http_client_helper 0.2.1
http_client_helper: ^0.2.1 copied to clipboard
A Flutter plugin for http request with cancel and retry fuctions.
[0.2.1] #
- public HttpClientHelper.httpClient, so that you can new client base on your case. dart:io =>IOClient dart:html=>BrowserClient
[0.2.0] #
- add OnTimeout onTimeout parameter for all method
[0.1.8] #
- add other method of http
[0.1.7] #
- add timeLimit for timeout
[0.1.5] #
- format code
[0.1.4] #
- remove map to string for post
[0.1.3] #
- make all http_client_helper darts as library http_client_helper
[0.1.2] #
- Fix retries for retry helper.
[0.1.1] #
- Handle map body.
[0.1.0] #
- Upgrade Some Commments.
[0.0.1] #
- Initial Open Source release.