hotreloader 4.3.0 copy "hotreloader: ^4.3.0" to clipboard
hotreloader: ^4.3.0 copied to clipboard

Automatic hot code reloader for Dart projects that monitors the source files of a Dart project for changes and automatically applies them to the running Dart process.


hotreloader_example (Dart) #

  1. What is it?
  2. Requirements
  3. How to use
  4. License

What is it? #

Demo project for the hotreloader Dart library.

Requirements #

Dart SDK 3.0.0 or higher.

How to use #

Execute dart --enable-vm-service bin/main_dev.dart. This will start the demo application in development mode with hot code reload enabled:

Observatory listening on
2020-04-09 12:33:53.877085 CONFIG [main] hotreloader: Watching [D:\dart-hotreloader\example\.packages] with [PollingFileWatcher]...
2020-04-09 12:33:53.883532 CONFIG [main] hotreloader: Watching [D:\dart-hotreloader\example\bin] with [WindowsDirectoryWatcher]...
2020-04-09 12:33:53.890973 CONFIG [main] hotreloader: Watching [D:\dart-hotreloader\example\dummylib_v1\lib] with [WindowsDirectoryWatcher]...
2020-04-09 12:33:53.891931 CONFIG [main] hotreloader: Watching [D:\dart-hotreloader\example\lib] with [WindowsDirectoryWatcher]...
2020-04-09 12:33:53.893419 CONFIG [main] hotreloader: Watching [D:\dart-hotreloader\example\test] with [PollingDirectoryWatcher]...
2020-04-09 12:33:53.897411 CONFIG [main] hotreloader: Watching [D:\dart-hotreloader\lib] with [WindowsDirectoryWatcher]...
getSystemInfo(): Date: 2020-04-09 12:33:54.900277 | Counter: 0 | Dummy Lib Version: v1
getSystemInfo(): Date: 2020-04-09 12:33:55.901058 | Counter: 1 | Dummy Lib Version: v1

Things to try out now:

  1. Change a source file of the example project.

    Open the file lib/src/utils.dart, modify the function getSystemInfo(), save the file and see the application reload automatically in the console.

    getSystemInfo(): Date: 2020-04-09 12:35:41.120626 | Counter: 14 | Dummy Lib Version: v1
    getSystemInfo(): Date: 2020-04-09 12:35:42.121742 | Counter: 15 | Dummy Lib Version: v1
    2020-04-09 12:35:42.134138 INFO [main] hotreloader: Change detected: type=[modify] path=[D:\dart-hotreloader\example\lib\src\utils.dart]
    2020-04-09 12:35:42.136124 INFO [main] hotreloader: Hot-reloading code...
    2020-04-09 12:35:42.582558 INFO [main] hotreloader: Hot-reloading code succeeded.
    getSystemInfo(): Date: 2020-04-09 12:35:43.124141 | Counter: 16 | Dummy Lib Version: v1 | Hello!!
    getSystemInfo(): Date: 2020-04-09 12:35:44.125226 | Counter: 17 | Dummy Lib Version: v1 | Hello!!
  2. Change a source file of a library referenced as dependency in the example project's pubspec.yaml.

    Open the file dummylib_v1/dummylib.dart, modify the function getVersion(), save the file and see the application reload automatically in the console.

    getSystemInfo(): Date: 2020-04-09 12:3/:29.174666 | Counter: 45 | Dummy Lib Version: v1 | Hello!!
    getSystemInfo(): Date: 2020-04-09 12:3/:30.178587 | Counter: 46 | Dummy Lib Version: v1 | Hello!!
    2020-04-09 12:37:30.701152 INFO [main] hotreloader: Change detected: type=[modify] path=[D:\dart-hotreloader\example\dummylib_v1\lib\dummylib.dart]
    2020-04-09 12:37:30.702641 INFO [main] hotreloader: Hot-reloading code...
    2020-04-09 12:37:31.158463 INFO [main] hotreloader: Hot-reloading code succeeded.
    getSystemInfo(): Date: 2020-04-09 12:37:31.181965 | Counter: 47 | Dummy Lib Version: v1-CHANGED! | Hello!!
    getSystemInfo(): Date: 2020-04-09 12:37:32.182957 | Counter: 48 | Dummy Lib Version: v1-CHANGED! | Hello!!
    getSystemInfo(): Date: 2020-04-09 12:37:33.186126 | Counter: 49 | Dummy Lib Version: v1-CHANGED! | Hello!!
  3. Change the version of a referenced library in the example project's pubspec.yaml.

    Open the pubspec.yaml and upgrade the version of the referenced dummylib package by changing the line path: ./dummylib_v1 to path: ./dummylib_v2.

    Then run the command pub get:

    D:\dart-hotreloader\example\> pub get
    Resolving dependencies...
    * dummylib 2.0.0 from path dummylib_v2 (was 1.0.0 from path dummylib_v1)
    Changed 1 dependency!
    getSystemInfo(): Date: 2020-04-09 12:39:33.357493 | Counter: 61 | Dummy Lib Version: v1-CHANGED! | Hello!!
    getSystemInfo(): Date: 2020-04-09 12:39:34.359268 | Counter: 62 | Dummy Lib Version: v1-CHANGED! | Hello!!
    2020-04-09 12:39:35.322030 INFO [main] hotreloader: Change detected: type=[modify] path=[D:\dart-hotreloader\example\.packages]
    2020-04-09 12:39:35.323533 INFO [main] hotreloader: Hot-reloading code...
    getSystemInfo(): Date: 2020-04-09 12:39:35.763598 | Counter: 63 | Dummy Lib Version: v2 | Hello!!
    2020-04-09 12:39:35.768549 INFO [main] hotreloader: Stopping to watch paths...
    2020-04-09 12:39:35.780544 CONFIG [main] hotreloader: Watching [D:\dart-hotreloader\example\.packages] with [PollingFileWatcher]...
    2020-04-09 12:39:35.783024 CONFIG [main] hotreloader: Watching [D:\dart-hotreloader\example\bin] with [WindowsDirectoryWatcher]...
    2020-04-09 12:39:35.786528 CONFIG [main] hotreloader: Watching [D:\dart-hotreloader\example\dummylib_v2\lib] with [WindowsDirectoryWatcher]...
    2020-04-09 12:39:35.788016 CONFIG [main] hotreloader: Watching [D:\dart-hotreloader\example\lib] with [WindowsDirectoryWatcher]...
    2020-04-09 12:39:35.789504 CONFIG [main] hotreloader: Watching [D:\dart-hotreloader\example\test] with [PollingDirectoryWatcher]...
    2020-04-09 12:39:35.791488 CONFIG [main] hotreloader: Watching [D:\dart-hotreloader\lib] with [WindowsDirectoryWatcher]...
    2020-04-09 12:39:35.792892 INFO [main] hotreloader: Hot-reloading code succeeded.
    getSystemInfo(): Date: 2020-04-09 12:39:36.766006 | Counter: 64 | Dummy Lib Version: v2 | Hello!!
    getSystemInfo(): Date: 2020-04-09 12:39:37.768430 | Counter: 65 | Dummy Lib Version: v2 | Hello!!

License #

All files are released under the Apache License 2.0.




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Automatic hot code reloader for Dart projects that monitors the source files of a Dart project for changes and automatically applies them to the running Dart process.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


Apache-2.0 (license)


collection, logging, path, stream_transform, vm_service, watcher


Packages that depend on hotreloader