math_expressions 0.0.3
math_expressions: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard
A math library for parsing and evaluating expressions in real, interval and vector contexts. Also supports simplification and differentiation.
import 'package:math_expressions/math_expressions.dart';
import 'dart:math' as Math;
//TODO Documentation
//TODO Extend and offer CLI/Web Interface
void main() {
* Example 1: Expression creation and evaluation
void _example1() {
// (1a) Parse expression:
Parser p = new Parser();
Expression exp = p.parse("(x^2 + cos(y)) / 3");
// (1b) Build expression: (x^2 + cos(y)) / 3
Variable x = new Variable('x'), y = new Variable('y');
Power xSquare = new Power(x, 2);
Cos yCos = new Cos(y);
Number three = new Number(3.0);
exp = (xSquare + yCos) / three;
// (2) Bind variables:
ContextModel cm = new ContextModel();
cm.bindGlobalVariable(x, new Number(2.0));
cm.bindGlobalVariable(y, new Number(Math.PI));
// (3) Evaluate expression:
double eval = exp.evaluate(EvaluationType.REAL, cm);
print(eval); // = 1
* Example 2: Expression simplification and derivation
void _example2() {
Parser p = new Parser();
Expression exp = p.parse("x*1 - (-5)");
print(exp); // = ((x * 1.0) - -(5.0))
print(exp.simplify()); // = (x + 5.0)
Expression expDerived = exp.derive('x');
print(expDerived); // = (((x * 0.0) + (1.0 * 1.0)) - -(0.0))
print(expDerived.simplify()); // = 1.0
void _example3() {
//TODO move to functional tests.
Parser p = new Parser();
Expression exp = p.parse("x * 2^2.5 * log(10)(100)");
ContextModel cm = new ContextModel();
cm.bindGlobalVariableName('x', new Number(1.0));
double eval = exp.evaluate(EvaluationType.REAL, cm);
void _expressionTest() {
Expression x = new Variable('x'), a = new Variable('a'), b = new Variable('b'), c = new Variable('c');
//Expression pow = new Power(x, new Number(2));
//Expression e = a+b;
//Expression e = a*pow+b*x+c;
//Expression e = a*x*x+b*x+c;
Expression exp = new Power('x', 2);
Expression mul = new Times('x', 'x');
print('exp: ${exp.toString()}');
print('expD: ${exp.derive('x').toString()}');
print('expDSimp: ${exp.derive('x').simplify().toString()}');
print('expDSimpDSimp: ${exp.derive('x').simplify().derive('x').simplify().toString()}');
print('expDD: ${exp.derive('x').derive('x').toString()}');
print('expDDSimp: ${exp.derive('x').derive('x').simplify().toString()}');
print('mul: ${mul.toString()}');
print('mulD: ${mul.derive('x').toString()}');
print('mulDSimp: ${mul.derive('x').simplify().toString()}');
Expression div = new Divide(exp, 'x');
print('div: ${div.toString()}');
print('divD: ${div.derive('x').toString()}');
print('divDSimp: ${div.derive('x').simplify().toString()}');
Expression log = new Log(new Number(10), exp);
print('log: ${log.toString()}');
print('logD: ${log.derive('x').toString()}');
print('logDSimp: ${log.derive('x').simplify().toString()}');
Expression expXY = x^a;
print('expXY: ${expXY.toString()}');
print('expXYD: ${expXY.derive('x').toString()}');
print('expXYDsimp: ${expXY.derive('x').simplify().toString()}');
Expression sqrt = new Sqrt(exp);
print('sqrt: ${sqrt.toString()}');
print('sqrtD: ${sqrt.derive('x').toString()}');
print('sqrtDsimpl: ${sqrt.derive('x').simplify().toString()}');
Expression root = new Root(5, exp);
print('root: ${root.toString()}');
print('rootD: ${root.derive('x').toString()}');
print('rootDsimpl: ${root.derive('x').simplify().toString()}');
Expression negate = -exp;
Expression vector = new Vector([x*new Number(1), div, exp]);
print('vector: ${vector}');
print('vectorS: ${vector.simplify()}');
print('vectorSD: ${vector.simplify().derive('x')}');
Expression logVar = new Log(new Number(11), new Variable('x'));
print('logVar: ${logVar.toString()}');
print('logVarD: ${logVar.derive('x').toString()}');
Expression composite = new CompositeFunction(logVar, sqrt);
print('composite: ${composite.toString()}');
print('compositeD: ${composite.derive('x').toString()}');
print('compositeDS: ${composite.derive('x').simplify().toString()}');
Expression fExpr = new Vector([x, new Plus(x,1), new Minus(x,1)]); // Transforms x to 3-dimensional vector
MathFunction f = new CustomFunction('f', [x], fExpr); // R -> R^3
Expression gExpr = x + a + b;
MathFunction g = new CustomFunction('g', [x, a, b], gExpr); // R^3 -> R
composite = new CompositeFunction(f, g); // R -> R
print('composite2: ${composite.toString()}');
void _evaluateTest() {
EvaluationType type = EvaluationType.REAL;
ContextModel context = new ContextModel();
Expression x = new Variable('x');
Expression exp = new Power('x', 2);
Expression mul = new Number(10) * new Number(5);
_print('mul =',mul.evaluate(type, context));
context.bindGlobalVariable(x, new Number(2));
Expression sqrt = new Sqrt(exp);
print('sqrt: ${sqrt.toString()}');
print('sqrtD: ${sqrt.derive('x').toString()}');
print('sqrtDsimpl: ${sqrt.derive('x').simplify().toString()}');
print('sqrtDEval: ${sqrt.derive('x').simplify().evaluate(type, context).toString()}');
print('sqrtEval: ${sqrt.evaluate(type, context).toString()}');
Expression negate = -exp;
print(negate.evaluate(type, context));
Expression vector = new Vector([x*new Number(1), x, exp]);
print('vector: ${vector}');
print('vectorS: ${vector.simplify()}');
print('vectorSD: ${vector.simplify().derive('x')}');
print('vectorS: ${vector.simplify().evaluate(EvaluationType.VECTOR, context)}');
Expression interval1 = new IntervalLiteral(new Number(-1), new Number(4));
Expression interval2 = new IntervalLiteral(new Number(5), new Number(10));
Expression intAdd = (interval1 + interval2);
Expression intMul = (interval1 * interval2);
Expression intDiv = (interval2 / interval1);
print('intAdd: ${intAdd}');
print('intAdd: ${intAdd.simplify().evaluate(EvaluationType.INTERVAL, context)}');
print('intMul: ${intMul}');
print('intMul: ${intMul.simplify().evaluate(EvaluationType.INTERVAL, context)}');
print('intDiv: ${intDiv}');
try {
// This should throw an exception (divide by 0)
print('intDiv: ${intDiv.simplify().evaluate(EvaluationType.INTERVAL, context)}');
} catch (e) {
// expected
void _print(prefix, stuff) => print('$prefix: $stuff');