lucide_icons_flutter 1.2.7
lucide_icons_flutter: ^1.2.7 copied to clipboard
A Lucide (v0.475.0) icon library package for Flutter applications. Fork of Feather Icons, open for anyone to contribute icons.
1.2.7 #
1.2.6 #
1.2.4 #
1.2.3 #
v 0.454.0 Make LucideIcons Constructor Private @alessandro-amos
1.2.0 #
v 0.451.0
1.2.0 #
v 0.445.0
1.1.9 #
v 0.440.0
1.1.8 #
New icons 0.440.0
1.1.4 #
New icons 🎨 map-pin-check-inside (#2301) by @karsa-mistmere map-pin-check (#2301) by @karsa-mistmere map-pin-minus-inside (#2301) by @karsa-mistmere map-pin-minus (#2301) by @karsa-mistmere map-pin-plus-inside (#2301) by @karsa-mistmere map-pin-plus (#2301) by @karsa-mistmere map-pin-x-inside (#2301) by @karsa-mistmere map-pin-x (#2301) by @karsa-mistmere square-square (#2241) by @jguddas
Modified Icons 🔨 chart-column-increasing (#2334) by @jguddas map-pin-off (#2301) by @karsa-mistmere map-pin (#2301) by @karsa-mistmere map-pinned (#2301) by @karsa-mistmere
1.1.3 #
New icons 🎨 chart-area (#2219) by @karsa-mistmere chart-bar-decreasing (#2219) by @karsa-mistmere chart-bar-increasing (#2219) by @karsa-mistmere chart-bar-stacked (#2219) by @karsa-mistmere chart-column-big (#2219) by @karsa-mistmere chart-column-increasing (#2219) by @karsa-mistmere chart-column-stacked (#2219) by @karsa-mistmere chart-network (#2219) by @karsa-mistmere chart-no-axes-combined (#2219) by @karsa-mistmere chart-spline (#2219) by @karsa-mistmere dog (#2249) by @jguddas key-square (#2277) by @jguddas dam (#2233) by @AndreasSas letter-text (#2252) by @GRA0007 philippine-peso (#2231) by @kasutu calendar-minus (#2265) by @jguddas eye-off (#2317) by @karsa-mistmere eye (#2317) by @karsa-mistmere image-plus (#2321) by @jguddas scan-eye (#2317) by @karsa-mistmere view (#2317) by @karsa-mistmere monitor-cog (#2310) by @karsa-mistmere calendar-arrow-down (#2307) by @karsa-mistmere calendar-arrow-up (#2307) by @karsa-mistmere clock-arrow-down (#2307) by @karsa-mistmere clock-arrow-up (#2307) by @karsa-mistmere type-outline (#2206) by @karsa-mistmere user-pen (#2303) by @karsa-mistmere user-round-pen (#2303) by @karsa-mistmere folder-code (#2276) by @jguddas list-check (#2291) by @guanboo-yang wifi-high (#2157) by @VirtCode wifi-low (#2157) by @VirtCode wifi-zero (#2157) by @VirtCode scan-qr-code (#2247) by @vexkiddy
1.1.2 #
New icons 🎨 printer-check (#2258) by @jguddas logs (#2257) by @AndreasSas cloud-moon-rain (#2250) by @jguddas save-off (#2260) by @AndreasSas signature (#2248) by @AndreasSas cloud-moon (#2251) by @jguddas house-plug (#2123) by @jguddas house-plus (#2221) by @karsa-mistmere armchair (#2228) by @karsa-mistmere sofa (#2228) by @karsa-mistmere guitar (#2133) by @jguddas mic-vocal (#2198) by @jguddas pin-off (#2211) by @jguddas pin (#2210) by @jguddas quote (#2212) by @jguddas
1.1.0 #
New icons 🎨 key (#2067) by @jguddas