markdown 7.2.2 copy "markdown: ^7.2.2" to clipboard
markdown: ^7.2.2 copied to clipboard

A portable Markdown library written in Dart that can parse Markdown into HTML.

7.2.2 #

  • Fix a crash parsing alert block syntax (#584).
  • Have alert block syntax support multiple paragraphs (#577).
  • Require Dart ^3.2.0.

7.2.1 #

  • Address a termination issue with GitHub alert syntax parsing.

7.2.0 #

  • Require Dart ^3.1.0.
  • Update all CommonMark specification links to 0.30.
  • Fix beginning of line detection in AutolinkExtensionSyntax.
  • Add a new syntax AlertBlockSyntax to parse GitHub Alerts.

7.1.1 #

  • Fix delimiter row matching pattern for tables.
  • Tables are now able to interrupt other blocks.
  • Fix an obscure issue with HtmlBlockSyntax.

7.1.0 #

  • Support for footnotes.
  • Fixed bug causing infinite loop for links inside tables.

7.0.2 #

  • Require Dart 2.19
  • Fix an issue in HeaderWithIdSyntax, do not generate heading IDs for headings with no content.

7.0.1 #

  • Remove RegExp lookarounds from autolink extension patterns. (Fixes issues when running on Safari.)

7.0.0 #

  • Breaking change: close() of DelimiterSyntax and LinkSyntax returns multiple nodes instead of single one.
  • Breaking change: Remove deprecated APIs, including TagSyntax, indicatorForCheckedCheckBox, and indicatorForUncheckedCheckBox.
  • Breaking change: Removed BlockHtmlSyntax, BlockTagBlockHtmlSyntax, LongBlockHtmlSyntax, and OtherTagBlockHtmlSyntax.
  • Breaking change: Change the line properties of type String to Line.
  • Breaking change: Change the lines properties of type List<String> to List<Line>.
  • Add a new syntax HtmlBlockSyntax to parse HTML blocks.
  • Add an enableTagfilter option to HtmlRenderer to eanble GFM tagfilter extension.
  • Add a new syntax DecodeHtmlSyntax to decode HTML entity and numeric character references.
  • Add a new syntax SoftLineBreakSyntax to remove the single space before the line ending.
  • Add a new syntax EscapeHtmlSyntax to encode ("), (<), (>) and (&).
  • Add an option caseSensitive to TextSyntax.
  • Add a new public method parse(String text) for Document.
  • Add a new public method parseLineList(List<Line> text) for Document.
  • Add a new type: Line.
  • Add a new optional parameter parentSyntax for parseLines() of BlockParser, which can be used when parsing nested blocks.
  • Add a new optional parameter disabledSetextHeading for parseLines() of BlockParser, which is used to disable the SetextHeaderSyntax.
  • Add a new public property previousSyntax for BlockParser.

6.0.1 #

  • Fix a crash in checkbox lists when mixing checkbox items with non-checkbox items.

6.0.0 #

  • Require Dart 2.17
  • Add support to GFM extension for GitHub task lists (aka checkboxes). These are only active in the gitHubFlavored and gitHubWeb extension sets.
  • Add support for #ff0000 color swatches.
  • Change emoji list do be derived from the GitHub API. The only two emoji that visually change are :cricket: and :beetle:. There are alternate emoji :cricket_game: and :lady_beetle: which can be used to access the previous emoji. update_github_emoji.dart now pulls all emoji info directly from GitHub API and as a result we have now support the entire GitHub emoji set (excluding the 19 custom GitHub specific emoji which have no Unicode support).
  • Breaking change: The TagSyntax is deprecated.
  • Add new syntax DelimiterSyntax.
  • Breaking change: StrikethroughSyntax now extends DelimiterSyntax instead of TagSyntax.
  • Breaking change: LinkSyntax now extends DelimiterSyntax instead of TagSyntax.
  • Add two new emphasis syntaxes EmphasisSyntax.underscore and EmphasisSyntax.asterisk.

5.0.0 #

  • Breaking change: Change the type of parseInline's parameter from String? to String.
  • Fix table-rendering bug when table rows have trailing whitespace. #368.
  • Do not allow reference link labels to contain left brackets. Thanks @chenzhiguang. #335.
  • Treat lines matching a code block syntax as continuations of paragraphs, inside blockquotes. Thanks @chenzhiguang. #358.
  • Add a syntax for GitLab-flavored fenced blockquotes. GitLab-flavored Markdown will be evaluated into an ExtensionSet, in a future release. Thanks @chenzhiguang. #359.
  • Add bool withDefaultInlineSyntaxes and bool withDefaultBlockSyntaxes parameters to markdownToHtml and Document to support the case of specifying exactly the list of desired syntaxes. Thanks @chenzhiguang. #393.

4.0.1 #

  • Export src/emojis.dart in public API.
  • Update version of example page.
  • Internal: enforce lint rules found in the lints package.
  • Bump io dependency to ^1.0.0.

4.0.0 #

  • Stable null safety release.
  • Require the latest args, update the markdown executable to be opted in.

4.0.0-nullsafety.0 #

  • Migrate package to Dart's null safety language feature, requiring Dart 2.12 or higher.
  • Breaking change: The TagSyntax constructor no longer takes an end parameter. TagSyntax no longer implements onMatchEnd. Instead, TagSyntax implements a method called close which creates and returns a Node, if a Node can be created and closed at the current position. If the TagSyntax instance cannot create a Node at the current position, the method should return null. Some TagSyntax subclasses will unconditionally create a tag in close, while others may be unable to, such as LinkSyntax, if an inline or reference link could not be resolved.
  • Improved parsing of nested links, images, and emphasis. CommonMark compliance of emphasis-parsing improves to 99%, and link-parsing compliance rises to 93%. Overall compliance improves to 94% and overall GitHub-flavored Markdown improves to 93%.

3.0.0 #

  • Breaking change: Remove ListSyntax.removeLeadingEmptyLine, ListSyntax.removeTrailingEmptyLines, TableSyntax.parseAlignments, TableSyntax.parseRow.
  • Allow intra-word strikethrough in GFM (#300).
  • Breaking change: Change BlockSyntax.canEndBlock from a getter to a method accepting a BlockParser.

2.1.8 #

  • Deprecate the public methods ListSyntax.removeLeadingEmptyLine, ListSyntax.removeTrailingEmptyLines, TableSyntax.parseAlignments, TableSyntax.parseRow. These will be made private in a major version bump as early as 3.0.0.

2.1.7 #

  • Add dependency on the meta package

2.1.6 #

  • Fix for custom link resolvers (#295).
  • Add missing HTML 5 block-level items (#294).

2.1.5 #

  • Overhaul table row parsing. This does not have many consequences, except that whitespace around escaped pipes is handled better. (#287).

2.1.4 #

  • Correctly parse a reference link with a newline in the link reference part (#281).

2.1.3 #

  • Do not encode HTML in link URLs. Also do not encode HTML in link text when encodeHtml is false (e.g. when used in Flutter).

2.1.2 #

  • Drop support for Dart 2.0.0 through 2.1.0.
  • Recognize Unicode ellipsis (…) and other Unicode punctuation as punctuation when parsing potential emphasis.
  • Reduce time to parse a large HTML-block-free Markdown document (such as that in #271) by more than half.
  • Add a new optional parameter for InlineSyntax(), startCharacter, where a subclass can specify a single character to try to match, before matching with more expensive regular expressions.

2.1.1 #

  • Fix for encoding HTML for text string that contains <pre> (#263).

2.1.0 #

  • Improve strict spec compliance of > handling by always encoding as &gt; – unless preceded by /.
  • Improve strict spec compliance for blockquote by always putting the closing tag on a new line.
  • Improve strict spec compliance for code elements defined with "`".
  • Properly encode <, >, and " as their respective HTML entities when interpreted as text.
  • Improve inline code parsing when using multiple backticks.
  • Do not encode HTML in indented code blocks when encodeHtml is false (e.g. when used in Flutter).

2.0.3 #

  • Render element attributes in the order they were defined. Aligns more closely with the strict spec definition.
  • Correctly render & within inline image titles.
  • Add 68 new GitHub emoji.
  • Escape HTML attribute for fenced code blocks, in the info string.

2.0.2 #

  • Set max SDK version to <3.0.0, and adjust other dependencies.

2.0.1 #

  • Require Dart 2.0.0-dev.

2.0.0 #

  • Breaking change: The Link class has been renamed LinkReference, and the Document field, refLinks, has been renamed linkReferences.

  • Breaking change: Remove the deprecated ExtensionSet.gitHub field. Use ExtensionSet.gitHubFlavored instead.

  • Breaking change: Make all of the fields on Document read-only.

  • Overhaul support for emphasis (*foo* and _foo_) and strong emphasis (**foo** and __foo__), dramatically improving CommonMark compliance.

  • Overhaul support for links and images, again dramatically improving CommonMark compliance.

  • Improve support for tab characters, and horizontal rules.

  • Add support for GitHub Flavored Markdown's Strikethrough extension. See the GFM spec.

  • The above fixes raise compliance with the CommonMark specs to 93%, and compliance with the GFM specs to 92%.

  • Add an encodeHtml parameter to Document, which defaults to true. When false, HTML entities (such as &copy; and the < character) will not be escaped, useful when rendering Markdown in some output format other than HTML.

  • Allow the binary script to take a --extension-set option.

    A reminder: You can run bin/markdown.dart from anywhere via:

    $ pub global activate markdown
    $ markdown

1.1.1 #

  • Add support for GitHub's colon-based Emoji syntax. 🎉! This is available in the gitHubWeb extension set.

1.1.0 #

  • Make the constructor for ExtensionSet public, for tools like dartdoc.
  • Split the gitHub ExtensionSet into two sets: gitHubFlavored, which represents the GitHub Flavored Markdown spec, and gitHubWeb, which represents what GitHub actually renders Markdown.

1.0.0 #

  • Fix issue where accept could cause an exception.
  • Remove deprecated escapeHtml function.
  • Fix compliance with auto-links, including support for email addresses.
  • Updated ExtensionSet.gitHub to more closely align with GitHub markdown.

0.11.4 #

  • Fix bug with lazy blockquote continuations (#162)
  • Fix bug with list item continuations (#156)

0.11.3 #

  • Deprecate escapeHtml. This code exists in dart:convert.

0.11.2 #

  • Fix reference code links inside blockquotes.
  • Add src/util.dart to exports.

0.11.1 #

  • Add version information:
    • dart bin/markdown.dart --version now shows the package version number.
    • The playground app now shows the version number.
  • Improve autolink parsing.
  • Add new table syntax: TableSyntax.
  • Add new ExtensionSet that includes the table syntax: ExtensionSet.gitHub.
  • For development: added tool/
  • Support multiline Setext headers.
  • Handle loose-vs-strict list items better.
  • Support ordered lists that start with a number other than 1.

0.11.0+1 #

0.11.0 #

  • Parse HTML blocks more accurately, according to CommonMark.
  • Support shortcut reference links.
  • Don't allow an indented code block to interrupt a paragraph.
  • Change definition of "loose" and "strict" lists (items wrapped in paragraph tags vs not) to CommonMark's. The primary difference is that any single list item can trigger the entire list to be marked as "loose", rather than defining "looseness" on each specific item.
  • Fix paragraph continuations in blockquotes and list items.
  • Fix silly typing bug with tool/common_mark_stats.dart, which resulted in a dramatic overestimate of our CommonMark compliance.
  • There are now 427/613 (69%) passing CommonMark v0.25 specs.

0.10.1 #

  • Parse hard line breaks properly (#86). Thanks @mehaase!
  • Fix processing of [ ... ] syntax when no resolver is specified (#92).
  • There are now 401/613 (65%) passing CommonMark v0.24 specs. (Actually: after 0f64c8f the actual number of passing tests was 352/613 (57%).)

0.10.0 #

  • BREAKING: Now following the CommonMark spec for fenced code blocks. If a language (info string) is provided, it is added as a class to the code element with a language- prefix.
  • BREAKING: Now following the CommonMark spec for images. Previously, ![text](img.png) would compile too <a href="img.prg"><img src="img.prg" alt="text"></img></a>. That same code will now compile to <img src="img.png" alt="text" />.
  • Fix all strong mode errors.

0.9.0 #

  • BREAKING: The text [foo] (bar) no longer renders as an inline link (#53).
  • BREAKING: Change list parsing to allow lists to begin immediately after a preceding block element, without a blank line in between.
  • Formalize an API for Markdown extensions (#43).
  • Introduce ExtensionSets. FencedCodeBlock is considered an extension, but existing usage of markdownToHtml() and new Document() will use the default extension set, which is ExtensionSet.commonMark, which includes FencedCodeBlock.
  • Inline HTML syntax support; This is also considered an extension (#18).
  • The text [foo]() now renders as an inline link.
  • Whitespace now allowed between a link's destination and title (#65).
  • Header identifier support in the HeaderWithIdSyntax and SetextHeaderWithIdSyntax extensions.
  • Implement backslash-escaping so that Markdown syntax can be escaped, such as [foo]\(bar) ==> <p>[foo](bar)</p>.
  • Support for hard line breaks with either \\\n or \n (#30, #60).
  • New public method for BlockParser: peek(int linesAhead), meant for use in subclasses.
  • New public members for ListSyntax: blocksInList and determineBlockItems(), meant for use in subclasses.
  • Improve public docs (better, and more of them).

0.8.0 #

  • Breaking: Remove (probably unused) fields: LinkSyntax.resolved, InlineParser.currentSource.
  • Switch tests to use test instead of unittest.
  • Fix a few bugs in inline code syntax.
  • Ignore underscores inside words (#41).

0.7.2 #

  • Allow resolving links that contain inline syntax (#42).

0.7.1+3 #

  • Updated homepage.

0.7.1+2 #

  • Formatted code.

  • Updated readme.

pub points



A portable Markdown library written in Dart that can parse Markdown into HTML.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


args, meta


Packages that depend on markdown