irondash_engine_context 0.5.4
irondash_engine_context: ^0.5.4 copied to clipboard
Easy access to FlutterView, FlutterBinaryMessenger and FlutterTextureRegistry for FFI.
irondash_engine_context #
Flutter plugin that provides access to Flutter engine components (like view or texture registrar) from native code.
Example #
Dart code:
import 'package:irondash_engine_context/irondash_engine_context.dart';
final handle = await EngineContext.instance.getEngineHandle();
// pass the handle native code (i.e. through FFI).
Rust code:
use irondash_engine_context::EngineContext;
let context = EngineContext::get().unwrap();
let flutter_view = context.get_flutter_view(handle);
let texture_registry = context.get_texture_registry(handle);
On Android, EngineContext can provide JavaVM instance and class loader that has loaded Flutter application:
let java_vm = EngineContext::get_java_vm()?;
let class_loader = EngineContext::get_class_loader()?;