses AdSense publishers' inventory and generates performance reports.

Official API documentation:

Logo AdSense Host API - adsensehost v4.1

Generates performance reports, generates ad codes, and provides publisher management capabilities for AdSense Hosts.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Analytics API - analytics v3

Views and manages your Google Analytics data.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Play EMM API - androidenterprise v1

Allows MDMs/EMMs and enterprises to manage the deployment of apps to Android for Work users.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Play Developer API - androidpublisher v2

Lets Android application developers access their Google Play accounts.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Apps Activity API - appsactivity v1

Provides a historical view of activity.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google App State API - appstate v1

The Google App State API.

Official API documentation:

Logo BigQuery API - bigquery v2

A data platform for customers to create, manage, share and query data.

Official API documentation:

Logo Blogger API - blogger v3

API for access to the data within Blogger.

Official API documentation:

Logo Books API - books v1

Lets you search for books and manage your Google Books library.

Official API documentation:

Logo Calendar API - calendar v3

Lets you manipulate events and other calendar data.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Civic Information API - civicinfo v2

An API for accessing civic information.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Classroom API - classroom v1

Google Classroom API

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Cloud Billing API - cloudbilling v1

Retrieves Google Developers Console billing accounts and associates them with projects.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Cloud Debugger API - clouddebugger v2

Examines the call stack and variables of a running application without stopping or slowing it down.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Cloud Network Performance Monitoring API - cloudlatencytest v2

Reports latency data.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Cloud Resource Manager API - cloudresourcemanager v1

The Google Cloud Resource Manager API provides methods for creating, reading, and updating project metadata.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Cloud Trace API - cloudtrace v1

The Cloud Trace API allows you to send traces to and retrieve traces from Google Cloud Trace.

Official API documentation:

Logo Compute Engine API - compute v1

API for the Google Compute Engine service.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Container Engine API - container v1

The Google Container Engine API is used for building and managing container based applications, powered by the open source Kubernetes technology.

Official API documentation:

Logo Content API for Shopping - content v2

Manages product items, inventory, and Merchant Center accounts for Google Shopping.

Official API documentation:

Logo Content API for Shopping - content v2sandbox

Manages product items, inventory, and Merchant Center accounts for Google Shopping.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Maps Coordinate API - coordinate v1

Lets you view and manage jobs in a Coordinate team.

Official API documentation:

Logo CustomSearch API - customsearch v1

Lets you search over a website or collection of websites

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Cloud Dataproc API - dataproc v1

An API for managing Hadoop-based clusters and jobs on Google Cloud Platform.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Cloud Deployment Manager API - deploymentmanager v2

The Deployment Manager API allows users to declaratively configure, deploy and run complex solutions on the Google Cloud Platform.

Official API documentation:

Logo DFA Reporting API - dfareporting v1.3

Lets you create, run and download reports.

Official API documentation:

Logo DCM/DFA Reporting And Trafficking API - dfareporting v2.0

Manage your DoubleClick Campaign Manager ad campaigns and reports.

Official API documentation:

Logo DCM/DFA Reporting And Trafficking API - dfareporting v2.1

Manage your DoubleClick Campaign Manager ad campaigns and reports.

Official API documentation:

Logo DCM/DFA Reporting And Trafficking API - dfareporting v2.2

Manage your DoubleClick Campaign Manager ad campaigns and reports.

Official API documentation:

Logo DCM/DFA Reporting And Trafficking API - dfareporting v2.3

Manage your DoubleClick Campaign Manager ad campaigns and reports.

Official API documentation:

Logo DCM/DFA Reporting And Trafficking API - dfareporting v2.4

Manage your DoubleClick Campaign Manager ad campaigns and reports.

Official API documentation:

Logo APIs Discovery Service - discovery v1

Lets you discover information about other Google APIs, such as what APIs are available, the resource and method details for each API.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Cloud DNS API - dns v1

The Google Cloud DNS API provides services for configuring and serving authoritative DNS records.

Official API documentation:

Logo DoubleClick Bid Manager API - doubleclickbidmanager v1

API for viewing and managing your reports in DoubleClick Bid Manager.

Official API documentation:

Logo DoubleClick Search API - doubleclicksearch v2

Reports and modifies your advertising data in DoubleClick Search (for example, campaigns, ad groups, keywords, and conversions).

Official API documentation:

Logo Drive API - drive v2

The API to interact with Drive.

Official API documentation:

Logo Drive API - drive v3

The API to interact with Drive.

Official API documentation:

Logo Fitness - fitness v1

Google Fit API

Official API documentation:

Logo Freebase Search - freebase v1

Find Freebase entities using textual queries and other constraints.

Official API documentation:

Logo Fusion Tables API - fusiontables v1

API for working with Fusion Tables data.

Official API documentation:

Logo Fusion Tables API - fusiontables v2

API for working with Fusion Tables data.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Play Game Services API - games v1

The API for Google Play Game Services.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Play Game Services Publishing API - gamesConfiguration v1configuration

The Publishing API for Google Play Game Services.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Play Game Services Management API - gamesManagement v1management

The Management API for Google Play Game Services.

Official API documentation:

Logo Genomics API - genomics v1

Stores, processes, explores and shares genomic data. This API implements the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) v0.5.1 API as well as several extensions.

Official API documentation:

Logo Gmail API - gmail v1

Access Gmail mailboxes including sending user email.

Official API documentation:

Logo Groups Migration API - groupsmigration v1

Groups Migration Api.

Official API documentation:

Logo Groups Settings API - groupssettings v1

Lets you manage permission levels and related settings of a group.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Identity and Access Management API - iam v1

Manages identity and access control for Google Cloud Platform resources, including the creation of service accounts, which you can use to authenticate to Google and make API calls.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Identity Toolkit API - identitytoolkit v3

Help the third party sites to implement federated login.

Official API documentation:

Logo Knowledge Graph Search API - kgsearch v1

Knowledge Graph Search API allows developers to search the Google Knowledge Graph for entities.

Official API documentation:

Logo Enterprise License Manager API - licensing v1

Licensing API to view and manage license for your domain.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Mirror API - mirror v1

API for interacting with Glass users via the timeline.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google OAuth2 API - oauth2 v2

Lets you access OAuth2 protocol related APIs.

Official API documentation:

Logo PageSpeed Insights API - pagespeedonline v1

Analyzes the performance of a web page and provides tailored suggestions to make that page faster.

Official API documentation:

Logo PageSpeed Insights API - pagespeedonline v2

Analyzes the performance of a web page and provides tailored suggestions to make that page faster.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Partners API - partners v2

Lets advertisers search certified companies and create contact leads with them, and also audits the usage of clients.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google People API - people v1

The Google People API service gives access to information about profiles and contacts.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Play Movies Partner API - playmoviespartner v1

Lets Google Play Movies Partners get the delivery status of their titles.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google+ API - plus v1

The Google+ API enables developers to build on top of the Google+ platform.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google+ Domains API - plusDomains v1

The Google+ API enables developers to build on top of the Google+ platform.

Official API documentation:

Logo Prediction API - prediction v1.6

Lets you access a cloud hosted machine learning service that makes it easy to build smart apps

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Cloud Pub/Sub API - pubsub v1

Provides reliable, many-to-many, asynchronous messaging between applications.

Official API documentation:

Logo QPX Express API - qpxExpress v1

Finds the least expensive flights between an origin and a destination.

Official API documentation:

Logo Enterprise Apps Reseller API - reseller v1

Creates and manages your customers and their subscriptions.

Official API documentation:

Logo Enterprise Apps Reseller API - reseller v1sandbox

Creates and manages your customers and their subscriptions.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Apps Script Execution API - script v1

An API for executing Google Apps Script projects.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Site Verification API - siteVerification v1

Verifies ownership of websites or domains with Google.

Official API documentation:

Logo Cloud Storage JSON API - storage v1

Stores and retrieves potentially large, immutable data objects.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Storage Transfer API - storagetransfer v1

Transfers data from external data sources to a Google Cloud Storage bucket or between Google Cloud Storage buckets.

Official API documentation:

Logo Tag Manager API - tagmanager v1

Accesses Tag Manager accounts and containers.

Official API documentation:

Logo Tasks API - tasks v1

Lets you manage your tasks and task lists.

Official API documentation:

Logo Translate API - translate v2

Lets you translate text from one language to another

Official API documentation:

Logo URL Shortener API - urlshortener v1

Lets you create, inspect, and manage short URLs

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Fonts Developer API - webfonts v1

Accesses the metadata for all families served by Google Fonts, providing a list of families currently available (including available styles and a list of supported script subsets).

Official API documentation:

Logo Search Console API - webmasters v3

Lets you view Google Search Console data for your verified sites.

Official API documentation:

Logo YouTube Data API - youtube v3

Programmatic access to YouTube features.

Official API documentation:

Logo YouTube Analytics API - youtubeAnalytics v1

Retrieves your YouTube Analytics reports.

Official API documentation:

Logo YouTube Reporting API - youtubereporting v1

Schedules reporting jobs and downloads the resulting bulk data reports about YouTube channels, videos, etc. in the form of CSV files.

Official API documentation:




Weekly Downloads

Auto-generated client libraries for accessing the following APIs:adexchangebuyer:v1.3, adexchangebuyer:v1.4, adexchangeseller:v1.1, adexchangeseller:v2.0, admin:datatransfer_v1, admin:directory_v1, admin:reports_v1, adsense:v1.4, adsensehost:v4.1, analytics:v3, androidenterprise:v1, androidpublisher:v2, appsactivity:v1, appstate:v1, bigquery:v2, blogger:v3, books:v1, calendar:v3, civicinfo:v2, classroom:v1, cloudbilling:v1, clouddebugger:v2, cloudlatencytest:v2, cloudresourcemanager:v1, cloudtrace:v1, compute:v1, container:v1, content:v2, content:v2sandbox, coordinate:v1, customsearch:v1, dataproc:v1, deploymentmanager:v2, dfareporting:v1.3, dfareporting:v2.0, dfareporting:v2.1, dfareporting:v2.2, dfareporting:v2.3, dfareporting:v2.4, discovery:v1, dns:v1, doubleclickbidmanager:v1, doubleclicksearch:v2, drive:v2, drive:v3, fitness:v1, freebase:v1, fusiontables:v1, fusiontables:v2, games:v1, gamesConfiguration:v1configuration, gamesManagement:v1management, genomics:v1, gmail:v1, groupsmigration:v1, groupssettings:v1, iam:v1, identitytoolkit:v3, kgsearch:v1, licensing:v1, mirror:v1, oauth2:v2, pagespeedonline:v1, pagespeedonline:v2, partners:v2, people:v1, playmoviespartner:v1, plus:v1, plusDomains:v1, prediction:v1.6, pubsub:v1, qpxExpress:v1, reseller:v1, reseller:v1sandbox, script:v1, siteVerification:v1, storage:v1, storagetransfer:v1, tagmanager:v1, tasks:v1, translate:v2, urlshortener:v1, webfonts:v1, webmasters:v3, youtube:v3, youtubeAnalytics:v1, youtubereporting:v1



unknown (license)


_discoveryapis_commons, crypto, http


Packages that depend on googleapis