io 1.0.4 copy "io: ^1.0.4" to clipboard
io: ^1.0.4 copied to clipboard

Utilities for the Dart VM Runtime including support for ANSI colors, file copying, and standard exit code values.

ci pub package package publisher

Contains utilities for the Dart VM's dart:io.

Usage - io.dart #

Files #


Returns whether a provided file path is considered executable on the host operating system.

Processes #


An enum-like class that contains known exit codes.


A higher-level service for spawning and communicating with processes.

Use spawn to create a process with std[in|out|err] forwarded by default
Future<void> main() async {
  final manager = ProcessManager();

  // Print `dart` tool version to stdout.
  print('** Running `dart --version`');
  var spawn = await manager.spawn('dart', ['--version']);
  await spawn.exitCode;

  // Check formatting and print the result to stdout.
  print('** Running `dart format --output=none .`');
  spawn = await manager.spawn('dart', ['format', '--output=none', '.']);
  await spawn.exitCode;

  // Check if a package is ready for publishing.
  // Upon hitting a blocking stdin state, you may directly
  // output to the processes's stdin via your own, similar to how a bash or
  // shell script would spawn a process.
  print('** Running pub publish');
  spawn = await manager.spawn('dart', ['pub', 'publish', '--dry-run']);
  await spawn.exitCode;

  // Closes stdin for the entire program.
  await sharedStdIn.terminate();


A safer version of the default stdin stream from dart:io that allows a subscriber to cancel their subscription, and then allows a new subscriber to start listening. This differs from the default behavior where only a single listener is ever allowed in the application lifecycle:

test('should allow multiple subscribers', () async {
  final logs = <String>[];
  final asUtf8 = sharedStdIn.transform(UTF8.decoder);
  // Wait for input for the user.
  logs.add(await asUtf8.first);
  // Wait for more input for the user.
  logs.add(await asUtf8.first);
  expect(logs, ['Hello World', 'Goodbye World']);

For testing, an instance of SharedStdIn may be created directly.

Usage - ansi.dart #

import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:io/ansi.dart';

void main() {
  // To use one style, call the `wrap` method on one of the provided top-level
  // values.
  io.stderr.writeln(red.wrap("Bad error!"));

  // To use multiple styles, call `wrapWith`.
  print(wrapWith('** Important **', [red, styleBold, styleUnderlined]));

  // The wrap functions will simply return the provided value unchanged if
  // `ansiOutputEnabled` is false.
  // You can override the value `ansiOutputEnabled` by wrapping code in
  // `overrideAnsiOutput`.
  overrideAnsiOutput(false, () {
    assert('Normal text' == green.wrap('Normal text'));

Publishing automation #

For information about our publishing automation and process, see

pub points



Utilities for the Dart VM Runtime including support for ANSI colors, file copying, and standard exit code values.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


meta, path, string_scanner


Packages that depend on io