http_client_helper 0.1.3
http_client_helper: ^0.1.3 copied to clipboard
A Flutter plugin for http request with cancel and retry fuctions.
http_client_helper #
A Flutter plugin for http request with cancel and retry fuctions.
Usage #
To use this plugin, add http_client_helper
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
Example #
cancellationToken = new CancellationToken();
try {
await HttpClientHelper.get(url,
cancelToken: cancellationToken,
millisecondsDelay: 1000,
retries: 10)
.then((response) {
setState(() {
msg = response.body;
} on OperationCanceledError catch (e) {
setState(() {
msg = "cancel";
} catch (e) {
If you need other method of http, you can do it with RetryHelper and CancellationToken as you wish. as follow
static Future<Response> get(url,
{Map<String, String> headers,
CancellationToken cancelToken,
int millisecondsDelay = 100,
int retries = 3}) async {
return await RetryHelper.tryRun<Response>(() {
return CancellationTokenSource.register(
cancelToken, _httpClient.get(url, headers: headers));
cancelToken: cancelToken,
millisecondsDelay: millisecondsDelay,
retries: retries);
Please see the example app of this plugin for a full example.